Tuesday, May 31, 2016

"Saving the Marquise’s Granddaughter" by Carrie Fancett Pagels Book Tour and GiveAway

About the Book

SavingTheMarquisesGranddaughter_w11911_750In a land fraught with religious strife, they must break the barriers between status and faith to forge a fresh future in a new world… After her Huguenot father is arrested, aristocrat Suzanne Richelieu escapes Versailles. Handsome German peasant, Johan Rousch, risks his life to bring her to the safety of his family’s farm in the Palatinate duchy, but when Suzanne’s brother and the French army arrive with a warning that they plan to burn the area, she and Johan are forced to flee. With no money or options, both become indentured servants in exchange for safe passage to Philadelphia. Suzanne falls gravely ill aboard ship and marries Johan, only to survive with no memory of the wedding—a reality made worse when Johan spots the “priest” who married them working as a surveyor and later in Quaker cleric garb. Are their wedding vows valid? When Suzanne’s former fiancé arrives in port, planning to abduct her, Johan must save her again—but can he do so before Suzanne is lost to him forever?

About the Author

Carrie headshotCarrie Fancett Pagels is a multi-published award-winning author of Christian historical romance.  Twenty-five years as a psychologist didn’t “cure” her overactive imagination! She resides with her family in the Historic Triangle of Virginia, which is perfect for her love of history. Carrie loves to read, bake, bead, and travel – but not all at the same time!

Guest Post from Carrie Fancett Pagels

Hi, I’m Carrie Fancett Pagels, so excited to see this particular book “baby”, Saving the Marquise’s Granddaughter, finally being “born!” I started working on this over eight years ago!
Roush book 1Would you believe it was a genealogical search that began this story? We had a lot of research on my father’s side of the family but not on my mother’s. Sites like Ancestry.com were getting big. One of my mother’s cousins posted the genealogy that he’d found, on one of the genealogy sharing sites and I got that information but only back to where I found two Rousch cousins marrying. I honestly didn’t want to go on after that, as it appeared they were first cousins – yikes! But after praying about it, and knowing my mom was curious, too, I went forward.
colonial Patriot marchers DSCN4653While I am interested in genealogy, as a former psychologist, I’m more interested in people’s stories.  So when I discovered that the two cousins were the grandchildren of Johan Adam Rousch, who had been acknowledged because nine of his ten sons had fought in the American Revolution, I wanted to know more about him and his family and ancestors.  Since there were books already written about him, I went up to the University of Virginia Rare Books Library and read what people had to say about the real life Johan. He sounded fascinating. He was an immigrant from the Palatinate of Germany and lived in the western part of Virginia, after immigrating via Pennsylvania.
I had joined the American Christian Fiction Writers (ACFW) group and had been working on a novel set in the Charleston, South Carolina area, where I’d previously lived. I got so interested in Johan and his story that I began to write. But I couldn’t wrap my mind around Susanna, his real life wife who likely also came from the Palatinate, possibly on the same ship. No matter how I tried to work on her, through various writing classes I took, I couldn’t make her “real” because she just wasn’t speaking to me. I tried and I have the old scenes to prove it!
rousch monumentWhen I write, I pray. I asked God to show me scriptures for each scene, which were included on my rough drafts (they are not there in the final novel.) I did some research, at the library, and a massive tome about the Hundred Years War was recommended to me and one on European History from that time frame. By learning of some of the reasons the Palatinate was persecuted, such as the French punishing them for taking in Protestants, I began to imagine a different sort of heroine for my story. Of course, although the story was inspired by Johan and Susanna, this book is fictional. That freed me up for God to inspire me to make this story about faith. A core tenet of the book is that we must find our own faith – we cannot “borrow” it from someone else!
Since I was still practicing as a psychologist, as I developed Suzanne’s character I included traits that would be common in someone is the situation she was in. She’s living in an aristocratic French family, with parents who are actually of the Huguenot faith. If they are discovered there can be drastic consequences, including death. So a young lady like that may become more obsessive and compulsive as a way of dealing with that anxiety.
I hope those who read this story will be inspired by the message of overcoming and of finding one’s own path to faith in the Lord!!!
My Review: 
"Saving the Marquise’s Granddaughter" by Carrie Fancett Pagels is not a happily ever after type of story, though it does end on a happy note.  I had a hard time liking this story at first, maybe because I didn't really know what the story was about. I don't always read the book's description before reading a book.  I do have to say that I really liked the second half of the book.

