Tuesday, October 31, 2017

"Spotlight Tuesday" with Amy Lillard and a GiveWay

amy in green shirt
Amy's Bio
I’m a wife, mother, and bona fide Southern belle. Published author, expert corn bread maker, Fibro Warrior, and Squirrel Princess.
I live in Tulsa, though I was born in Mississippi. I moved to the Sooner State when I was seventeen and met my soul mate and best friend not long after. I’ve retained a little of my Mississippi accent though most people think I’m from Texas. (?)  Rob and I have been married for over twenty-five years and have a son–a mom proclaimed prodigy, of course!
I love homemade tacos, nail polish, and romance novels–not necessarily in that order. I’m a big fan of country music, a staunch proponent of saving the Oxford comma, and I’m shamefully obsessed with all things Harry Potter.
I dislike people trying to convince me to read the Twlight series (I’ll get to it or I won’t, either way I’m good with it), gratuitous violence, and strawberry ice cream. (I know I’m alone on this last one, and again, I’m good with it.)
Favorite movies–(besides HP) French Kiss, Maid of Honor, A Lot Like Love, Just Married, and Sweet Home Alabama. Oh, and Miss Congeniality, Sabrina (both versions) and a 1940’s movie called Dear Ruth. If you haven’t seen it, you should! A-dorable. Anything with Doris Day and most all of Marilyn’s and Audrey’s. 

Book Spotlight 


wlqc-feature-squareUnited by faith, and bonded by their quilting circle, the Amish women of Wells Landing, Oklahoma, are there for one another through all life’s joys and challenges . . .

Youngest quilter Clara Rose Yutzy is planning her wedding to her longtime beau—which is why she resolutely ignores newly warm feelings for her best friend, Obadiah. But Obie is certain God intends them to be together. With the Lord’s help, he’ll prove to Clara Rose how much he loves her . . .

Mariana Miller prayed for a child throughout fifteen years of marriage. But now, newly widowed, Mariana discovers she’s pregnant—with twins! She’s more grateful than ever for her caring community—especially Reuben Weisel, her late husband’s business partner and best friend. Reuben’s quiet strength comforts her—until he proposes marriage . . .


Tess Smiley is new to Wells Landing and newly married. But her marriage isn’t the harmonious union she envisioned. Tess loves Jacob with all her heart, but her heart tells her she must take a stand—and ask for support. Only then does Jacob see how he has hurt her.

But is he too late? . .

