Sunday, November 22, 2015

"Change of Heart" by Molly Jebber and a Giveaway

Information at a Glance
Book: Change of Heart
Author: Molly Jebber
Genre: Amish Historical
Book Information:
A modern new century brings a young Amish woman an unexpected new life—and a chance to discover love’s true way home…
Ohio, 1899. Soft-spoken midwife Becca Yost lived by her Amish faith’s strict rules—until her fiancé jilted her before their entire community. She’s never been away from home, but the bustling Englischer town of Massillon, Ohio, is a welcome unexpected refuge. Especially when she goes to work for Dr. Matt Carrington, who shares her passion for healing those in need. His outgoing spirit and gentle strength show Becca a surprising new world of choices—and irresistible love. But there is one formidable obstacle: Matt’s wealthy mother is determined her son will marry a society woman.
With her newfound resolve challenged, Becca decides that she and Matt must not be destined for each other after all. She accepts that she will have to forge a life alone—until a wrenching crisis and life-changing revelations teach her that true faith lies in all things, especially impossible second chances .
About the Author
Molly Jebber is an educational, motivational, and Women’s Christian Connection speaker. She was raised in a small town in the Midwest, and insists if you had blinked twice, you would’ve missed it. She loves God, her family and friends, sunshine, swimming and traveling to the Amish communities.  Creating historical Amish characters and throwing them into difficult situations and joyous times has been challenging and fun for her. The greatest reward she’s experienced in becoming an author is meeting wonderful people from all over the world who’ve been encouraging and supportive.

BLOG TOUR:Tour Dates (Each name is a link):
Nov. 13: Kick off post
Nov 14: Heidireads
Nov 16: Bukwurmzz
"Change Of Heart" by Molly Jebber is a really good book. The story kept me turning the pages. This is an historical Amish story so it is a little different than the Amish stories I have read but maybe that is why I liked it a lot. There is one complaint from me, a lot of the story was telling what the characters were thinking and doing rather than talking to each other. I like more of an actual dialogue from the characters. But this small fact did not keep me from enjoying the book.    
The story line is Great!  The story is filled with great characters and it is a story of understanding and love and acceptance and forgiveness. This story shows appearances aren't necessarily the way things are.   

I love the Keepsake Pocket Quilt theme in this book. I won't go more into this theme except to say, what a wonderful idea for anyone to follow. If you want to know what this is, Read this book!   
After reading "Change of Heart," I am adding her other novels, especially the books in the "Keepsake Pocket Quilt" series to my To Be Read list. Of course,I have to wait until they are written.  
 I fell in love with Becca Yost and Dr. Matt Carrington and would love to read more about them. Of course, there are other characters that I want to read about and see if they truly change for the better, I am hoping to learn about new characters as well in the other books of this series.  

 I have given "Change of Heart" five stars.  

 I received a copy of this book from the author and Celebrate Lit in exchange for my honest review, which I have given.                                                                                   

Link to purchase book:                                                           Mollly has generously donated a book to each blogger to giveaway during their review. To be entered in the drawing for the book on this blog. just leave a comment and I will draw a winner by org on November 27.2014 at 9 am.

Monday, November 9, 2015

"The Master's Calling" by Amber Schamel

Book Description: After generations of waiting, the Messiah has come at last. And not a day too soon. All his life, Malon Ben-Tyrus has been squelched beneath Roman laws and religious traditions, and he longs to be free. The oppression of the Romans worsens every day, and the religious system led by the Scribes and Pharisees has grown corrupt. 

Malon believes his life calling is to become a disciple of the Messiah and help free Israel from bondage. When Jesus heads to Jerusalem for the Passover feast, Malon knows this will be a historic event. Jesus will enter the city as the Son of David and take His place as the Messiah of Israel. He longs to follow Jesus to Jerusalem, but his family won't allow him to go.

When at last his family consents, Malon arrives in Jerusalem only to discover that he is too late. The man he thought to be the Messiah has been crucified, and Barabbas—his greatest enemy—has been set free. 

Appalled by the cowardice of Jesus' disciples, Malon returns home seething with frustration and despair. Everything he believed he was destined to become died with Jesus. Was he wrong about his destiny? 

