Monday, May 13, 2013

"Get REAL: Stop Hiding Behind the Mask' by Jamy Whitaker

Learn more about Jamy at:

"Get REAL: Stop Hiding Behind the Mask' by Jamy Whitaker is one of those books that I will refer to time and time again and will refer others to.
 I am doing this review alittle differently than I usually do, as I am going to post what I hope to remember from what I learned reading this book when I am tempted to put on a mask and become someone that I think someone other than God wants me to be.  By posting these points I hope you will be encouraged to read this book for yourself. I am sure you will find other insights that I missed, This book is full of insights to help us drop our mask. The author uses Biblical Scriptures to prove these points and she uses our and us, and these points are paraphrases in my own words but I wanted this book to help me drop my mask so I make the points personal and I encourage you to do the same for yourself. This book is divided into three parts and at the end of the book there are Study questions to help you drop the mask, I haven't done the questions yet but will be doing them in the future!
       Here are my favorite points from the book!
Point 1=My identify is that I am an accepted Child of God because I have called on the Name Of Jesus.
Point 2 =My Worth and Purpose does not depend on anything or anyone but God and God Alone.
Point 3 = Just because I fail, and I will because we all do, does not mean I am a failure.
Point 4=It does not matter whether I feel loved or not today because the truth is I am loved more than    I can even begin to imagine.So I don't have to change who I am so that others love me.
Point 5 =I do not need to worry about the storms that this life will bring because when I am standing in Christ's shadow, even through they may rage, I am safe and He is with me in both the big and the small things.
Point 6=I will have a new name, ( one chosen by God)
Point 7=I am just like a piece of artwork, one of a kind and priceless, created by God.
Point 8 =Even Jesus was rejected.
Point 9 =God's love and compassion and forgiveness have no limits.
Point 10=When I wear my mask it causes other people to wear one.
Point 11=God has not given us the spirit of fear,but of power and of love and of a sound mind! (2 Timothy 1:7)
Point 12=When life's circumstances begin to overwhelm me, I need to take the focus off the circumstance and throw it at God's feet and let Him help me.
Point 13=I need to stop taking my time for granted and start being more deliberate about how I choose to spend it.
Point 14=God is making my life into a masterpiece.
Point 15= I need to learn to dance in the rain not complain about it.(not literally but a statement about focusing on my attitude).
Point 16=I must give God my best.
Point 17=I have to let go of the things from the past that is not letting me run the race so I can win the prize(Hebrews 12:1).
Point 18= I need to move on in the next step that God is calling me to.
 I know this is a lot of points but I wanted to share my favorite points and to say there are other wonderful things to discover in this book!
I received a free copy of this book to review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the FTC Regulations. I am part of The CWA Review Crew.
Purchasing links:                                                                           
Get Real: Stop Hiding Behind The Mask is available at  AmazonBarnes & Noble or WestBow Press. 


  1. Wow! Great review Debbie. I loved that you mentioned the points that you want to take away from this book. Great points by the way!

    Judy B

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Debbie, I loved reading your take aways from the book. It is so insightful to see what points really hit home with the readers. I am glad that you enjoyed the book. I pray that you continue to draw close to God and take off your mask and let your true identity shine.

    Jamy Whitaker