This story is about being persecuted for one's faith and finding that you had to have your own and not borrowed  faith from others. The story is fiction but based on fact, I never knew that Catholics weren't always accepted. 

The story is also a love story and this part of the book kept me guessing how it would go. 

This story makes readers appreciate their freedoms more and makes this reader want to hug each loved one and show love more often. You never know when they will be gone and the chance is gone forever. 

My thoughts are probably completely different than other reviews but that above statement is my response to this story.  

This story has characters that you love and characters you want to see something bad happen to ( yes I can wish that because it isn't true ) and let's be honest, we all have characters in books we don't like. 

I am giving "Saving the Marquise’s Granddaughter" by Carrie Fancett Pagels four stars.

I was given a copy by the author and Celebrate Lit for an honest review in this book tour.

Special Giveaway: Carrie is giving one commenter an ebook copy of "Saving the Marquise’s Granddaughter"

Blog Stops
May 26: Just Commonly (Spotlight)
May 27: A Greater Yes
May 27: Cassandra M’s Place (spotlight)
May 29: Bigreadersite
May 29: Mary Hake
June 4: Southern Chelle
Purchase your copy of Saving the Marquise’s Granddaughter here.
To celebrate her tour, Carrie is giving away a Kindle Fire 7, one signed copy of Saving the Marquise’s Granddaughter along with Postcard & bookmark and Fleur de Lis Earrings. Click the link to enter: https://promosimple.com/ps/9a1a

Friday, May 27, 2016

"The Quieting" by Suzanne Woods Fisher Book Tour and GiveAway

My Review: "The Quieting" by Suzanne Woods Fisher  is the 2nd book in the (The Bishop's Family series) and I have to be honest and say while I did enjoy this book I liked the 1st book in the series better but really looking forward to the next book in the series.

"The Quieting" picks up where "The Imposter" leaves off.  We are introduced to new family members of the Stoltzfus family.  

This book is an Amish love story and I am going to say I am considering it a mystery also due to the fact that Abigail is on the hunt to discover who a mysterious person listed in the family really is.

This book has a couple of scenes that I wasn't sure of the outcome and was thinking do I want to finish reading this book because I don't want it to be this way, but of course, I finished the book, and yes, some of the scenes worked out the way I wanted and some didn't but that is what makes a good book, right?

This story shows readers that sometimes you just have to be yourself and do what you know is right!

I really like the fact that the author really shows that no one is immune to sin, even bishops and pastors, and that what you think is hidden, will eventually come out into the light and must be dealt with.

It also has a lesson about kindness verses payback.

I suppose you can read "The Quieting" as a standalone but I strongly recommend reading "The Imposter" first.

I am giving "The Quieting" four stars.

I was given a copy by the author and Celebrate Lit for my honest review for this book tour.

About the Book
the quietingThe Stoltzfus family faces serious problems, both in the church and at home. Everyone in the community expects minister David Stoltzfus to fix things–fast. But David doesn’t work fast. He prefers to wait for God to work in individual hearts. However, even he is left wondering if the solution to their most pressing problem might be a Quieting.
When David’s mother arrives, uninvited, more upheaval is in store. She has matchmaking plans for everyone in the family, including David and her eligible granddaughters–and especially for David’s niece Abigail. When Abigail stumbles onto a curious connection during her genealogical research, it could help David solve one problem–but will it create another?
Bestselling author Suzanne Woods Fisher takes fans back to Stoney Ridge, delivering the twists, turns, and romance they adore.

