Monday, April 29, 2013

Question and Answer time with Carrie Fancett Pagels, Ph.D. and a giveaway

 Time for another Question and Answer giveaway. This time it is with Carrie Fancett. The prize will be a packet of notecards.
If you need to see my review of this great novella here is the link

Bio – Carrie Fancett Pagels, Ph.D.
Carrie Fancett Pagels ( writes “romantic” historical fiction.  Carrie’s debut release Return to Shirley Plantation: A Civil War Romance
 a Kindle Civil War best seller, is  part of a multi-author anthology headed up by Murray Pura. She is a contributor to a nonfiction anthology God’s Provision in Tough Times by Cynthia Howerter and La-Tan Murphy, releasing in June 2013  
Her short story Snowed In: A Northwoods Christmas will appear in Guidepost Books “A Christmas Cup of Cheer” in 2013.
Carrie is represented by Joyce Hart of Hartline Literary Agency and is owner/administrator of two group blogs: “Colonial Quills” ( and “Overcoming With God” ( Carrie was a psychologist for twenty-five years. She lives in Virginia with her family.

Contact info
Carrie Fancett Pagels

You are invited to ask Carrie a question and she will answer it. I will draw a winner of the postcards on Tuesday the 30th at 11:00 AM. by using org. Please leave your email address to be able to contact you if you win. I will let Carrie know the winner and she will get the postcards to you.

Let the fun begin.


  1. Ok I will ask the first question
    Do you always write at the same time and at the same place?

    1. No, but I try to write in the morning right after Joyce Meyer. I normally do write at the kitchen table looking out into our backyard, which we call "Pagels' Park" ;)

  2. Carrie, are you currently working on a novel or novella? Do you see yourself branching out in other genres in the future?


    1. This current project is a full length novel. It will be part of a three-novel submission. One of the manuscripts is already fully written and has endorsements from Julie Lessman, Kelly Long, Susan Craft, and MaryLu Tyndall (They have already all read it and written up a review/endorsement! A real blessng!!) I am writing the first novel in the series, which takes place earlier than the other two stories. I do write some nonfiction. Oh, and I am just completing my Christmas short story, too!

    2. Sounds great Carrie! You are really on your way! God's Timing is Perfect!

  3. CARRIE ... my question is: your novella is a Civil War bestseller, so tell me -- will you still talk to me when you're rich and famous??? ;)

    Soooo thrilled for you, my friend!!


    1. LOL, JULIE--the answer is only if you will!!! And since this is Christian fiction we pretty much both know that only an absolute miracle would make that happen! Thanks!!!

    2. Julie, Per, you are the winner of the contest! Congrats!!!

  4. CARRIE, What's the most fascinating tidbit of history you learned while gathering research for this novella?

    love & hugs,

    1. Oh, this is sad. It was fascinating in a very different way, ANNE. One of the family members at Shirley Plantation inspired my hero for another full length book that is as of yet unpublished. I learned from the historian at SP, Julian Charity, that the Union army beat this poor man to death (he was elderly at the time) because they thought he harbored a Confederate family member (he had not--poor man didn't even know where his kinsman was but he wasn't on his farm.) That made me so very sad...

  5. Carrie, who is your favorite inspirational speaker/preacher and why?

    1. HAHA u know--JOYCE MEYER, who I have missed this week, KATHY, cuz they are running some Praiseathon. I love to hear her inspiring msg of how to live everyday life. That song "I need you, Lord, I need you--every day I need you. My one defense, my righteousness, oh my God how I need you." That is what Joyce gives the listener--bits of God's Word that affect us in our daily needs. Thanks, KATHY!

  6. Let's see...ooh, I know. =) If you had to pick the FASHION of any one historical decade to wear day-to-day, which era would you choose?

    1. Right now, baby! Yeah!!! Gimme those knits!!! RO, I wore nylons with garters as a very young lady. And clothes that you had to starch and iron!!! So I LOVE todays comfy clothes. Thanks for asking!!!

  7. Carrie, when did your passion for history begin? Have you always been interested,even as a school girl - or was there a defining point when it sparked your curiosity?

    1. Rebecca, My father was a WWII vet and my great-uncle a WWI vet and I lived in a very historic area for the French! So much of the history in upper Michigan was about the voyageurs, etc. Little did I realize that the rest of the country was being taught only about the British version! Blessings! Can't want for your release, Rebecca!!!

  8. Hi Carrie--

    Have been wondering about this--where did you get your inspiration for Angelina? Was she completely fictional, based on a character from real life, or were details taken from actual people but in a generalized sense? For some reason, I can see where you may have based some of her on a true character by some of your details.

    1. Pat, she was inspired by a combination of "What ifs?" I am descendant of a woman named Jemima Scott, who I've had a little trouble tracking down. But while googling her for genealogy research I came across another Jemima Scott from another century who was a freed slave. A bunch of slaves were freed in the same county all with the notation that their owners were convicted to do so by their faith. I have to think a preacher was part of that but who knows. Anyway, there was also a big thing about White Slavery with pics online and the stuff they used during the Abolitionist movement. And so I started thinking--how many people are actually descendants of former slaves and don't know it or are like Angelina but they look completely Caucasian. BTW I think it is ridiculous in these times with so many multi-racial people that our books have so few. So Angelina is what if combined with looking at those pics and imagining those little girls grown up! She is completely fictional!

  9. Carrie, what's the story behind the creation of your Overcoming With God blog, and how did you create your team of lovely contributors/reviewers?

    1. My tag line is Overcoming Through Time and when I was solo, I had that as the name of my blog. I was not happy doing it by myself and admired Diana's reviews. I met with her in SC--that is a testimony in itself lol, and she agreed to come on board. We celebrate her two year anniversary next week! Thomas Umstaadt Jr. rxd we add the With God's Help because although it was something Diana and I knew our blog was about, we wanted readers to know so Overcoming Through Time - With God's Help was the title. Then I was rxd to separate my tagline and website from the blog names, lol! So we are Overcoming With God. Teresa, our poet and awesome reviewer, and Marian joined us next a little over a year ago! In the fall God brought us Noela, another amazing reviewer. ALL of us have inflammatory conditions and we didn't know that until we got together! We are all friends now, too, which makes OWG so special. We want to minister to others and encourage folks. Thanks, J!

  10. JULIE LESSMAN was the winner of the drawing per Thank you everyone for your excellent questions! So FUN!!! Thanks for having me on, DEBBIE!
