Saturday, May 11, 2013

"Plain Change" by Sarah Price

"Plain Change" by Sarah Price deserves more than 5 stars but since that is all I can give it I give it 5 stars. Once again Sarah Price leaves me wanting to read any book that she has written that I haven't read yet!
  "Plain Change is the 2nd book in The Plain Fame Trilogy.It picks up where Plain Fame left off and I am eagerly awaiting the 3rd book, Plan Again.
  This story starts as Amanda and Alejandro leave Amanda's Amish farm. This story is about Amanda  learning about Alejandro's lifestyle as an hip hop artist. She is surprised that she can adapt to the English world. But even through she is no longer living the Amish lifestyle she still must keep her hair up in a bun and she doesn't like the constant parties. This book deals with the struggle of fame and how a famous person is not allowed to have any privacy. In this book Alejandro gives Amanda a GREAT SURPRISE  and a song just for her and then in the end Amanda must make another choice to love and not what her heart and Alejandro wants her to do. I am so eager to read "Plain Again" to see if what I want to happen with Amanda and Alejandro does or if something I don't  except happens .  I thought this book did a fantastic job explaining how fame effects a person. I believe a person who normally wouldn't read Amish fiction would enjoy this story.
This book has a subject matter that might brother some readers but it is done in great taste! I have read this book and  "Plain Fame" twice and I think I enjoyed it more this time because I get to start book 3 right away!


  1. Loved your review Debbie! I need to put these books on my list of books to read!

    Judy B

  2. Thanks Judy! Yes,I really think you would love this series! I would loan them to you but they are ebooks and I know you only read print books!
