Thursday, August 31, 2017

"Seasons of a Life " by D.H. Barbara Book Tour and GiveAway

Seasons of Life FB Banner copy
Click here to purchase your copy.

About the Book

Seasons wc cover thumb
Book title: Seasons of a Life
Author: D.H. Barbara
Release date: May, 2017
Genre: Inspirational fiction, family drama, romance
Time passes with little regard of human perspective. At times painfully slow and often it slips past more swiftly than we’d like. Sammie Young is a testimony to the changing of life’s many seasons. As life deals it’s harsh blows, she stands strong. Now, with two of her five children left at home, change whizzes toward her at the speed of light. Frequently down, but never beaten, Sammie steps out in faith to face the new and exciting seasons awaiting her family.
My Review: 
"Seasons of a Life " by D.H. Barbara is a book that I would recommend if you want a compelling rag to riches kind of story.

I really liked the storyline and the characters but it is one that I wouldn't  really consider to be in the Christian genre, yes it is a clean read and the characters go to church and sing worship songs and are christians ( most are, just not the secondary characters).

I really liked the ending and I am going to add the second book in this series to my to be read pile.

There are a couple of scenes that just seem to be wrong to me such as her two sons are 17 and 18 and she had to have "babysitters" when she left them when she went on a date and the one that really surprised me was when she gave them a hug and a kiss when they were going into Sunday School.

The characters both had to learn to leave the past in the past and they both had to  learn forgiveness as well as Sammie's daughter Sunny.

I am giving "Seasons of a Life " by D.H. Barbara three stars!

I was given a complimentary copy by the author and Celebrate Lit and these opinions are my  own.

About the Author
Haropolous5921Writing and storytelling began in elementary school, including rewriting song lyrics. Often, I would rewrite them to God, and my favorite to sing was “You Are the Sunshine of My Life.” I told elaborate tales to my Barbie and Dawn dolls, stuffed animals and imaginary friends. 
My faith is vital to me, and my writing. I write inspirational fiction and fantasy because, frankly, I can’t help myself. I have tried to write without the faith element and it’s next to impossible. I want my story to reflect faith and honest struggles. The plots appear in my mind as if I’m watching a full length feature movie. At times, it’s hard for my fingers to keep up with my brain. I’ve moved from my beloved yellow legal pads and Crystal Bic pens to a keyboard, but the process is the same. I start at the beginning, find a “soundtrack,” and start typing. In the back of my books you’ll find a section titled The Song Behind The Story. Many times, I find a worship or praise song that fits the story perfectly and that becomes the main track I listen to while writing.
If I’m not writing something, I’m reading a wide variety of fiction, nonfiction, theology and apologetics, to name a few. My favorite genres are, by far, science fiction and suspense. Some authors I enjoy are, in no particular order, Susan Sleeman, Anne McCaffrey, C.S. Lewis, Max Lucado, John Jakes, Stephen King, Robin Lee Hatcher, Chautona Havig, Frank Peretti, Randy Alcorn, Dr. Richard Mabry, Tess Gerrison, J.K. Rowling, Peter Tremayne, Elis Peters, oh, the list could go on and on and on! I have the immense pleasure of interacting with some of them online via social media.
Currently, I’m working on completing my Lakeville series. Lakeville is a fictional town in the southeastern corner of Pennsylvania.

Guest Post from D.H. Barbara

Thank you to Celebrate Lit for featuring the first novel in my Lakeville Series, Seasons of a Life, for this tour. I hope many of you enjoy your introduction to Lakeville.
So many people, when they discover my little writing hobby, ask me how I come up with ideas. I then attempt to explain that ideas are literally exploding out of my brain! That usually causes them to search my face with a rather alarmed or concerned expression. Such is the life of an author!
I had no problems writing Seasons of a Life; the story presented itself to me as though I were watching a movie. I even have a soundtrack. That will stay locked in there as I have no musical talent whatsoever. I did have a song that is the theme of the book, which I write about at the end. In each book I have a page that is titled “The Song Behind the Story.”
There is a lot of “me” in Seasons of a Life. While no character, specifically, is me, one is totally based on a wonderful friend. I was blessed to have a Victoria in my life for many years before we moved to Colorado. With the exception of hair color, Victoria is a tribute to my dear friend Diana. Also, the story of the Young Turkey Sandwich is true to my New Jersey mall rat youth. Yumm-ola!
Be Blessed and Dream Big!