Tell the readers a little about yourself: (short bio)
I grew up in the deep South, but I now live in Oklahoma with my husband and son, three cats and a hyper beagle. When I’m not doing someone’s laundry or taxiing the teen to baseball or guitar practice, I carve out a piece of my day to put on the paper these people who live in my head. I guess you could say I’m an avid reader, but I also enjoy gardening, cooking, and pretty much anything else that can get me out of doing housework! I’m a classic Virgo, I love tacos, and I’m shamefully addicted to everything Harry Potter. Please don’t ask me how many times I’ve read the series, it’s embarrassing! LOL
 Why did you choose your genre?
 I have loved romances since I was in the seventh grade. My grandmother and I used to share them, the old white cover Harlequins, Janet Dailey— Charlotte Lamb. I had a friend who would bring them to school in a brown grocery sack. I could read an entire book in one sitting. I LOVED them. Once I was finished with it, I passed it to my grandmother to read. So I guess you could say romance was the only choice I could make.
As for Amish fiction…well, I sort of fell into that subgenre–feet first. Basically my agent at the time suggested that I write one. I can make no claims to any familial ties to the Amish, but I find the culture charming and fascinating. Since beginning to write books about these peaceful people, I have made many friends in the Amish community in Lancaster County, PA, and go to visit them every chance I get.
Mysteries came about in a backhanded sort of way, but I have enjoyed learning to craft these tales (almost) as much as romance. :)
As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up? How has that childhood dream affected your current career?
I had to write a descriptive paragraph in junior high. The teacher praised my use of alliteration, and I was hooked! Of course, at the time I had no idea what alliteration was and had to look it up, but I was tickled all the same. I knew that I had found the one thing in life I wanted to do most.
What do you do for fun?
I love to spend time with my family—my husband and my son. Anything that I can do with them makes me smile. I also love going to visit my sisters, spending time with my mom, and my niece and nephews, even my brother. :P
How much of your work is real? How much is fantasy?
Once upon a time I would have answered, ‘Fantasy, all fantasy,’ but since I’ve started writing books about the Amish, I find myself using more and more tales from my friends than ever before.
Is there anything you find particularly challenging about writing?
Overcoming distractions. Sometimes it’s hard to sit down and get words ‘on paper’, especially when there are dishes in the sink and clothes that need to be folded. But all things have their time. When they lay me to rest and friends come around to tell what they know about me, surely someone will remember that I wrote books. No one will mention the lack of cleanliness in my kitchen—I hope!
What advice would you give to writers just starting out?
Don’t give up. Don’t ever give up. Write what’s in your heart, but listen to the critiques and suggestions of others. It takes a lot of practice and patience to learn what to accept as your own and what to leave behind. Only by putting your work in front of others can you learn the difference. Enter contests and find a good critique group or partner. By good, I mean someone who’ll tell you the truth and not just what you want to hear. And don’t give up! Don’t ever give up. Did I already say that?
Do you ever suffer from writer’s block? If so, what do you do about it?
If I get ‘stuck’, it’s time to take a step back and reevaluate the scene. Most often times writer’s block for me means that I’ve moved the characters into an unnatural situation for the plot, and I can’t get them to react like themselves. They’re forced, and the reader will pick up on this. When this happens, the best thing to do is scrap the scene and start over. But I keep the scene in a separate file—just in case. It might come in handy later.
Who is your favorite author and why? 
That’s such a hard question. There are so many great writers out there, and in this age of digital releases, I’m discovering more and more fabulous authors almost daily. But I have to say that Susan Elizabeth Phillips is my all-time favorite. I had the pleasure of meeting her not too long ago and she’s as gracious and humorous in person as she is in her writing.
How did you deal with rejection letters?
The first ones are always the hardest. But as time goes on, I’ve learned to use them to line the birdcage. Seriously though, the form letters with the copy-freckles are no good to a writer. They don’t say why the manuscript was rejected. There’s nothing to gain from them. They’re not personal, so you can’t take them as such. The ones with some sort of critique, with a reason why, can be a great tool for an author. But it requires an objective eye to glean any help from these and that’s very hard for most writers—our baby has just been told it’s not good enough. I’ve had to learn to look past that and to the business side of it in order to change tactics, word count, sub-genres, and the like in order to find the right publisher.
What tools do you feel are must-haves for writers?
Every writer is different and should cater their work space to their own personal needs. Must haves for me are a notebook and pen within reach, a ‘baby name’ book and the internet open and ready to go. Oh, and coffee. Lots and lots of coffee.
Have a question that’s not answered here? Feel free to email me at amylillard918@gmail.com with individual questions or use the ‘contact me’ form . I’m always happy to give additional information.
Amy loves nothing more than a good book. Except for her family…and maybe homemade tacos…and nail polish. But reading and writing are definitely way up on the list.
Born and bred in Mississippi, Amy is a transplanted Southern Belle who now lives in Oklahoma with her deputy husband, their genius son, two spoiled cats, and one very lazy beagle. Oh, and don’t forget the stray kitty that has taken up residence on her front porch. ^..^
When she’s not creating happy endings, she’s chauffeuring her teen prodigy to guitar lessons and practice for whatever sport he’s into this week. She has a variety of hobbies, but her favorite is whatever gets her out of housework.
Amy is an award winning author with more than thirty novels and novellas in print. She is a member of RWA, ACFW, NINC, and the Author’s Guild. She  loves to hear from readers. You can find her on Facebook, Instagram, Google+, Twitter, Goodreads, and Pinterest.          



Amy is going to give away a print copy of "The Quilting Circle"  To be entered to win  answer this question!
This is the first time these three eBook stories have been in print.  Do you have more print or digital books? Which do you prefer to read? 


  1. I have more print like to read them more but in a pinch or camping maybe digital

    1. Brenda Wheeler under hubby's name

    2. need a way to contact you if you win!

    3. Thanks, Brenda! I like print best too, but I also read on Kindle and audible. :)

  2. I think i have more ebooks but I read more often print books and those are my faves! :D

    1. need a way to contact you if you win!

    2. I definitely have more ebooks thanks to BookBub! LOL

  3. Digital as I have arthritis in my hands and sadly cannot hold a book open anymore. Thank you for this incredible opportunity

    1. I have the same problem! I still manage a few paperbacks though. But I do like that with my smart phone I am never without a book!

  4. Print books. My mother and I share.

    1. How special! I used to share romance paperbacks with my grandmother! :) Such special memories!

  5. Definitely more print books! My family has three floor to ceiling book shelves full of books, plus more boxes of books in the garage since we all prefer print over digital books.