About the Author

suzanne-croppedSuzanne Woods Fisher is an award-winning, bestselling author whose most recent novels include Anna’s Crossing and The Inn at Eagle Hill series, as well as nonfiction books about the Amish, including Amish Peace and The Heart of the Amish. She lives in California. Learn more at www.suzannewoodsfisher.com and follow Suzanne on Twitter @suzannewfisher.

Guest Post from Suzanne Woods Fisher

Twenty years ago, my husband and I attended a large church with a dynamic senior pastor. Each Sunday, we would sit spellbound during 40 minute sermons—he was that good a preacher. And then a terrible thing came to light—this very man had been taking advantage of vulnerable women during counseling sessions. Fourteen women, it turned out, and the pastor remained unrepentant. As issues were dealt with, our entire church suffered. We were a hurting community. The sins of one affected all.
As I plotted out ‘The Bishop’s Family,’ I wanted to borrow the theme of how a leader’s sins hurts the church community. (Now, I need to clarify that this is not a novel that addresses sexual sin. However, it does address unrepentant sin in an ordained leader.) First, I spoke to some Amish friends to see if my story idea had any merit. Was I was on the right track? To my amazement, a similar situation to my novels had occurred in one Amish friend’s church, and it resulted in a “quieting.” That’s an Amish phrase that means revoking the responsibilities of an unrepentant ordained leader. Just like it sounds–he is, essentially, “Quieted.”
In this novel, you’ll see the behind-the-scenes of Amish church leadership, and get a sense of how a community is hurting. And how it begins to heal, too.
This series began in the Stoney Ridge, Pennsylvania community with The Imposter. More twists and turns are coming to Stoney Ridge after The Quieting—so stay tuned for The Devoted to hit bookshelves in early October. Just in time for autumn reading by a warm fireplace!
Warmly, Suzanne
Blog Stops
May 17: Heidi Reads…
May 18: Just Commonly
May 19: A Holland Reads
May 20: Quiet Quilter
May 21: cherylbbookblog
May 22: Giveaway Lady
May 23: Splashes of Joy
May 24: Lane Hill House
May 24: Book by Book
May 24: Mary Hake
May 29: Bukwurmzzz
May 29: Bigreadersite
Purchase your copy of The Quieting here.

To celebrate her tour, Suzanne is giving away a grab bag of Amish-made gifts worth over $100! Click the link to enter: https://promosimple.com/ps/99a8

Monday, May 23, 2016

"One Plus One Equals Trouble" by Sondra Kraak Book Tour and GiveAway

About the Book

One Plus One Equals TroubleHumiliated after her broken engagement, Claire Montgomery flees her comfortable life in San Francisco for a teaching position in Pine Creek, Washington, a dot of a town nestled in the rugged Cascade Mountains. She’s determined to succeed—for once in her life—only to discover, upon her arrival, that success will have to be won. Thanks to a school board error, two teachers have been hired.
When scandal forces professor Barrett Clarke from his position, he returns to Pine Creek where his uncle, chairman of the school board, sets forth an irresistible offer: teach one year in return for ranchland. For this would-be rancher, nothing is more tempting than resurrecting his childhood dream, and nothing can deter him from earning that land.
Except perhaps Claire Montgomery. Losing the battle for the classroom means losing the ranchland, but winning may mean losing Claire’s heart.

About the Author

Sondra KraakA native of Washington State, Sondra Kraak grew up playing in the rain, hammering out Chopin at the piano, and running up and down the basketball court. Now settled in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains, she enjoys spending time with her husband and children, blogging about spiritual truths, and writing historical romance set in the beautiful Pacific Northwest. She delights in sharing stories that not only entertain, but nourish the soul. Her debut novel, One Plus One Equals Trouble, was an ACFW Genesis semi-finalist (2015) and the winner of the Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers Conference Unpublished Women’s Fiction Award (2015).