Blog Stops

August 26: The Power of Words (spotlight)
August 29: Carpe Diem
August 30: Reading Is My SuperPower (interview)
September 1: Pause for Tales
September 2: Simple Harvest Reads (interview)
September 3: Quiet Quilter
September 4: Christian Bookaholic
September 5: Just the Write Escape
September 6: Mary Hake


Season of a Life giveaway
To celebrate her tour, D.H. Barbara is giving away a Lakeville Beach Bundle tote/beach bag containing: 1 copy Seasons of a Life,1 copy of my book Angels Unaware (inspirational fantasy), 1 sun visor, 1 cold drink bottle, and 1 box of drink flavoring packets!! Click below to enter. Be sure to comment on this post before you enter to claim 9 extra entries!

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

"The Duke’s Dilemma" by Elaine Manders Book Tour and GiveAway

The Dukes Delimma FB Banner copy
Click here to purchase your copy.

About the Book

dukesd (8)
Click to purchase

Book title: The Duke’s Dilemma
Author: Elaine Manders

Release date: May 27, 2017
Genre: Historical Romance, subgenre: Regency
Should he wed the perfect match—or the one he loves?
Edward Dalton, the new Duke of Langsdale, must soon take a wife to ensure the hereditary line. A young war widow seems the perfect choice. She is charming, well respected with impeccable character, and her connections to the Ton’s most important people is an asset he can’t ignore. But Edward is intrigued by another widow. The mysterious, hauntingly beautiful Lady Wayte.
Cassandra Wayte could not be a more unsuitable match. She isn’t received by polite society, and her notorious dealings with London’s underclass is the talk of nobility from White’s patrons to the most fashionable hostesses. It’s even whispered she murdered her elderly husband. But Edward sees a different side of the tragic lady, and he determines to discover the secrets tormenting her. As he peels away the layers of her resistance, he discovers a malevolent adversary stalking Lady Wayte and exposes a level of depravity that shocks even his war-hardened sensibilities. Can he win her trust and her heart? And at what cost to the dukedom?
As Cassandra’s relentless search for her husband’s murderer exposes both her and Edward to unseen dangers, all they can rely on is their love for each other and their faith in God.
My Review:
"The Duke’s Dilemma" by Elaine Manders is book two in the series,The Wolf Deceivers. I have also read book one and both books are standalones. 

I enjoyed this book except a couple of scenes because they were about rape and though they were written without a lot of graphic details, it is a topic that is hard to read about, but then the book is about human trafficking and sex slavery along with a romance.  It also is a who done it, Cassandra's search for her husband's killer.  I was really surprised when the killer was revealed.

My favorite thing about this book is this quote "If the blood of Christ is powerful enough to cover my sins, it can cover anything." 

My favorite character is Sarah, yes I know the story is about Cassandra and Edward, but I think Sarah is just adorable with her matchmaking.

This book is filled with page to page action.

You will either love or hate these characters in this story. I will say when I started reading , I really wasn't sure that I was going to like either Cassandra or Edward because they weren't really nice to each other , not mean but just barely civil to each other.   But  I really liked them both before I read very much. I knew Sarah was going to be my favorite when she is first introduced in the story.

If you like mystery and intrigue and reading about how good can come from bad then " The Duke’s Dilemma" is a book you will like. 

I am giving "The Duke’s Dilemma"by Elaine Manders five stars. 

I was given a complimentary copy by the author and Celebrate Lit. These opinions are my own.

About the Author
photo 3Elaine Manders writes wholesome Christian romance and suspense about the bold, capable women of history and the strong, dependable men who love them. She prefers stories that twist and turn and surprise, told by characters of faith. She lives in Central Georgia with a happy bichon-poodle mix. Besides writing, she enjoys reading, crafts, and spending time with her friends, daughter, and grandchildren.

