Friday, August 3, 2018

"Marie and Mr. Bee" by Margaret Welwood

Marie is a happy little girl who lives in a cabin in the woods, working and playing with her forest friends . . . until a not-so-busy bee entices her to neglect her work! Compassion, forgiveness, and a forever friendship follow. 

By the following summer, Mr. Bee is too old to fly. But every night, Marie lifts her little friend onto her lap and reads to him from their very own storybook.  

Marie uses a wheelchair, which is clear from the pictures. However, there is only one reference to the chair in the text--when she wheels the ailing Mr. Bee back to her cabin after his expulsion from the hive. Some people appreciate the fact that the disability is present without being the focus. Others are pleased to see someone with a disability in the role of rescuer.

Also available with Bible verse references on the last page, as Marie and Mr. Bee (Proverbs 12:14b Version)

About Margaret Welwood

Great Aunt Lily taught me to read, my mother parked me in the book section of The Bay while she did her shopping, and my grade 12 English teacher encouraged me to write.

So here we are *several* years later . . . .

I have written over 100 traditionally published magazine and newspaper articles. I also edited a diabetes education guide that won first place in the reference category of the Writer's Digest Self-Published Book Awards (2010).

And I taught English as a Second Language for years with stories as a mainstay.

Now a new door has opened into Storyland . . . the world I'm exploring with my grandchildren. My first picture book for children, "Scissortown," is the only one I know of that offers a choice of inside back cover. "Marie and Mr. Bee" offers a choice of last page.

"Little Bunny's Own Storybook" is a celebration of libraries, literacy, family, and the initiative and creativity of children (both human and rabbit).

I also like to encourage young readers and writers--my site features stories and art by children 7-12 years old. You may wish to check out some of their interesting and colorful creations.

A weekly storytime with young children as well as time spent with my grandchildren have made for some interesting discoveries about children's literature. I blog about these discoveries and review my top picks on Goodreads and other sites.

Locally, I help adults improve their listening, speaking, reading and writing skills one-on-one. I also offer editing and proofreading services.

To Purchase

My Review"
"Marie and Mr. Bee" by Margaret Welwood is a delightful story about compassion, forgiveness, and a forever friendship.

This book teaches children that you have to work and do chores to be able to enjoying playing.

There are two versions, they are both the same story but one ends with Proverbs 12:14b.

Parents and Grandparents and Childcare provider will find this book helpful in teaching children responsibilities without them realizing they are learning. It is a win win situation for both adults and children.

I was given a complimentary copy of both version by the author. These opinions are my own. 

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