Author's Info: 

Multi-published author Amber Schamel writes riveting stories that bring HIStory to life. She has a passion for history, books and her Savior. This combination results in what her readers call "historical fiction at its finest". A homeschool graduate from a family of 12 children, Amber found her calling early in life. First published at age 21, she has continued to hone her craft and was honored to be a judge of this year's ACFW Genesis contest. Between ministry, family and working in their family businesses, Amber loves to connect with readers. Find her on the Stitches Thru Time blog, or on any of the major social media sites.
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Twitter: @AmberSchamel
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Author Interview: 
1.Tell us a bit about yourself. Where are you from and how long have you been writing?
I'm a homeschool graduate from a family of 12 children. I started writing when I was still in Elementary school, but didn't take it seriously until 2012. I was first published at age 21, and I've learned a lot since then.
2. Tell us about your latest book. What do you hope readers take away from it?
The Master's Calling is the third book in the Days of Messiah series. It follows Malon Ben Tyrus, a young Jewish merchant who longs to become one of Jesus' disciples. When at last his father consents to let him go, Malon arrives in Jerusalem to find that he is too late. Jesus has already been crucified. 
  2 b There are a lot of takeaways that I hope to leave with my readers in this book, but I guess the top one would be a lasting impression of how faithful our God is, and how magnificently His hand orchestrates the events in our lives.
3.What’s the most interesting book you’ve ever read?
The Bible is the most interesting book I've ever read. Besides being an accurate account of history, it is also an enthralling story with Christ's love for us woven through every word. I've recently been reading in Isaiah, and he uses so many descriptive types. I just love it. 
4.Book you’re currently reading?
I'm currently reading Real Christianity by William Wilberforce. He's a historical hero of mine. :)
5.How important are names to you in your books? Do you choose the names based on liking the way it sounds or the meaning? Do you have any name choosing resources you recommend?
yes, names are very important to me. I almost always look at the name origin and meaning before choosing it for my character. For example, in The Master's Calling, I have a Roman Centurion who is very proud. Quite frankly, he's my main character's thorn in the side. The name I chose for him is Marcus Pomponius Gallus. Pomponius means pompous and Gallus means rooster, so his name describes him as the pompous rooster he is. :)
5b. I use a variety of online name books, but my favorite is probably Behind the Name. 
6.What is one of the things you’re most thankful for as a writer?
The leading of the Holy Spirit. I rely on that completely and would not be a good writer without it.
7.What would you say is your interesting writing quirk?
I write while listening to soundtrack music, but I don't know how interesting that is. Sometimes I cry while writing scenes. I often write while driving in the car with ten children. That might be interesting to some. LOL.
8.What are you working on next?
I'm working on re-editing my Amazon bestselling Christmas story, The Swaddling Clothes. The second edition will be making its appearance before the end of the year. 
8b.Besides that, I'm also working on a Christmas story set during the Civil War. 
9. Where can we learn more about you?
On my website,, or connect with me on Goodreads, Pinterest or Facebook. I also write on the Stitches Thru Time and Heroes, Heroines and History blogs.
My Review:  "The Master's Calling" by Amber Schamel is the third and final book in the (Days of Messiah series) and though it ended perfectly, it is still a bittersweet ending for this reader. I want to read more of Malon Ben-Tyrus and his family. 

"The Master's Calling" takes place after Jesus has been crucified and Malon feels betrayed by the disciples as well as Jesus, (how could he let Himself be killed if He was the Messiah). The disciples, and especially Peter are hiding because they are afraid and Malon is angry at them all.

Will Malon ever feel He was right when he felt that he was called to follow the Master and was Jesus's death just a way to a greater glory for us all?

Everyone remembers Barabbas, the prisoner that was released on Passover, but no one knows his story. Amber Schamel has set out to give us a fictional account of of this man, letting us see what may have led to his imprisonment and what could have happened afterward.

I encourage you to read this series, you won't be disappointed! 

Malcon's story is a story of betrayal and loss and joy! But this is more than just Malcon's story, it is also The Master's story of how he touched one family's life.

I am giving "The Master's Calling" (Days of Messiah Book 3) by Amber Schamel five stars.
I was given a pdf file by the author for an honest review and these opinions are mine.

To purchase The Master's Calling go here:
To purchase  The Master's Sign Book 2 go here:
To Purchase The Healer's Touch Book 1 go here: