Friday, August 30, 2013

"Dreams by Starlight" by Staci Stallings

"Dreams by Starlight" by Staci Stallings is a 5 star book. This book is written for young adults but I think adults will like this books also. I know I did. The only thing I didn't like was this book was a reminder of the bullies and a little bit of things done to me when I was in high school. This book could really be real life.

The main Characters in this story are Camille and Jaylon and Lexie and Nick McGee and Arlene.

Camille is a math lover and is forced to take drama, her senior year of high school and really hates it till she is cast as the star in the school's Spring play. She has to be the mother to her little sister because her mom has her own interests.

Jaylon is the most poplar boy in the school and everyone thinks he has a wonderful life. But nothing is every as wonderful as it seems. His mother died of Cancer (yes another story with the mention of the c word) and his father won't support him in his choice for his life's profession. I think Jaylon is my favorite character in this book because of his relationship with his grandmother, reading this book made me missed my grandma.

Lexie is Camille's best friend. Then she meets and falls in love with Nick.

Nick is another classmate in drama and befriends Camille till she becomes friends with Jaylon.

Arlene is the bully and wants to be the star in the play.

Jaylon and Camille finally realized that they are in love but will that be enough since they both have different dreams and are going in different directions to college.

Camille is brave enough to try Jaylon's father the truth about himself and makes him see that he is wrong treating his son the way he does.

This book is more than a teen love story. It is a book about life and dreams and relationships.

Oh I forgot to mention how another shy student saved the play after an act of vandalism.

I am going to read the next book in this series also, it is called "Reunion"

I was given an ebook copy by the author for a honest review