Thursday, May 23, 2013

"Ransomed" by Shelley D Ring

"Ransomed" by Shelley D Ring gets 5 stars from me. I have to be honest and say that at first this story wasn't really getting my full attention, I was having a hard time getting into it but then the story became exciting and I wanted to see if it ended the way that I wanted it to. I can hear you asking "Well did it?' I have to say yes and no! I hope that maybe there is going to be second book, I would love to read more about Rebecca and Micah and Luke and Allison!
  This book is about a hard subject, sex trafficking. It is a Christian based book so you don't have to worry about it being in bad taste. It is written in alternating character voices and written so well that the reader can actually see the scenes being discribed.
Rebecca and Micah get in an argument and Rebecca leaves and is missing for eight years! Micah blames himself and because of quilt joins the Marines. And He has to learn about God's forgiveness also.Ransomed is the story of Rebecca's escape from her pimp and her discovery that God has never left her even through it feels like He has. It is the story of how Rebecca's brother Luke and Micah's lives are put in danger as they try to help her fully escape from the evil. I love how evil is overcome through the power of music. This story is about evil and how God's love is more powerful if we only believe and obey.
This is the second story by Shelley Ring I have read and both stories have described God's love so wonderfully that it makes the reader wonder why God doesn't give up on us, but I am glad He shows us His mercies and unfailing love everyday and everytime we fail Him. I am hoping there are more stories by Shelley Ring,
I was given an pdf file for an honest review by the artist.

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