Blog Stops

May 10: cherylbbookblog
May 14: Bigreadersite
May 20: Bukwurmzzz


To celebrate her tour, Sondra is doing a special giveaway! Click the link to enter: https://promosimple.com/ps/98ca
My Review: "One Plus One Equals Trouble" by Sondra Kraak was a joy to read. I strongly recommend it to anyone wanting a clean love story. It is also filled with some laugh out loud scenes. I think I liked this story so much because it is about teachers, which my dream for a long time was to become a teacher.I literally read this book in one day,yes, it was because this review was due for the tour, but I believed I would have read it in one setting even if not for this review because I had to see which teacher won the job.This book is the first book in (Love That Counts) series and I can honestly say I am anxiously awaiting book 2. There was quite a few surprising twists and turns in this book, that make me think I don't want that to happen and they didn't do that.  This story is set in the era of outhouses and one room schoolhouses,( all grades together). Can Claire and Barrett put aside their differences and work together for a trial period and hope the best teacher is hired. Can they learn to trust each other and God. Forgiveness was a big part of this story as well as "Letting Go and Give it to God". Really wish I could give "One Plus One Equals Trouble" by Sondra Kraak more than five stars.   I was given a copy of "One Plus One Equals Trouble" by Sondra Kraak by the author and Celebrate Lit for my honest review as a part of this tour.

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

"Taking a Chance on Love" by Rachel Jones

Book Info: From childhood, Virginia Manning has planned for a career as a concert clarinetist. Blindsided by family circumstances, her plans are interrupted, taking her down a path she would never have chosen. As a music teacher, Virginia’s relationship with the football coach goes from problematic to romantic. After Blake’s brush with death, a scared Virginia runs away looking for the contentment music has always brought to her life. 

Because Blake Oliver has experienced disappointment and pain, he opts for a fresh start in a small New England town. Accepting the position of football coach, he isn’t looking for love when it finds him. But when Virginia leaves to pursue a performance career, Blake realizes it’s not where you live but having someone to love that matters. His only problem is making her understand that as well.

Author Biography                                                                                    It was thoughts of what she would do after retirement from a twenty-eight-year career in healthcare that spurred Rachel to begin writing her first manuscript in March of 2012. Needing guidance and support with her new endeavor, she joined local and national writing groups. 

Rachel signed her first contract in 2013 and her debut novel, To Dance One More Day was released in June of 2014. She is eagerly awaiting retirement to write full time. 

A music enthusiast for decades, Rachel resides in Kennesaw, Georgia with her husband of thirty-seven years and a spoiled Labrador retriever. She is a member of Georgia Writers Association, Georgia Romance Writers and is a PRO member of Romance Writers of America.

My Review
"Taking a Chance on Love" by Rachel Jones is a sweet story about love and if  the risk is worth taking.  I really enjoyed this story from the first chapter to the end. This is what my Facebook status said after reading the first chapter "You know the next book you are reading is going to be a tear jerker but a great love story when the first chapter starts out with a character at the grave site of her father because her mother cannot place the flowers there because she is dying of cancer and a man runs into her and they fall!"
                                                                                                                                  This story is about a football coach and a music lover who had dreams of becoming a concert clarinetist who meet and at first are at odds with each other.  There are twists and turns that makes this reader hope they can beat the odds and live happily ever after. But can they with their different backgrounds and interests?

This story does tear at your heart strings  but that is what makes a great story. 

This book is a clean romance and is not classified as a Christian read but I must warn my blog readers that only read Christian reads, that the word, ( another word for donkey is used and does not mean the animal) is used once in the book. I would still recommend this book.

Can football and music mix, read "Taking a Chance on Love" by Rachel Jones and you might be surprised.

I have given "Taking a Chance on Love" by Rachel Jones five stars.

I was given a copy by the author for my honest review. These opinions are mine own. 

