Liz Curtis Higgs helps you see “The Women Of Christmas” in a new way. She explains the life of Mary, Elizabeth and Anna in a new and insightful way. She also helps us see Joseph, (which we knew) and Zechariah and Simeon as part of the Christmas story.
The best part of this book to me is that she explained the culture and the way things were when Jesus was born and how much a sacrifice all these women and men made for all of us.
Liz Higgs points out the fact that even through Joseph is a very important of the Christmas story, we never hear him speak.
On page 76, Lz Higgs is explaining the verse Luke 1:48 “From now on all generations will call me blessed,….” and she writes that Mary wasn’t bragging. And Liz points out that “It’s true. We’re still talking about Mary.” This book is full of simple statements like this one and that is what makes this book so good! It is written in a way we can understand!
The book is divided into eight chapters and has a study guide at the end of the book. These questions are designed to make you reach deep into your heart and experienced the wonder of Christmas in a whole new way.
Through out the pages are thoughts from women who shared them with Liz through her online Bible study.
This is a book that you will want to reread every Christmas. I will go ever farther than that and say you might even want to read this book any time of the year,such as when you are feeling that God doesn’t understand you or when you think God can’t use you.
Reading “The Women Of Christmas” will help you prepare your heart for The Saviour of the World in a new and fresh way!
I enjoyed your review Debbie. It was great!
Judy B
Thanks Judy
I put it on my Christmas Wish List.
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