Guest post from Elaine Manders

Historical romance became my favorite genre back in the seventies and eighties, and one of my favorite settings was Regency England. A Regency can be a romance in the Jane Austin mode or historical romance set during the Regency period. There is a difference, and The Duke’s Dilemma falls into this latter category. Yes, there is some of usual drawing room intrigue in an Austen novel, but The Duke’s Dilemma contains a serious spiritual theme. The plot fitted perfectly into my new series, The Wolf Deceivers.
I wrote the original manuscript nearly twenty years ago as a light, secular romance, but when I revised it to Christian romance, I was delighted to find the inspirational thread deepened the characters. Instead of merely fighting for her reputation while trying to wrest the duke from another woman, Cassandra, the heroine, must fight for her survival. Instead of being another handsome, sardonic nobleman, Edward, the hero, uses his intelligence and grace to protect Cassandra and win her love.
Even the secondary characters captivated me. Little Sarah’s match-making antics suited the Regency theme and provided some levity during the darker moments of the plot. Lady Ashford, Cassandra’s foil, developed a tenacity I had to admire in spite of all her shortcomings. And Sir Harcrumb became a villain I loved to hate.
Though the characters changed a great deal in the retelling, the plot remained basically the same. The only thing I added was a surprise twist at the end—something that has inadvertently become a part of my brand.
Every story is a learning experience for me, and I’m always grateful for how much I learn from my research and from the Holy Spirit. I’ve become more aware of those who deceive, and how vulnerable people, especially young people, are to Satan’s tactics. Also, I’ve unexpectedly come away with a better understanding of PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder). Although this is a new label, we all know it has affected people throughout history.
Yes, The Duke’s Dilemma has taught me much, and I hated to say good-bye to these characters. I love stories that move me during the writing and only ask two things of my books. That they bring enjoyment to my readers and glory to my Lord and Savior, Jesus. I hope this one does both.

Blog Stops

August 23: Blogging With Carol
August 24: Genesis 5020
August 26: Jami’s Words
August 27: Karen Sue Hadley
August 28: Remembrancy
September 1: Pause for Tales
September 1: Caffeinated Reads
September 2: Live. Love. Read.
September 3: Just the Write Escape
September 4: Henry Happens


To celebrate her tour, Elaine is giving away:
Grand prize: $50 Amazon Gift Card
1st place: paperback copies of Books 1 and 2 of the Wolf Deceivers series, The Chieftain’s Choice and The Duke’s Dilemma!!
Click below to enter. Be sure to comment on this post before you enter to claim 9 extra entries!

Monday, August 28, 2017

Author Spotlight With Rachel Skatvold and GiveAway

Introducing Author Rachel Skatvold

Rachel Skatvold is a Christian author and stay-at-home mom from the Midwest. She enjoys writing inspirational romance, devotions, encouraging blogs. Rachel has just finished her first series, the Riley Family Legacy Novellas and is now working on the second book in her new Hart Ranch Series. Other than writing, some of her hobbies include singing, reading and camping in the great outdoors with her husband and two young sons.


1.Where did you get your inspiration for your characters? Grandparents, relatives etc… 

Some aspects of my characters’ personalities are inspired by family members or people I admire. For example, the grandfather in my most recent release, Escaping Reality was inspired by my own Grandfather. He wasn’t a fisherman like the character  in the story but reflected his strong faith in God and enjoyment of the simple things in life.

What book do you WANT to write but know you never will?

My nieces have requested that I write a mystery someday, but I’m not sure if I could do that genre any justice, since I’m used to sweet romances. However, you never know what the future could hold!

Do you set a plot or prefer going wherever an idea takes you?

I usually do set a plot and make an outline, but sometimes the characters take over and the plot changes.  In the end I’ve decided that it’s important to make an outline but keep it flexible and not be afraid to go with a good spur of the moment idea.

4.Do you read much and if so who are your favorite authors?

I love to read! As a busy mom I don’t get as much time to sit down and enjoy a book but when I do get some free time I enjoy historical fiction and sweet Christian romances. Two of my favorite authors are Stephanie Grace Whitson and Karen Kingsbury.

5 Over the years, what would you say has improved significantly in your writing?

I would say my ability to create details in scenes has improved. I hope to make the reader feel they are actually in the story, so this is an area that always has room for improvement.

6 Does a bad review affect your writing?

Bad reviews do sting sometimes, but I try to just look at it as an opportunity to reflect and grow as a writer.

7 How can readers encourage you as an author?

Authors love to hear if someone has loved their books! One of the best things readers can do is leave a review on Amazon or Goodreads. Even just a few simple sentences can brighten an author’s day and help other people discover their books.

8 Tell us about your writing style, how is it different from other writers?

I enjoy writing sweet Christian romance with some suspense mixed in. My books often have cliffhangers at the end of chapters that will keep the reader wondering what will happen next.

