Saturday, March 21, 2020
"Tatiana:" by Madeline Brock
Book Description
Tatiana Bergman views life through a different lens than most. She says and does what she likes without regard for hurt feelings on the way. Living in the 1840s in rural Pennsylvania, her passionate, impulsive behavior confounds her sisters and appalls her peers.
Life only gets more complicated when Tatiana befriends Jonny Creek, a mischievous young man whose Native American blood puts him on the fringes of society. Jonny is trouble; Tatiana is intrigued. Together they spell out disaster. From being chased by wolves, to bashing around fancy gatherings, the unlikely pair get into one scrape after another.
When tragedy strikes the Bergman family, Tatiana is compelled to leave the security of her childhood home to live in the bustling city of Philadelphia. There, she is forced into adulthood as she deals with a mysterious young coworker and an unsavory employer.
Tatiana struggles to subdue her wild spirit and keep her heart pure while making the right choices and wrestling with her own woman she finds herself in a battle of her will between two young men and the God she serves.
Purchase Link
Meet @MadelineBrock01 and her debut #historicalfiction novel, Tatiana, Book One of the #UpwardWayChronicles series.
The #UpwardWayChronicles from author Madeline Brock are superb! Today I'm sharing my thoughts on #Tatiana, book one in the series.
Tatiana, a book provided by #RoswayPress. The Upward Way Chronicles series author Madeline Brock makes the reader feel part of history! #christianfiction
Immerse yourself into life in the 1800's! Meet author @MadelineBrock01 and Tatiana, her debut release.
Madeline Brock's coming of age novel, #Tatiana, tackles tough choices with spirit and optimism. Don't miss this! #CR4U
I really enjoyed "Tatiana:" by Madeline Brock. It is filled with humor, tears, romance, and Christian elements without being preachy. This is a book that I would read again. I really am eager to read the other books in the series. In fact, I just brought the other two books in this series.
This is a book about what real love is and how Jesus can really change a person from the inside out if they allow Him to!
This book really kept me reading and enjoying from the first page till the last page.
I received a complimentary copy from the author and Celebrate Lit. These opinions are my own.
Madeline Brock's love of people, history, the Lord, and good storytelling flows over into her writing. She was born and raised in Northwest Ohio and came from a homeschooling family of seven. Madeline has loved reading and writing from a very young age. In childhood, a favorite activity was taking family road trips across the country. Several unique part-time jobs filled her teen years. Among these were: music teacher, nanny, and a historic museum costumed guide. A chocolate factory and a produce stand were also memorable work experiences. After graduation, Madeline spent two years on a Navajo Reservation in New Mexico. Her primary activity was teaching at a private school. Now California's beautiful Central Valley is her home. She resides with four cats, her carpenter husband, and their infant daughter. Two of Madeline's favorite books are Little Women and Anne of Green Gables. She loves the timeless way the authors relate and portray their characters. Madeline strives to write with the nostalgia and emotion of her favorite authors.
Friday, March 20, 2020
"Balaam’s Curse" by C.L. Smith Book Tour and GiveAway

About the Book
Book: Balaam’s Curse
Author: C.L. Smith
Genre: Biblical fiction
Release Date: 2016

Aided by the ruthlessly ambitious Princess Cozbi, the prophet gathers a coalition of five Midianite kings who will stop at nothing to defeat Israel and prevent a crossing that will change the world. Balaam’s Curse, Book One of The Stones of Gilgal, is an epic telling of the resulting deception, revolt, plague, and war. Familiar biblical characters—Moses, Caleb and Joshua—stride through this tale of mayhem and miracles. But this is the coming-of-age story of the next generation, young people nurtured in a simple wilderness life who suddenly find themselves caught in a vortex of violence and upheaval beyond anything they could have imagined.
Click here to get your copy.
"Balaam’s Curse" by C.L. Smith is Biblical fiction that I would recommend to anyone that likes this genre and I did. I am amazed at the actuality of this book and I am glad that the author gives a list of Biblical verses in the back of the book.
This is a great retelling of how Baal and five Midianite kings uses wealth, sex, alcohol, to stop the Children of Israel crossing into the Promised Land.
This book is the first of the three in the series and I will be reading the other two as soon as I can.
The author makes these Biblical characters, Moses, Caleb and Joshua, come to life and the reader feels like they are more than just Biblical people but real people with feelings and actions like the rest of us.
About the Author
This is a great retelling of how Baal and five Midianite kings uses wealth, sex, alcohol, to stop the Children of Israel crossing into the Promised Land.
This book is the first of the three in the series and I will be reading the other two as soon as I can.
The author makes these Biblical characters, Moses, Caleb and Joshua, come to life and the reader feels like they are more than just Biblical people but real people with feelings and actions like the rest of us.
I was given a complimentary copy by the author and Celebrate Lit. These opinions are mine own.
About the Author

More from C.L. Smith
The light of God’s love dispels the darkness obscuring the era of Joshua and the violent conquest of Canaan. Be inspired by this epic series of biblical novels illuminating the murky mists of ancient time with truth applicable to modern life.
Balaam’s Curse
The first book of the series plunges the reader into a nightmarish tale of terror instigated by an evil prophet from Babylonia. If you think you remember the story of Balaam and his talking donkey from Sunday School, think again. When God puts words of blessing in the prophet’s mouth, thwarting his attempt to curse Israel, Balaam joins forces with supernatural powers in a scheme so twisted that his name is used as a synonym for seductive evil a thousand years later in the Book of Revelation.
Forming a coalition with five Midianite kings and the ruthlessly ambitious Princess Cozbi, the evil prophet unleashes a deadly plot against the twelve tribes of Israel. He will stop at nothing to prevent them from crossing into the Promised land to claim their inheritance. This is a gripping tale of the seduction, revolt, plague, and war that traps the Children of Israel in the Valley of Acacias east of the Jordan for months. Well-known Biblical heroes—Moses, Caleb and Joshua—stride through its pages, but the story unfolds primarily through the eyes of the next generation, young people born and nurtured in the simple wilderness life of the forty-year Wanderings. Suddenly, on the brink of their new life in the Promised Land, they find themselves in a life or death struggle that tests their strength and batters their faith before they’ve even crossed the river.
The Story Behind the Story
This series of biblical novels began with a new interest in Othniel, the first of the biblical hero-judges. His love story with Acsah and his heroic adventures are summarized in only a few words of scripture, but I saw a lot of possibilities embedded in those brief verses. Digging deeper, I realized that Othniel and Acsah came of age during the turbulent era of Joshua along with a handful of other fascinating minor biblical characters. The more I thought about Othniel, Acsah, and friends, the more I was convinced that their impressive and important story had been buried too long among the spectacular events of the time of Joshua and it was about time someone told it. The result is the six-part Stones of Gilgal saga showing how the obstacles overcome in their youth shape each character for their ultimate roles in the story of the settlement of Canaan. The series ends with Othniel rising to save Israel from an oppressive enemy as the first and most noble of the hero-judges.
The Dark Side
The Stones of Gilgal saga includes several “tales of terror,” dark episodes standing in juxtaposition to some of the Bible’s most dazzling miracles. I see these stories as dark and light puzzle pieces, making sense only when viewed within the framework of the Great Cosmic War. Whether read as ancient history or truth-teaching myth, these incidents are chapters in the epic story of the entire Bible, a good God working to save humanity from the forces of evil.
The Characters
Six of my characters are minor but real characters found in scripture who lived during the era of Joshua, experiencing the transition from the Wilderness Wanderings to the Promised Land. They all crossed the Jordan, witnessed the fall of Jericho and the sun standing still at a word from Joshua—life-changing events that prepared them for leadership roles in the book of Judges.
- Othniel, who becomes the first hero-Judge of Israel
- Acsah, only daughter of the heroic Caleb
- Phinehas, grandson of Aaron, future high priest
- Jonathan, grandson of Moses whose story appears in Judges 17-18
- Salmon, prince of the tribe of Judah, who appears only in genealogies as the husband of Rahab
- Rahab, the courageous Canaanite harlot not only saved by faith but honored with a place in the lineage of King David and Jesus Christ.
- Plus Abihail, fictionalized daughter-in-law of the biblical Achan
Blog Stops
Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, March 20
For Him and My Family, March 21
Texas Book-aholic, March 22
My Devotional Thoughts, March 23
Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, March 24
The Forgiven Former Feminist, March 24
Inklings and notions, March 25
Betti Mace, March 26
For the Love of Literature, March 27
Mary Hake, March 27
deb’s Book Review, March 28
Rebecca Tews, March 29
Library Lady’s Kid Lit, March 30
Bigreadersite, March 31
Emily Yager, April 1
Batya’s Bits, April 2
To celebrate her tour, C.L. is giving away the grand prize of a $50 Amazon gift card!!
Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.
"Escape to Vindor" by Emily Golus Book Tour and Give Away

About the Book
Book: Escape to Vindor
Author: Emily Golus
Genre: Young Adult Fantasy
Release Date: December 1, 2017

Click here for your copy.
"Escape to Vindor" by Emily Golus is a fantasy that I really liked reading Maybe because I could actually see it in my mind as I was reading. I was thinking the whole time I was reading my grandson, ( aged 10) and granddaughter ( aged 17) would like this book. This book has mermaids, pixies, centaurs, goblins and other mythical creatures. This book is like "Parent Trap" except it is a fantasy.
This book is a clean read as well as entertaining.
I have already downloaded the second book in this series from Kindle Unlimited because the ending just made want to read more.
I received a complimentary copy from the author and Celebrate Lit. These opinions are my own.
I received a complimentary copy from the author and Celebrate Lit. These opinions are my own.
About the Author

Her first novel, Escape to Vindor, debuted in 2017 and won the Selah Award for young adult fiction. Its sequel, Mists of Paracosmia, released in April 2019.
Golus lives in Upstate South Carolina with her woodworking husband, an awkward cat, and the world’s most talkative baby.
More from Emily
In Escape to Vindor, teen Megan Bradshaw spends nearly every quiet moment she has in a world of her own imagination. Writing this part of Megan’s story came naturally to me, because that was the way I spent my adolescence, too.
While other girls were thinking about—I don’t know what they were thinking about, actually. Boys, maybe?—I was creating epic melodramas about rival mermaid queens or magical rainforest civilizations. The world of my imagination filled my quiet life with vivid technicolor.
My stories also helped me survive. Worldbuilding was a welcome escape from my ever-growing list of fears.
See, I was the extra-good girl, the one who followed every rule to a T, always giving a hundred and ten percent. Few people suspected I did all of this not because I had a lot of drive and confidence, but because I thought I had to be extra-perfect in order to be loved—by people, and by God. I had a deep-seated terror of making one little mistake, losing my way, and being abandoned forever.
The world of Vindor started out as a private daydream, a way for me to work through my anxieties. But as I grew, I discovered something amazing—and the story took an unexpected turn.
I wrote Escape to Vindor for the dreamers, the bookworms, and anyone who enjoys dazzling new worlds. More importantly, I wrote it for the quiet ones who struggle without anyone knowing, who need to hear: You are seen, you are known, and you are loved.
Blog Stops
Inklings and notions, March 19
Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, March 20
Texas Book-aholic, March 21
Wishful Endings, March 22 (Author Interview)
For the Love of Literature, March 23
For Him and My Family, March 24
deb’s Book Review, March 25
Through the Fire Blogs, March 26 (Author Interview)
Blogging With Carol, March 27
Emily Yager, March 28
Vicky Sluiter, March 29 (Author Interview)
Library Lady’s Kid Lit, March 30
Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, March 31
Pause for Tales, April 1

To celebrate her tour, Emily is giving away the grand prize package of signed copies of both Escape to Vindor and Mists of Paracosmia, an amethyst pendant, and a $25 Amazon gift card!!
Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.
Wednesday, March 18, 2020
"The Ministry of Healing" by AJ Gordon Book Tour and Give Away

About the Book
Book: The Ministry of Healing
Author: AJ Gordon
Genre: Christian non-fiction, spiritual growth
Release Date: January 17, 2020

Click here to get your copy!
"The Ministry of Healing" by AJ Gordon is a book that I really wanted to read. But, after reading it I have to say if really felt like I was reading a textbook. I believe that God still does miracles today and that is the point of this book. It is filled with examples of miracles, which is good but I wish the author would have included more examples from healings and miracles today. the author gives many Scriptural verses to backup what he is staying.
After I wrote that first paragraph, I read About the author and seen that this book was first written in 1882 and so now I understand why no mention of recent miracles are written about.
This is a good book to prove that miracles did happen and that they they are still able to happen today.
The author does point out that we are given the power to heal by our faith and prayer. He also points out in one chapter, I don't remember which one, that we can haver the miracle of healing the sick but not raising the dead or multiply the loaves of bread and fishes, because he says those miracles were for Jesus alone.
I recommend this book to any Christian, but I say read the book as if it is a study and look up the Bible verses and Don't read it in one setting as if it is a book to just read but be prepare to learn from it.
I was given a complimentary copy by the author and Celebrate Lit. These opinions are my own.
About the Author
After I wrote that first paragraph, I read About the author and seen that this book was first written in 1882 and so now I understand why no mention of recent miracles are written about.
This is a good book to prove that miracles did happen and that they they are still able to happen today.
The author does point out that we are given the power to heal by our faith and prayer. He also points out in one chapter, I don't remember which one, that we can haver the miracle of healing the sick but not raising the dead or multiply the loaves of bread and fishes, because he says those miracles were for Jesus alone.
I recommend this book to any Christian, but I say read the book as if it is a study and look up the Bible verses and Don't read it in one setting as if it is a book to just read but be prepare to learn from it.
I was given a complimentary copy by the author and Celebrate Lit. These opinions are my own.
About the Author

More from Whitaker House
This classic Christian work has previously only been self published. Gordon is renowned as founder of Gordon-Conwell Seminary and Gordon College. His writings became foundational work for what later became the spirit-filled movement.
Blog Stops
Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, March 18
Blossoms and Blessings, March 19 (Spotlight)
Book Reviews From an Avid Reader, March 20
Artistic Nobody, March 21 (Spotlight)
Inklings and notions, March 22
Lukewarm Tea, March 23 (Spotlight)
Texas Book-aholic, March 24
Andrea Christenson, March 25 (Spotlight)
deb’s Book Review, March 26
For the Love of Literature, March 27 (Spotlight)
Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, March 28
Simple Harvest Reads, March 29 (Spotlight)
CarpeDiem, March 30
For Him and My Family, March 31
To celebrate their tour, Whitaker House is giving away the grand prize of a $20 Starbucks Gift Card!!
Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.
Tuesday, March 17, 2020
"Turning Tide" by Author: Melody Carlson Book tour and GiveAway

About the Book
Book: Turning Tide
Author: Melody Carlson
Genre: Historical Fiction
Release Date: Feb 15, 2020

Click here for your copy!
"Turning Tide" by Melody Carlson is the fourth and final book in the "The Legacy of Sunset Cove ". I recommend reading the books in order because each book builds on each other. This book deals with WW1. It described great battles and ships that are sunk and the flu and death and the end of the war and PST. I think this in my favorite of the fourth but it is also the saddest of the four. The author does a good job of drawing readers into the story that we think of these characters as real people.
This is a story about a real time in history and real problems that was faced by real people. I strongly recommend this series. I found myself waiting to jump into the pages and yelling at some of the characters and others I wanted to hug and then some like Baby Larry, I wanted to coddle.
I was given a contemporary copy by the author and Celebrate Lit. These opinions are mine own.
About the Author

More from Melody
Writing about the WW1 era has definitely been a good history lesson for me. Prohibition laws in Oregon (and rum-runners breaking them) combined with a massive war that changed the world and a global epidemic is worth paying attention to. Especially since history sometimes repeats itself. The early 20th century had a lot going on—much that seems nearly forgotten. I’m glad to see the movie 1917 is doing well—and we plan to see it this week. Although I’m not a fan of gruesome war movies, this era continues to intrigue me. Even as I wrapped up my Sunset Cove series with Turning Tide I was left wondering . . . what’s next? But isn’t that the beauty of story?
Blog Stops
The Avid Reader, March 16
For the Love of Literature, March 16
Through the Fire Blogs, March 16
Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, March 17
Inklings and notions, March 17
Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, March 18
deb’s Book Review, March 18
All-of-a-kind Mom, March 19
By The Book, March 19
Wishful Endings, March 19
Texas Book-aholic, March 20
She Lives To Read, March 20
Betti Mace, March 21
Remembrancy, March 21
janicesbookreviews, March 22
Mary Hake, March 22
Happily Managing a Household of Boys, March 22
Library Lady’s Kid Lit, March 23
For Him and My Family, March 23
Maureen’s Musings, March 24
My Devotional Thoughts, March 24
Jeanette’s Thoughts, March 24
Christian Bookaholic, March 25
Artistic Nobody, March 25 (Guest Review from Donna Cline)
Older & Smarter?, March 26
Locks, Hooks and Books, March 26
Tell Tale Book Reviews, March 27
Blogging With Carol, March 27
Daysong Reflections, March 27
SPLASHES of Joy, March 28
Vicky Sluiter, March 28
A Modern Day Fairy Tale, March 29
Pause for Tales, March 29
For the Love of Books, March 29
To celebrate her tour, Melody is giving away the grand prize package of a complete set of The Legacy of Sunset Cove series!!
Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.
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