Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Cracklin’Rosie by Jennifer Lynn Cary


About the Book

Book: Cracklin’ Rosie

Author: Jennifer Lynn Cary

Genre: Historical Christian Romance

Release Date: November 20, 2023

She’s a strong-willed chiropractor…

…He’s an old-fashioned MD.

Sparks fly—but will they burn them or make them sizzle?

When Rose Crackinbush D.C. sets up her modern (for the 1970s) practice in a new town, heaven help anyone who thinks chiropractors aren’t legitimate doctors.  Those naysayers will eat their words. Or she might make them cookies—she can be nice.

And if she can keep her temper about the town’s Jokester MD, she might win some new patients.

But this MD isn’t just a jokester. A dedicated family doctor, Brett Shoffner uses humor to help heal his patients. Only it seems newly-arrived lady chiropractors aren’t ready for his quips — no matter how pretty and smart they are. This specific lady chiropractor, not the quips.

Life would be so much easier for these two if they could avoid each other. But fate keeps throwing them together. Can they see beyond the symptoms and diagnose the real reasons behind their push-pull attraction?

And if so, will they choose the best cure?

Welcome back to 1972 Kokomo, Indiana in Cracklin’ Rosie, the fourth installment of the Weather Girls Wedding Shoppe and Venue series, where the Great Physician can adjust callings and purposes in ways never imagined.

You will enjoy Cracklin’ Rosie, a sweet, clean romcom inspired by Neil Diamond’s 1960’s song of the same title, because everyone knows that the plans we make don’t always end up as we thought they would.


Click here to get your copy!

I really enjoyed this clean romance. It is a story based on true facts about doctors not wanting to accept chiropractors as real doctors. If you have read the other stories in this series then you know a red cardinal will make an appearance in this book. This is a tale of a man and woman not liking each other at first but then that changes. This story has a character that has Alzheimer’s, not a big part of the story but it does impact of the story’s plot. Guess, I need to end this review before I give more away. I really think all readers who likes friction between the main female and male characters would enjoy this book. 
I received a complimentary copy from the author and Celebrate Lit and these opinions are my own. 

About the Author

Historical Christian Romance author, Jennifer Lynn Cary, likes to say you can take the girl out of Indiana, but you can’t take the Hoosier out of the girl. Now transplanted to the Arizona desert, this direct descendant of Davy Crockett and her husband of forty years enjoy time with family where she shares tales of her small-town heritage and family legacies with their grandchildren. She is the author of The Crockett Chronicles series, The Relentless series, and The Weather Girls trilogy as well as the stand-alone novel, Cheryl’s Going Home, her novella Tales of the Hob Nob Annex Café, and her split-time novels The Traveling Prayer Shawl and The Forgotten Gratitude JournalCracklin’ Rosie is the fourth book of her spin-off series The Weather Girls Wedding Shoppe and Venue.


More from Jennifer

I’ve long been a fan of 60s music—since the 1960s! Neil Diamond has been a favorite performer since that time. I must have been in fourth grade with “Thank the Lord for the Nighttime” was released. I had no idea of any deeper meaning, just loved the song—it would’ve gotten full 98 score from me for having “a great beat and fun to dance to” if I’d been a judge on American Bandstand with Dick Clark.


Fast-forward a good fifty plus years, and I’m researching 60s music where the song title has a girl’s name in it for my Weather Girls Wedding Shoppe and Venue series and I run across “Cracklin’ Rosie.” That was one song I sang with gusto. So fun. But I never was sure of the meaning. What or who was Cracklin’ Rosie? Then I got an inspiration that made me laugh out loud. I even contacted friends to share—tickled me to no end. What if Rosie was a chiropractor? That was the genesis for this story.


Of course, it needed to be funny. And who better to add humor and conflict than a medical doctor who fancied himself as an amateur comedian? The idea stuck and the brainstorming began. I have to tell you my critique partner, Diana Brandmeyer, understands humor. It was a blast coming up with ways to make it funny.


I hope you will agree, and that there will be moments when you snort or chuckle. Or even laugh out loud and have someone look over at you, so you tell them, “You gotta read this book.” Anyway, whether anyone watches you read, I hope you’ll enjoy this latest addition to the Weather Girls Wedding Shoppe and Venueseries, Cracklin’ Rosie.

Blog Stops

Babbling Becky L’s Book Impressions, March 29

Locks, Hooks and Books, March 30

Book Reviews From an Avid Reader, March 31

Texas Book-aholic, April 1

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, April 2

JESUS in the EVERYDAY, April 2

Happily Managing a Household of Boys, April 3

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, April 4

Blogging With Carol, April 5

For Him and My Family, April 6

Cover Lover Book Review, April 7

Splashes of Joy, April 8

Exploring the Written Word, April 9

Gina Holder, Author and Blogger, April 10 (Author Interview)

Mary Hake, April 10

Pause for Tales, April 11


To celebrate her tour, Jennifer is giving away the grand prize package of a $50 Amazon card and an eBook copy of the book!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.



  1. Sounds like a book I will enjoy reading.

  2. Thank you for posting about Cracklin' Rosie, it sounds like a great story, a must read for me

  3. This looks really good. Thanks for hosting.

  4. The medical doctor vs. the chiropractor angle is going to be quite interesting.

    1. I was able to get facts that were pertinent to the time and place in regards to that very thing. A childhood friend's father was a chiropractor in Kokomo and she is one now. She read through to make sure I was accurate.