9  Is writing the only job you have?

No, my main job is being a stay-at-home mom . We are a homeschooling family, so being a mom and a teacher at the same time keeps me pretty busy. Sometimes it is challenging to find time to write. However, God has blessed me with two wonderful little boys to care for and I think it’s the greatest job in the world.

10  Is there any thing else you would like to tell us about Rachel Skatvold?

Yes, thank you for asking! I’m exciting to announce that the sequel to Escaping Reality will be released early next year. Chasing Embers will focus on Logan’s younger sister, Belle. She has always dreamed of taking over the family ranch but will have her world turned upside down when a fire threatens all she holds dear and a past love returns out of the blue. Readers can find out more about the Hart Ranch Series on my website listed below.

Her Latest Book: 

Fame gave her a reason to hide. Can anyone unlock her guarded heart?

Reality star ADDISON LEWIS had the perfect life in LA. Or so she thought. After her fiancĂ© betrays her she’s left with one option. Escape. But is anywhere safe from the relentless paparazzi?

LOGAN HART is caught off guard when a mysterious young woman becomes stranded at his family’s ranch. Past heartbreak makes him reluctant to let anyone close, but the city girl’s amusing antics draw them together.

While two lonely hearts collide and secrets loom on the horizon, could God be orchestrating something miraculous behind the scenes?

Ebook  GiveAway  of  "Escaping Reality"

Comment below to be enter to win an ebook copy!  Please leave your email so if you are a winner we can notify you!

You Can Find Rachel on these Media Sites

Sunday, August 27, 2017

"Out of Darkness " by Erynn Newman Book Tour and Give Away

To purchase your copy, click here.

About the Book

Book title: Out of Darkness  
Author: Erynn Newman  
Release date: May 18, 2017  
Genre: Romantic suspense

Elisabeth Allen gave her heart to Jesus as a little girl and to Drew Marek as a teenager. When their wedding day finally arrives, it’s the happiest day of her life–until a car bomb transforms her dream come true into a living nightmare. As Best Man at the wedding, Gabriel Di Salvo promises Drew–his best friend and CIA partner–he’ll look after Elisabeth, but he never dreams it will become necessary so soon. As Elisabeth struggles to put the pieces of her life back together without Drew, Gabe becomes her rock, and as they share their grief and begin to heal, their friendship gradually deepens into something more. Three years later, Gabe and Elisabeth are planning a future together when he receives a shocking call from the one man who can upend his happiness: Drew. Suspecting someone at the CIA is behind his abduction, Drew refuses to come home. Instead, he asks Gabe to bring Elisabeth to him. Now Gabe just has to figure out how to let her go. Drew and Elisabeth race across Europe, dodging international arms dealers and attempting to reclaim what was stolen from them. But years of captivity and torture have left their mark on Drew. He is no longer the same boy Elisabeth fell in love with, but he is still her husband, and she’s determined to build something new and leave her relationship with Gabe in the past, if her heart will get the memo. When their enemies close in and the threat of a terrorist attack escalates, Gabe may be the only person they can trust. Drew, Elisabeth, and Gabe are thrown into a fight for their lives–one that will test their loyalties to God, country . . . and each other.  

About the Author

Erynn Newman is a pastor’s kid, raised in churches all over the Eastern Seaboard. Since earning her degree in Christian Studies, she has traveled the world and served as a missionary, a counselor, an ESL teacher, and a nanny. Though she has never worked with the CIA, her DVR contains a veritable Who’s Who of international spies. She is a Carolina girl, a wife, and Mama to a very busy little boy, two cats, and a gaggle of characters that live inside her head.

My Review:  

If you want to read a story that keeps you guessing what is going to happen next and has you saying I really didn't see a certain character being the reason all the action is taking place, then "Out of Darkness " by Erynn Newman is absolutely the next book you must read. Ok, I think you will enjoy "Out of Darkness " without reading "First Light," the prequel novelette that tells the story of how Drew and Elisabeth met and fell in love, but I recommend reading it first. The reason I say read " First Light" is because it is the start of the romance between Drew and Elisabeth and "Out Of Darkness" literally picks up where "First Light" ends. "First Light" and "Out Of Darkness" are clean romances but so much more than that as they are filled with scenes that make you cry and scenes that make you rejoice. You might want to make sure you have some time to spend reading before starting this book because you might not want to stop reading till you reach the end, my mind and heart kept telling me, hurry finish this book because we want to know the ending!