Sunday, May 15, 2016

"No Neutral Ground,"by Terri Vanguard Book Tour and Giveaway

About the Book: 
NNGFrontNo Neutral GroundAfter his father divorces his mother because of her Jewish ancestry, Rafe and the rest of his family flee Germany. As a B-17 navigator, he returns to Europe. On the ocean voyage, he meets Jennie, an artist journeying to Sweden to work with the OSS.
Flying missions against his former homeland arouses emotions that surprise Rafe. Despite being rejected, he is troubled by the destruction of Germany and his heart still cries for his father’s love.
Sweden may be neutral, but it’s full of intrigue. Jennie assists the OSS at the American legation in Sweden. She thought she’d be doing passive, behind-the-scenes work. Instead, she’s pushed into an active role to gain intelligence and frustrate the Germans.
How can Rafe and Jennie succeed in their dangerous roles when they are so conflicted?

About the Author

TerriTerri Wangard grew up in Green Bay, Wisconsin, during the Lombardi Glory Years. Her first Girl Scout badge was the Writer. These days she is writing historical fiction, and won the 2013 Writers on the Storm contest and 2013 First Impressions, as well as being a 2012 Genesis finalist. Holder of a bachelor’s degree in history and a master’s degree in library science, she lives in Wisconsin. Her research included going for a ride in a WWII B-17 Flying Fortress bomber. Classic Boating Magazine, a family business since 1984, keeps her busy as an associate editor.
Connect with Terri:www.terriwangard.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/AuthorTerriWangard
Pinterest: www.pinterest.com/terriwangard/

Guest Post from Terri Wangard

I hadn’t planned on writing No Neutral GroundFriends and Enemies (book one of the Promise For Tomorrow series) was the WWII story I’d wanted to write, inspired by family history on the German side. Finishing that, I’d started writing a contemporary story set in one of my favorite places, Green Lake, Wisconsin.
At an ACFW conference, I had an appointment to pitch Friends and Enemies with an editor. She said I’d be likelier to get a contract if I had a series. The Green Lake story got shelved.
What could I write to partner with Friends and Enemies? That stumped me. The German side of the story was my big interest, but another one? No. I had no desire to return to Nazi Germany. My ancestry is three quarters German. All of my forbearers arrived in America before 1900, but it’s still a bitter thought that their homeland spawned such evil.
Germany’s out, so that left me with the other side of Friends and Enemies—the B-17s. I’d chosen the Flying Fortress because of my timeline. In mid-1944, the only American military men in Germany were shot-down airmen. I had plenty of material I hadn’t used in Friends and Enemies, but the plot had to be different. Something other writers hadn’t touched on. Maybe…Sweden?
Who’s familiar with Sweden’s role in World War II?
If American planes got in trouble during their missions and couldn’t make it back to their bases in England, they sought sanctuary in neutral countries. Switzerland is usually the first that comes to mind. Tricia Goyer had already written The Swiss Courier which touches on internees.
But Sweden. I had even visited Sweden. In 1993, my dad and I had gone to Sweden to cover a classic boat show for our magazine, Classic Boating. During a free day, we had wandered around Stockholm and taken lots of pictures.
I started the research and discovered, hmm, there’s not much, especially if you don’t know Swedish. One book I acquired held a eureka moment. A B-17 was damaged and the pilot told the crew to bail out. The navigator hurried to the cockpit and implored him to try to make it to Sweden. He was from Germany, a former member of the Hitler Youth, and he did not want to be captured by his former countrymen. There’s my male protagonist! Rafe discovered he had Jewish ancestry and had to flee Germany. Now he’s back at war with the homeland.
I still needed a female protagonist, and Jennie proved hard to pin down. I was pulling her together throughout the writing. I enjoyed reading accounts of Betty McIntosh, who served with the OSS in the China-Burma-India theater. Why not enlist Jennie’s services with the OSS in Sweden? She’s talented but lacks confidence. Pretty soon, Jennie found her voice.
As my research continued, I made a surprising discovery. One of the photos I’d taken in Stockholm turned out to be the former home of the American legation in Sweden. Jennie’s workplace. And I had thought it was just an example of lovely architecture.
I hope you’ll enjoy reading about Rafe and Jennie in No Neutral Ground.

