Wednesday, June 20, 2018

"Tremors of Doubt " by Lael Harrelson Book Tour And GiveAway

About the Book

Title: Tremors of Doubt  
Author: Lael Harrelson  
Genre: Contemporary Amish Alternative  
Release Date: March 19, 2018

Would the will of God ever lead a young woman against the counsel of family and church? For a young Mennonite woman who wants to make a difference in the world, growing up on the mission field in Haiti should be the perfect fit. But not for Callie Zimmerman. Raised by her aunt and uncle after the death of her parents, Callie works beside her aunt cooking, cleaning and sewing each day as the men head off to serve the community. She longs to do more to alleviate the poverty and sickness that surrounds her, but tradition and her uncle forbid it. On the eve of her twenty-third birthday, struggling with hopelessness as another year passes, Callie pleads with God to open a door for her. The prayer has barely left her mouth when she finds a stack of letters with secrets about her parent’s deaths and their excommunication from the Mennonite church. Devastated, Callie cries herself to sleep, only to be awakened a few hours later by her uncle with the startling news the Noah Koehn has asked permission to court her. Is one of these the answer to her prayer? Would exploring her parents past mean losing a future with Noah? Is it worth the risk?

Click here to purchase your copy!

My Review: 
"Tremors of Doubt" by Lael Harrelson is a wonderful novel about Callie’s journey through self-doubt, crushed dreams, love triangles, life changing secrets, and fragile hope.

It was hard to put this book down and I picked it up every time I had a few seconds to read because I had to know how it ended. 

This book had the tears falling because once again a character struggles with cancer and it was in the leg, not that it the book's fault but once again the story was reality back home to me, as I just lost mom on May 11, 2018, to cancer.  Warning, hope this isn't a spoiler alert but the character doesn't die in this story.  There are also other scenes that made the tears fall because the book describes what life was really like for the author when she was a missionary in Haiti.  The book is fiction but based on the author's life.

I could really feel Callie's pain when she finds a package of letters and her questions about what she can do to make life mean something other than just obeying rules because that is what a good Mennonite woman does.

I really didn't know how the story would end till the very end, because there are two suitors that wants Callie to marry them but she believes she can't serve God on the mission field as a married woman, So she has to choose between the three.  Who does she choose?  I know and you will too if you read "Tremors of Doubt " by Lael Harrelson.

This story is about a search for the truth and what God really wants, is it a believer's heart or obedience to rules?

This book is not preachy but it does have Scripture as part of the story line and made me search my own heart and feelings on some issues that I am struggling with in my own personal life. 

I would like to read another book about Callie and Josef, ( no Josef isn't one of the suitors).

I was given a complimentary copy by the author and Celebrate Lit. These opinions are my own.

About the Author

Raised by a fun loving, atheist single mom who struggled with depression and mental illness I spent my childhood backpacking around Europe, visiting yoga communes, eating vegan, living on a houseboat, then an old pony express outpost in the backwoods of Montana. My teen years took a drastic turn when my mom got saved, got married, and joined an ultra-conservative Mennonite church. Faith, step parents and unquestioning obedience is a dangerous combination when mixed with mental illness, legalism, and heavy handed physical correction. I became a confused believer with a heart for Jesus but drowning under a sea of rules, regulations, and legalism. I became a missionary teacher and then a nurse and escaped to the mission field, the one avenue open to single women. I taught VBS on Indian reservations, led school for missionary children in Haiti and Africa. All around me was heartache and disease and glaring need. I longed to make a difference but was limited to working on the mission compound – teaching, cooking, cleaning. Work outside the walls of the compound was reserved for the men. On a furlough, I met my future husband – a new believer who wasn’t looking for a door mat in a wife but a partner. As he grew in his faith, I reexamined mine and what Biblical womanhood looked like. Timidly at first, but then eagerly, as I discovered a new relationship with Jesus Christ based on grace and not performance. I left the Mennonite church and married the love of my life twenty years ago. We have five beautiful teenagers, two by birth and three through adoption from Haiti. My husband is adopted and God used my time in Haiti to prepare me to understand my children’s culture and language and ease their transitions home. Two people in my family have mild Asperger’s and one has Reactive Attachment disorder, PTSD, and ODD. Our house is not a quiet, well greased machine but a chaotic, happy, crazy, nerve racking, love filled oasis where we all try to help each other grow and thrive. I am so thankful for my life – the good and the bad. I feel blessed to have experienced so many unique situations and to love and be loved by so many wonderful and eccentric people. It is from these experiences I draw the fiction stories I write. I like to think of them as fiction with grit – fast paced and entertaining stories that make you want to read till the very last page while at the same time tackling real life issues – legalism, abuse, divorce, adoption, Asperger syndrome, mental illness, etc.

Guest Post from Lael Harrelson

To the casual observer, Haiti is a magical island of swaying palms, laughing children, and azure blue oceans, but for one who takes the time to look deeper, a darker truth emerges. Starvation. Desperation. Darkness. Hopelessness. Callie’s church is a shining beacon of family values, sincere faith, and simple living but, again, for one who takes the time to dive deeper, there is a hidden trail of broken spirits, crushed dreams, and oppressed women and girls. Drawing inspiration from my experiences as a Haitian missionary and former Mennonite, I hope you will find Tremors of Doubt not only entertaining but life changing as you follow Callie’s journey through self-doubt, crushed dreams, love triangles, life changing secrets, and fragile hope as she navigates being the daughter of Haitian missionaries on an exotic Caribbean Island where danger is lurking just below the surface.

Blog Stops

Quiet Quilter, June 12
Among the Reads, June 12
Mommynificent, June 13
Bigreadersite, June 13
The Avid Reader, June 14
Carpe Diem, June 15
Mary Hake, June 17
margaret kazmierczak, June 17 (Interview)
ansel book blog, June 22
cherylbbookblog, June 23


To celebrate her tour, Lael is giving away a grand prize of an autographed copy of Tremors of Doubt, an adorable set of Amish dolls, a set of handwritten recipe cards with mouthwatering Amish recipes, a handmade Haitian bracelet made by Haitian students, a pound of nationally acclaimed Haitian coffee, a bar of rich Haitian chocolate, and a $25 Amazon gift card!!
Click below to enter. Be sure to comment on this post before you enter to claim 9 extra entries!


  1. Replies
    1. Hope you get a chance to read it, Jessie. Come by and share your thoughts with me!

  2. thanks for the post :) sounds good

    1. Hi, Lacey. I'm glad it sounds interesting to you!

  3. Thanks for being a part of the tour, Debbie. Nice review.

    1. Hi, Marilyn. I love Debbie's review too. Hope you get a chance to read it. Lael

  4. Debbie, Thank you so much for the review and your thoughts on the story. They were encouraging and made my day!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.
