Wednesday, April 17, 2013

"Murray Pura's American Civil War Series - Cry Of Freedom - Volume 2 - The Last Waltz" is another 5 star book.  I loved this story and by the end of it, the tears was falling. The ending was so sad. The ending is what made this story realitistic. The following quotes are from a conversion I had with Murray Pura's about this story
"I loved those characters - but she needed to represent all the young wives whose husbands never came home to them again - people must realize the war wasn't all romance and heroism - it really was a war like ww2 - sometimes when you write you want to change everything - but i knew in this story her love would not return but they had that last day . . ." and ""but i hate losing lovely characters too - all writers do".
Having the authors talk about their stories and feelings make a book come alive more! Don't you agreed! 

Charity and Mitchell Davis had one last day to enjoy and share their love. Mitchell was supposed to die after a bullet hit him in the chest but he prayed and asked God to give him on more day to be with Charity. His prayer is answered and Charity and Mitchell get one more day and they share a Last Waltz. This story will be with me for a long time.
I am eagerly awaiting volume 3 in this story! And I promise you that if you read this story it will leave you wanting more also!