Blog Stops

May 4:  A Greater Yes
May 6: Mary Hake
May 7: Bigreadersite
May 10: Bukwurmzzz
May 16: Artistic Nobody

 My Review: 
"No Neutral Ground,"by Terri Vanguard is the second in the (Promise for Tomorrow) series and is a great read. It is filled with history amid a love story.

"No Neutral Ground" starts out with Jennie and Rolf meeting each other abroad the Queen Mary. The story then tells each other's story as they each fulfilled their separated roles in World War 11. Then in part 2, they meet again and they are partners in trying to end the war. 

Terri Vanguard has written a novel that pulls the readers into the scenes and helps them see what the world was like in that era. 

One character I especially had a lot of compassion for was a little girl named Brenda who reached out to Rafe.

I love this story from the book  and am sharing it in this review because I think it is a perfect example of our Heavenly Father's love for us,  “A soldier came home on leave to find his wife and children dead. Their shelter had taken a direct hit. Our soldier was despondent and wandered the ruins of the city for days. One morning he saw a bedraggled woman marching through the rubble, dragging along an equally bedraggled little boy. He had a hard time keeping pace, for his short legs had difficulty maneuvering the chunks of debris. He stumbled on one large piece and scraped his leg, causing it to bleed. His mother jerked on his arm, but he fell to the ground. As he cried there, she yelled at him most unpleasantly. Our soldier picked up the small boy, pressed his handkerchief to the wound, and said, ‘Frau, you don’t realize the treasure you have here. I’ll be glad to take him if you don’t want him.’ That’s a wonderful picture of our Father in heaven.” Pastor Jurgen paused momentarily. “King David said in Psalm twenty-seven, ‘When my father and my mother forsake me, then the Lord will take me up.’ Being here in His house may make you more aware of His presence, but Rolf, never forget, He’s with you wherever you are.”"

Terri Vanguard's characters are ones that this reader won't forget about for awhile. If you want a fresh reminder of what World War 11 was really like  I recommend you read both books in Terri Vanguard's series, "Promise for Tomorrow".

There was lots of details about the flying missions, and yes I know the main character, Rolf, was a flyer but before the novel got to the second part, I was thinking I want this to end and get on to the love story, but that is my own personal opinion as I am not a fan of airplanes and etc but the airplane talk doesn't take away from the greatness of the book. 

I am anxiously awaiting the third book in this series which is due out in September.

"No Neutral Ground" by Terri Vanguard is a five star novel.  I received a copy of "No Neutral Ground" by Terri Vanguard from Celebrate Lit and the publisher for my honest review. 

Purchase your copy here.

To celebrate her No Neutral Ground tour, Terri is giving away several prizes.  Click here to enter: https://promosimple.com/ps/97ca

Thursday, May 12, 2016

"A Taste Of Tragedy" by Kim McMahill

Book Details: 
Morgan Hunter sacrificed everything for her career. She had yet to encounter anything she wasn’t willing to do to succeed…until now. When she uncovers evidence that the healthy foods she’s been hired to promote may be dangerous, she must reevaluate her priorities. As questions mount and the body count rises, she finds herself caught in the crosshairs of an organization that will stop at nothing to hide its secrets and protect its profits. With no one else to trust, Morgan is forced to seek help from the man she drove away, but whom she never stopped loving.

Author Info: 
Kim McMahill started out writing non-fiction, but her passion for exotic world travel, outrageous adventures, stories of survival against the odds, and happily-ever-after endings soon drew her into a world of romantic suspense and adventure fiction. To learn more, visit her website at http://KimMcMahill.com or follow her at http://KimMcMahill.blogspot.com or on twitter at https://twitter.com/kimmcmahll.