This book is a story of a love triangle, I won't say much on this subject, but I want to say it is realist because the husband is presumed to have been killed in a car bomb, ( no, this is not a spoil alert) and the other two are left to pick up their lives.

I think "First Light" and "Out Of Darkness" would make a really good movie and would be one that I could actually watch and like, if they followed the book completely and not added scenes that aren't in the book ( such as cursing and sex scenes, like Hollywood likes to add to movies). Ok, there is talk about sharing a bed in the book but they are married and nothing is said or done that is inappropriate.  

All three main characters, Drew, Elisabeth and Gabe really have to rely on God and each other. All the characters in these two stories could be real and could be your neighbors and friends, I could see this story happening in real life, do you know anybody that seems to be traveling a lot and you really don't know what their job is? Could they be a CIA agent?

The surprises in this book was great and by now you know I am giving "Out of Darkness" by Erynn Newman five stars. I am ending this review with a loud statement, the book ended really super fantastic but I WANT TO READ MORE OF THESE CHARACTERS! 

I was given a complimentary copy by the author and Celebrate Lit. These opinions are my own. 20 Facts About Out of Darkness
  1. I write novels while the rest of the house sleeps. That’s also when I do most of my editing work and social media stalking. During the day, I get to hang out with an awesome 4-year-old who is the reason I get up in the morning (both because he’s my heart and because he’s staring into my soul asking me to make pancakes).
  2. I don’t like wine or coffee. My writer fuel is partially frozen Cherry Pepsi.
  3. It took me a long time to realize I was a writer. I thought that everyone made up imaginary people and back stories for them and imagined the lives they lived and sometimes talked to them in traffic. Turns out no. Fortunately other writers found me and helped me figure it out.
  4. My greatest nemeses are also my greatest inspirations. Facebook and Netflix. Finding the balance of hanging out with other writers and readers and being inspired by great story telling and actually doing the work is the hardest thing for me.
  5. I am obsessed with casting characters. Finding the perfect actor/actress or model who embodies my characters is one of my favorite parts of the process. I also do this for every single book I read.
  6. So, of course now you want to know who I chose for Drew, Elisabeth, and Gabe. I’m glad you asked.
    • Drew is based on Matt Bomer’s portrayal of Bryce Larkin in the show Chuck (there are quite a few nods to this show hidden throughout Out of Darkness).
    • Elisabeth is partially based on a character from a show I watched when I was in college (also a waitress and artist), but she looks like this model.
    • Gabe is based not that loosely on (young) Anthony DiNozzo from NCIS.
  7. Our house has a really great office with a nice desk and comfortable chair that looks out on our wooded back yard. But I work almost exclusively while sitting on the couch with my laptop propped up on the back of it. My uniform is yoga pants and an old t-shirt. The author life is G.L.A.M.O.R.O.U.S.
  8. I got my start writing fan fiction. Most of it has been obliterated from the interwebs, but there may still be a few Star Wars stories floating around out there (I owe this to my love for Ewan MacGregor and my hatred of Annakin Skywalker). Fan fiction is also the way I found my very first critique group. And our leader, Susan Kaye Quinn, best-selling author and real life rocket scientist, helped me realize I could be a real author. And later she taught me how to publish. I want to be her when I grow up.
  9. Speaking of fan fiction, the original idea for Out of Darkness was a fan fiction based on that character from that show I talked about above. The waitress/artist who lost her first love and then fell for someone else. And then when her love returned, he was… recast. And terrible. And she forgot who she was and made every wrong decision. And everyone was miserable ever after. And I was like, what even IS this show?!?! So I started writing my version of how it should have gone. But then a surprising thing happened. My characters took on lives of their own, and I fell in love with ALL of them, and I knew I had to tell their story. So I started creating a different back story for them (and I introduced them to Jesus), and then they became their own characters and started telling me what to do. And I’m a little insane now, but I’m not even mad because I love what this story has turned into (and turned ME into).
  10. I started writing Out of Darkness in its earliest form in 2006. I stopped and restarted several times. I wrote other things that may or may not ever see the light of day. I learned that I was writing all wrong, and I ripped it apart, started over and stitched it back together piece by piece. In fact, my original chapter one is now chapter FOURTEEN. And all of that is after the first fifty pages that now comprise First Light, the prequel novelette that tells the story of how Drew and Elisabeth met and fell in love.
