Friday, January 18, 2013

Levi's Will by Dale Cramer

" Levi's Will' by Dale Cramer gets 5 stars from me. This is a fiction novel based on actual events from the author's own father's past. This story is a stand alone but I am glad that I read it after reading The Daughter's of Caleb Bender first. This story tells about Will running away from his home and leavening a pregnant girlfriend and his father because he feels he cannot measure up to his father's strict Amish ways and his life and his coming back to His father and God but not as an Amish man but as a son to Levi Mullet. The story starts out with Will running away and his brother is with him but his brother returns home. Will changes his name and joins the army and even gets married and has two sons. The chapters in this story goes from the past to the future which I found enjoyable. Riley, Will's son is really hard for Will to understand till Riley goes back to Ohio with Will to bury Levi.  It is then that Will and Riley understand each other better. This story tells about had God never changes but we do and that His grace and forgiveness is ours if we only ask and believe and accept it. This story is an honest look at human feelings and how one actions not only affect you but others as well. I am really sorry that    this book is the ending of the Bender and Mullet's family as I would really like to read more. Dale Cramer wrote so well that I feel that I would like to meet these families. I read and like a lot of stories but I don't remember but two other series by other authors that I wanted the stories to keep coming because I felt like I needed to know more.

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