My Review: 
"A Taste Of Tragedy" by Kim McMahill is a book that definitely keeps you on the edge of your seat thinking "what is going to happen next"."A Taste Of Tragedy" by Kim McMahill can be read as a stand alone but I really recommend you read " A Dose of Danger" first. The story line and plot continue where "A Dose Of Danger" leaves off but introduces the reader to a new character and a new business. I do have to warn readers "A Dose Of Danger" has one offensive line about a character "flipping another character the bird" but other than that the books are a clean romance and mystery story. 

"A Taste Of Tragedy" by Kim McMahill is full of twists that involves murder and suspense and had this reader thinking "Watch out".  These books are not Christian genre but other than what I have previously stated they are a clean read. Yes there is lots of kissing and flirting and hints but I still consider it a clean read.

These books are not my normal type of reading so I am surprised that I liked them. I only have one complaint and that is the ending, all the bad guys aren't caught and since these books aren't listed like some other books are that are in a series and there isn't a preview of the next book, you don't know if there is going to be a third book or not. I certainly hope so because I want to see justice done and there are a few love stories I want to see if they end up the way I want them too. 

These books are about common people fighting greed and corruption and the lengths the bad guys are willing to go so they don't get caught. Are the "accidents" really accidents and if not what is the connection? Can love work out the second time? 

 I have give "A Taste Of Tragedy" 4 stars.  I was given a copy of "A Taste Of Tragedy" by Kim McMahill by Prism Book Group for my honest review. 

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Amish Quilts Coloring Book Book Tour and GiveAway

About The Book
Amish Quilts Coloring BOOK coverFeeling stressed? Why not relax with an adult coloring book?                                                                                            Rachel J. Good’s Amish Quilts Coloring Book takes you back to a time and place that’s calm. Immerse yourself in a world of peace as you color the 25 different quilts.

Inspired by quilts seen in Amish country, many of these designs are based on traditional patterns, but some have been reimagined or repeated multiple times to create more intricate designs to color. Each quilt is printed on only one side of the page; facing pages contain inspirational Amish proverbs. To make the quilts even more colorful and interesting, sketch fabric designs – plaids, checks, paisleys, flowers, or abstract shapes – into the larger quilt blocks, use pattern stamps, or even collage fabric scraps to the pages. And if the designs inspire you to make quilts of your own, the pages can be used as templates for quilt-making.

About the Author
Rachel photo webRachel J. Goodinspirational author, writes life-changing, heartfelt novels of faith, hope, and forgiveness. She is the author of Amish romances in the Sisters & Friends series. She grew up near Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, the setting for her novels. A former teacher and librarian, she completed her MA from Vermont College while raising five children. She is presently an MFA student in Writing and Illustration at Hollins University. In addition to having more than 2200 articles and 30 books in print or forthcoming under several pseudonyms, she also juggles freelance editing and illustration careers. 
Visit Rachel at:

My Thoughts:                                                                                                                                       Below is a picture of one of the samples I was provided for this tour, the words at the top of the page reads "Keep your words soft and sweet in case you have to eat them." 
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           I thought the patterns were to small. I have to be close to the paper in order to keep the colors in the lines. It did help with stress until my neck, back and hand started to cramp and ache from being bent over the page and from having so small of an area to color in. I like the concept of it and the patterns, if they were bigger. I am thinking about getting the book and seeing if they are all this small. I think my granddaughters would like this. I even think the pages might be fun to color together with them, they could color the small lines and I could do the bigger lines. I have enjoyed seeing the different ways that the other bloggers have colored the two pages we were given. I have only included one page because I am saving the second example and letting my granddaughters color it.
Blog Stops
May 4: Bookworm Mama
May 12: Petra’s Hope
May 14: A Greater Yes
May 14: Artistic Nobody
May 15: Quiet Quilter
To buy the Amish Quilts Coloring Book: http://amzn.to/1VmIOUi


Amish Quilts Coloring BOOK cover

To celebrate her tour, Rachel is giving away two autographed copies of her Amish Quilts Coloring Book! 
Click here to enter: https://promosimple.com/ps/986f