Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Cry Of Freedom - Volume 3 - "Bachelor Buttons" by Kathleen L. Maher and another Question and Answer giveaway of a Irish basket full of goodies

Murray Pura's American Civil War Series - Cry Of Freedom - Volume 3 - Bachelor Buttons by Kathleen L. Maher is another 5 star volume in this series.
 This novella is about two sisters and two suitors but you don't really found out that one of the sisters wants a suitor as she is going to become a nun.
Rose and Katherine's mother has died and left behind little Thomas. Their father has given into the medicinal efforts of tonic and cannot be counted on. Rose has William, ( a fiddler player) and Dr Ian McGuiness running a race to see who wins an evening out with her. This is a funny romance story along with great dangers. Thomas gets sick and on the way to get medicine with Dr. McGuiness they are almost attacked by men who do not agreed with Lincoln's drafting people into his army. It is the wit of Thomas that saves them. This book deals with Dr. McGuiness dislike of colors and of William's friendship with them. I was drawn into this story from the first sentence, I couldn't wait until the end I wanted William Lee to married Rose. But what I really wanted to know was why the story was title Bachelor Buttons. Yes I find out but you will have to read the book to find out yourself. I believe you will like the reason!

In honor of the release of this story Kathleen L. Maher has agreed to let you the readers ask her questions and is going to give one winner an ebook copy of Bachelor Buttons and an Irish goodie basket.

The winner will be chosen on May 18 at 8 pm Eastern.


  1. Thank you, Debbie! I appreciate your time on the review and having me on your blog.

  2. Your are welcome! I really am glad that I don't wait until the whole series came out in a whole book! I will start the questions!
    What are your writing plans now?

    1. Thanks, Debbie. I am working on a young adult novel that borrows from the humor and romance of The Princess Bride and the social awareness of Silver Linings Playbook. Really excited about this new one!

  3. This sounds like an awesome series. I definitely want to read all of the books. Why did you decide to have the suitors "compete" for the lady? Personal experience? Wink wink! Is there a story behind the romance story of the book?

    Kim LitlePokie(at)aol(dot)com

    1. Thanks, Kim! Hope you enjoy it! Yes, it is based on the courtship of my great great grandmother. She had two men compete for her in the exact same way! I knew I had to make that into a story one day, and here it is! :D

    2. I love that. That is so cool! I'm looking forward to reading it. I got the email for it for my Nook so I will try and get it tonight when I get home. Now I got to get the other two!

      Please let someone else win this contest since I now have the book. Thanks!


  4. Sounds like a great Novella to read! Kathleen how did you come up with this story line? Was it based on any of your family history?

    Judy B

    1. Hi, Judy--yes, it is based on my g-g grandmother Katherine Meehan, who lived in Lower Eastside Manhattan during the Civil War. She was younger than our Rose Meehan at this time in history, but she really did have two suitors vie for her affections later in life.

  5. I love the premise of Kathleen's book. I've already downloaded it to my Kindle for my summer reading. I can't wait for summer......now if it'll only stop snowing here :D My question is this: What does your writing day look like? How do you get the ideas from your imagination to the page? Can you share your process? Thanks and blessing to you!!!

    1. I am the perfect example of what not to do according to the pros. :) They say to write first thing--I check all social media and get marketing done first. They say to write every day--I write when I can in a VERY busy family. Basically, I fit in with the plans of those I take care of--my husband, my son with special needs, my elderly mother, my daughter, and a new puppy! I have an older son who is a newlywed and who is going to make me a first time grandma this year. So life is busy, but when a story germinates, it generally comes out stronger and better once I do sit down and write. I outline in my head, then on the page, then I write form there in a mostly seat of the pants type journey where the characters tell me new things every time I visit with them. :) It's always interesting to see what they'll do next that might be off script.

  6. Kathleen, Is this your first book to be published? Do you write down your characters and descriptions of them before you write or do you just write?

    1. Hi, Deanna
      It is my first publication, but not my first project. I do write down my characters and try to have a good feel for them before starting. Everything I write is character driven, and that is where I start. Ususally the plot grows out of their wants and needs and goals and conflicts.

  7. Kathleen....who are some of your favourite authors?

    Thanks for the chance to read this wonderful story.

    kmkuka at yahoo dot com

    1. Hi, Karen

      I love MaryLu Tyndall and I have loved a few books by Laurie ALice Eakes, Julie Lessman, and Laura Frantz. I really enjoy a rich, literary voice and a complicated plot with three dimensional, conflicted characters. Carrie Fancett Pagels has that type of style--be looking for more from her!

  8. Kathy,
    Loved your novella. Loved being your CPer. LOVED putting you on my Rxd reading list for blog this week!!! Big hugs!!!

    1. Thank you, Carrie! I am blessed by you and Marian and Diana! Very honored to be on your lists. <3

  9. I would love to read the ebook,"Bachelor Buttons" and also the basket of Irish goodies.
    Janet E.

    1. Hi, Janet! Thank you for helping me celebrate my debut this month. Good luck!

  10. Why did you choose to write period work instead of modern??

    Kathleen this is from my niece and she can't seem to get her questions to post so I told her I would post them for her

    1. Hi, Debbie's niece! Thank you for your question. :) I have always loved history and the grand ballgowns and antique furniture. The architecture and the nostalgia of the past really inspires me. I have written a few contemporary stories, too, believing there is romance wherever you look if you look hard enough. But I am captivated with the drama of history. Do you write?

    2. Hi Kathleen! This is Debbie's niece, Carrie. Sorry about not being able to post myself. No, I'm not writer, I have thought about it several times through the years but nothing ever came of the thought. I'm happy with reading, especially the classics. Like you, I have always loved history and the romance of period writing. Jane Austin is one of my many favorite authors. I haven't read your books, but I'm definitely intrigued and will be looking for them on Barnes and Noble. Thank you for answering my question. Hope you continue to write great books.

  11. What drew you to set your books during the Civil War period? Thanks for having the giveaway.


    1. Hi, Rose. I have always loved Civil War. I live in a town that is full of Civil War history. Up here in Elmira, NY we were a recruiting and training rendezvous for Union troops, because we were connected by rail to all points North, South, East and West. Later in the war, we were the stage of a notorious POW camp that housed Confederates, and this history has always fascinated me. I love the gowns, the plantations, the chivalry, the horses, and the drama of young men defending their homes and way of life.

  12. Did you do your own research for the book or did you have some help?

    1. Hi, TL. I do my own research, generally, but I also belong to a wonderful group of Civil War writers who share tidbits and knowledge with one another. I also borrowed form family history with this story.

  13. I have the book but would love to win the basket of treats lol

  14. I entered all of the commenters into a random drawing through random.org and the winner is Debbie Curto's niece! Congratulations, and thank you everybody for coming by to celebrate my debut. Your questions were terrific.
