Tuesday, May 28, 2013

"Wings of Glass" by Gina Holmes

Gina Holmes is the President and founder of popular literary site, Novel Rocket, and award-winning author of Crossing Oceans, Dry as Rain, and Wings of Glass. She resides with her husband and children in southern Virginia. She works too hard, laughs too loud, and longs to see others heal from their past and discover their God-given purpose. To learn more about her, visit www.ginaholmes.com or www.novelrocket.com.
Or find her on facebook: http://www.facebook.com/authorginaholmes

 "Wings Of Glass" by Gina Holmes gets 5 stars from me. It is about the abuse Penny gets from her husband Trent. It is a hard subject to deal with but one that is a common occurrence to often. While I was reading this novel I felt like I could have been hearing the story from Penny herself. This story is written as a letter to her son. This book needs to be given to someone that is being subjected to abuse and to people that know it is happening to someone they love! I wish I could say this book is purely fictional but we all know that isn't true!

    When Penny was seventeen, she ran off with Trent and her life was not easy. But when Trent is injured from a work accident and out of necessary he allowes Penny to take a job, Penny begins to see she has other options (she doesn't see these she at first) but she doesn't allow herself to really take them until it is almost too late. Finally she sees she has to change her in order to protect the most important thing in her life.
  I was intrigued by the title but that is explained in the story as well!
   I received this book from www.bookfun.org to read and post my honest opinion.  


  1. Great review Debbie! I have this book on hold at my library. Looking forward to reading it!

    Judy B

  2. thanks Judy! I loved it
    I would give you my copy but the author signed it to me!

  3. This sounds like a really good book for everyone to read.