  11. Of all the exotic locations mentioned in Out of Darkness: Venice, Italy; Paris, France; Cordoba, Spain; Trim, Ireland; and even Washington, D.C. and Baltimore, Maryland, I have been to two—Baltimore and Paris. Google Maps Street View and Wikipedia are an author’s best friends.
  12. Music inspires me to write, but I can’t write to music. I often hear a song that makes me think of a scene or helps me get the emotion right. And I add those to my play list, but when I write, I prefer quiet (or instrumental music).
  13. I want the Gospel to be front and center in every story I write (including my own), but there were two scenes in particular that I really felt like the Holy Spirit guided me in writing. One is when Drew finds his Bible in the backpack Gabe packed for them, and the other is Gabe’s argument with God when he decides to let Elisabeth go. In both instances, I feel like God really led me to the right Scriptures and gave me the words in a way I didn’t experience with any other scenes.
  14. The hardest scenes were all of the ones with Drew and the gas. Both because I don’t like to torture my characters (contrary to what you may believe) and because the science behind the weapon is way above my head. I worked with a couple of microbiologists to get it at least to plausible/possible, but I’m sure there are still some issues with my science there.
  15. I cried several times while writing this book. Elisabeth and I grieve much the same way, so I saw a lot of myself in her moments crying out to God—especially in the ones where she just wanted to feel Him and couldn’t. I cried when Drew fell apart reading his Bible, and I cried at the end when I wasn’t sure who would live or die.
  16. Gabe was the biggest surprise of the writing process. He was supposed to be out of the picture after chapter sixteen. He was just supposed to be a supporting character in the first half of the book, but at every turn he was tapping me on the shoulder and telling me, “there’s so much more to my story.”
  17. A few scenes didn’t make it into the final book. Two of them are in the outtakes section of my website, but don’t read those until after you’ve read the book. Seriously.
  18. After being told by one agent that Out of Darkness would never sell because it didn’t fit neatly into a genre category, I signed with my current agent in 2012, and we submitted it to several publishers. I received lots of compliments on my writing, but ultimately, people didn’t seem to like the fact that both of my leading men were good guys, and there was no one to root against. One even suggested that I make Gabe complicit in Drew’s abduction. And one suggested I kill Drew (again!) so Elisabeth and Gabe could end up together. Both interesting ideas, but neither were the story I wanted to tell. In the end, I decided to indie publish, which has been really challenging, but I’m so happy with the way everything turned out. We all got the ending we were supposed to have.
  19. Speaking of endings, the one in the final version is very different from the original. I’ll try not to be too spoilery, but let’s just say that the original ending was far less happy, but I felt like it was the only way out. One of my characters made a choice that I couldn’t see any way around. And I thought that a happy ending would be too fake. I didn’t want to tie everything up with a pretty pink bow and say “they all lived happily ever after,” because after everything they’d been through, that wouldn’t be real life. But a very good friend of mine convinced me that I could instead tie everything up with a frayed knot. It’s still messy and difficult and a little raw, but I think it’s real… and full of hope and possibility.
  20. So what’s next, you ask? There’s more to explore here perhaps, but I honestly don’t know what comes next for these characters. That’s something I’m still thinking about. The story I’m working on right now also begins in D.C. but takes place mostly in the Pacific Northwest. It’s the story of an ex Army Ranger who has to protect his three little brothers when the youngest witnesses their parents’ murder. And there may also be a girl involved.                                   
Blog Stops
August17: Genesis 5020
August 19: Fiction Aficionado
August 22: Faithfully Bookish
August 22: Mommynificent
August 24: 100 pages per hour
August 25: Carpe Diem
August 26: J.E. Grace Bog
August 26: Karen Sue Hadley
August 27: Back Porch Reads 
August 28: Daysong Reflections
August 29: Remembrancy
August 30: Henry Happens

To celebrate her tour, Erynn is giving away a grand prize of a signed copy of Out of Darkness, a signed copy of First Light, The Joy Eternal~A Sweet and Bitter Providence CD, a $10 Starbucks gift card, and Italian Chocolate Hazelnut Creme Cookies.!! Click below to enter. Be sure to comment on this post before you enter to claim 9 extra entries!