    1. Sounds like you have a house full of readers! That's fabulous!<3

  6. I have more print books than ebooks. My son got me a kindle but I still like to hold a real print book in my hands.
    marypopmom (at) yahoo (dot) com

    1. There's nothing like a book in your hands! Thanks for reading!

  7. I have about the same of both. I enjoy print but also enjoy the convenience of being able to have a book with me all time with my ebooks

    1. And I love that I can start a book on my Kindle and pick it up on my phone if I get bored somewhere! ;)

  8. I have more print books...I just love holding the book in my hand.It feels more real to me!

    1. Exactly! And they say we retain more from paper books. Whoever 'they' are! LOL Thanks for reading!

  9. I have more e-books, I listen to them while I do other things. Although I still enjoy a regular book so I can curl up and enjoy doing nothing while I read it!

    1. I have one started in paper, another in audio, and a third on my Kindle. No, I don't have a problem! LOL Thanks, Sandy!!

  10. I have more print books, I have never bought a Nook Nightglow what I really would like yet I like the feel of having a book in my hand.

    1. I like to read my Kindle after I get into bed. Otherwise I can't shut my mind off and go to sleep! :)

  11. I have more print books and prefer to read print books. I have lots of e-books too and do read them also. Thanks for the giveaway.

  12. Would love to get book. Thank s for giveaway and good luck everyone. Have a great evening

  13. I have more print books and I can't deny my deep love for them but I do have a Kindle app and I can read ebooks. I just hope that I will never be able to own a print book!
    Thank you for this giveaway and Amy, I love all of Doris Day's movies also!

    1. I don't think the end of print books will ever happen, Connie! At least I hope not! Thanks for reading!

  14. I definitely have more print books. Love the feel of a real book in my hands. I read e-books in waiting rooms, hotels/motels - when away from home. Wonderful giveaway.

    1. Sounds like you've got it figured out, Mary Ellen! Thanks for reading!

  15. I have more print books. I love holding a book, viewing the cover from time to time while reading, the smell, and being able to place bookmarks easier for a possible quote in a review. I do read e-books when away and sometimes at home. Great interview and giveaway.

    1. Awh, the cover! Yes! I do miss that when I'm reading an ebook!

  16. To be be honest I have never tried to read a digital print book. I love the printed ones too much!

    1. :D If it ain't broke don't fix it! Thanks for reading!

  17. Print books, without a doubt. I try reading from my computer (downloaded a kindle from amazon)....just don't care for it. Even if I had a kindle I'm not sure it would make a difference. LOVE my books.

    Loretta Shumpert

    1. Kindle is easier than your computer! If you want to give it try, you can get a free Kindle app for your smart phone (if you have one) and look for free books on amazon. That way you can give it a try without having to spend any. :)

  18. I have more ebooks but I have way too many paperbacks too! My girls are always giving me the evil eye if I even mention buying another book. Purge, Mom, Purge! I like to read print books but as I have been reading ebooks to review, I like them better...can highlight passages w/o dogears and writing in an actual book or writing notes on various pieces of paper.
    anne at rightler dot com

    1. The highlighting is definitely a plus. And I love being able to look up words as I'm reading! One more good thing about ebooks. :)

  19. I do both ebooks and print books, I believe I have more print books sitting on shelves waiting to be read than I have ebooks waiting to be read.

    1. LOL you may be alone in that one. I have hundreds of ebooks waiting to be read. :) Sigh, such troubles!

  20. I have more ebooks, But I really like to read in print.

  21. I buy books in print. Reading from and actual book something I enjoy more than one on line.

    1. I do like books in print, but I live in a small house. Right now I'm in the process of getting my mid-faves on ebook so I can let the paper copies go. But my fave-faves I'll always keep in paper. Seeing their spines on my bookcase makes me smile. I don't even have to read them!

  22. I have mostly print books,but digital books are very good for travelling.

    1. I love always having a book with me! One point for ebooks!

  23. I think I have more e-books, but am not sure. I have a couple of rooms that are lined with books, plus bookshelves in several rooms. I love the feel of a print book in my hands, and being able to look back at the cover while I'm reading. But I love that I can read an e-book in bed or anywhere, regardless of lighting. So I really don't have a preference. Quilts are so much fun to see the sewer's creativity, and I know The Quilting Circle will be a fun read! It was fun to get to know Amy!

    1. Thanks, Becky! I'm like you, I go back and forth, but ebooks are definitely easier. I've been listening to audio books on my morning walk. :) I guess they all have their benefits and drawbacks. Good luck!

  24. Thanks for having me, Debbie! What a great blog you have here! I appreciate the chance to visit!
