Monday, May 11, 2020

"A Life Renewed" by Olivia Rae Book Tour and GiveAway

About the Book 

Book:  A Life Renewed
Author: Olivia Rae

Genre:  Christian Historical

Release Date: April 2, 2020

In 1554, Lady Jane Grey, “The Nine Days’ Queen” was executed for high treason.
But what if, instead of feeling the blade on her neck she secretly survived?
Escaping execution, Lady Jane hides as a peasant girl in a principality in Germany. She loves the simple life and never wants to return to England. But her benefactor, a power-hungry German prince, wants to march on London and place her on the English throne again, thereby increasing his dominance in Europe. If she doesn’t agree to his plan, her beloved childhood nurse will be put to death. Desperate for help, Jane must put her trust in the mysterious spy Asher Hayes.
Asher Hayes is done rounding up Protestants for “Bloody Mary” and wants nothing more than to live a quiet life as a farmer and expunge the blood of many from his hands. Except Queen Mary isn’t done with him yet. She throws his father, mother, and sister into prison on false charges in order to force him to accept one last mission – find and kill Lady Jane Grey. But when Asher discovers Lady Jane isn’t a threat to the throne as he believed her to be, he faces a devastating decision – does he sacrifice his family for the woman who reigns in his heart?

Click here for your copy!
"A Life Renewed" by Olivia Rae is a great story that is fiction but based on history. It is a story of what if history would of happened differently.   This a story of how it really was
in England and Germany during the late Middle Ages/early Renaissance, between the Protestants and the Catholics.

I was kept reading the pages till the end and now I want the second book. I think this book would make a great movie. I don't understand how people can killed others and claim it is for God's Glory just because they believe differently than them. Yes, I know God had whole nations killed in the Bible, but that was because they were evil.  Lady Jane wasn't an evil person, in fact she was exactly the opposite. She was even willing to give herself up in order to save others.
I really didn't remember "Bloody Mary" until reading this book and all I can say is this book really helped me understand what other went through to have religious freedoms and I say we all need to be more thankful and appreciative of ours today. 

This is truly a story of trusting and trying to do the right thing. 

What if this was your story? Could you find forgiveness and trust again.

If you like the genre of Christian Historical then I really recommend "A Life Renewed" by Olivia Rae.
I received a complimentary copy by the author and Celebrate Lit. The opinions are my own.

About the Author

Olivia Rae is an award-winning author who spent her school days dreaming of knights, princesses and far away kingdoms; it made those long, boring days in the classroom go by much faster. Nobody was more shocked than her when she decided to become a teacher. Besides getting her Master’s degree, marrying her own prince, and raising a couple of kids, Olivia decided to breathe a little more life into her childhood stories by adding in what she’s learned as an adult living in a small town next to a big city. When not writing, she loves to travel, dragging her family to old castles and forts all across the world.

More from Olivia

The Challenge in Writing About a Real Historical Person
I like creating a story out of a kernel of information. The idea of my new book, A Life Renewed came when I took a trip to England and learned about the tragic life of Lady Jane Grey. Her life was so disastrous, I just wanted to give her a second chance at happiness. So that’s exactly what I did when she escaped her execution instead of dying as she did in real life.
My greatest challenge in writing this book was picking a heroine that actually lived. I had to do a lot of research in Lady Jane Grey’s life and her family. It was very interesting. Lady Jane was what we would call a progressive protestant. The conflicts between the Catholics and Protestants (The beginning of The Church of England) was very real and very deadly at that time. What many people don’t know is that Henry VIII was actually against many other Protestant religions (Calvinists, Lutherans, etc.). He feared their religious influence as much as he did the Catholic’s. His son Edward was more progressive, like Jane. If he would have lived, Jane’s outcome would have been totally different. After Jane’s death, Queen Mary went on a mission to turn England back to Catholicism. In her reign she killed over 300 Protestants. Hence later in history she was known as “Bloody Mary.”

Blog Stops

Betti Mace, May 12
Genesis 5020, May 14
Bigreadersite, May 15
Mary Hake, May 15
Emily Yager, May 17


To celebrate her tour, Olivia is giving away the grand prize packaged of an autographed copy of the book and a $25 Amazon gift certificate!!
Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.


  1. I'm looking forward to reading the book.

  2. I love historical fiction and this sounds like a really great read.

  3. I am enjoying these tours and finding all the terrific books my family is enjoying reading. Thanks for bringing them to us and keep up the good work.

  4. Looks interesting. :)
