Sunday, May 3, 2015

"The I Finally Quit Movement: Recruiting an Army of Quitters"by Dave "The Quitter" Ross

Book Description:

Have you ever wanted to quit something? For more than two decades, David Ross, founder of I Finally Quit, Inc., struggled with addictions to cigarettes, alcohol, making excuses, and more. The loss of his income, fiancé, friends, being homeless for five years, and nearly dying inspired him to put bad decisions in the past, and become known as Dave “The Quitter” Ross. As you Read Dave’s compelling story, you may wonder, “Could I do this, too?” “The I Finally Quit Movement: Recruiting an Army of Quitters” is about making better decisions and creating a safe, fun environment for people to gather; uniting to fight against vices and addictions that hold them back. Join the army of like-minded individuals who courageously battle and defeat addiction! “Drugs, alcohol, and other unhealthy habits consume the lives of millions of people all over the world. But, I believe that David’s book and the I Finally Quit website will be practical tools to help people like him to connect and get support.” —H. K. Tabrizi, MD Ready to BREAK FREE from ‘bad’ habits and pick up ‘better’ ones? Then it’s time to JOIN the I Finally Quit Movement and CONNECT with others doing the same! This book is for anyone who has ever wanted to break free from making excuses, procrastinating and putting things off, smoking, drinking, being mean, etc. Anyone who wants to be…better!

Author Bio:
PictureDavid Ross had a successful, 15-year career advising some of the nation’s top executives, and leading seminars in all fifty states on healthcare industry topics. He was engaged, earning a great income, and had many friends. But due to serious addictions, by 2006, and for the next five years, he was homeless, scared, and alone. Nearly dying due to alcoholism turned his life around – out of addiction and into a life driven by a strong passion to help others. Dave (AKA "The Quitter") is the founder and CEO of “I Finally Quit” and leads a growing and vibrant movement to support others who want to end bad habits and addictions once and for all. Join us today at

To learn more about Dave and his writing, visit him at . . .Author Website:
Check out Dave's radio interview with CWA Radio host, Terilee Harrison:
Please watch the video below to learn about the I finally Quit Community.
My Review:
Want to quit any of these things
Making Excuses
Waiting on Others
Smoking and Tobacco
Nail Biting
Bad Relationships
Low Self-Worth
Abusing Drugs
Being a Downer
Sweets & Sugar
I have a few things on this list I want to quit so I am reading "I Finally Quit Movement: Recruiting An Army Of Quitters" by David Ross.  The book is really a close and honest look at the author's struggles with cigarettes and alcohol.
I recommend this book to anyone that has a bad habit, and who doesn't, so that means I would recommend this book to Everyone! Yes the author credits God for saving his life in a car wreck with fire, but this book to me isn't a religious book but more an autobiography.
This book was an easy read, I read it in one day, and even through I don't struggle with alcohol and cigarettes this book helped me see how the struggle with these vices are not an easy thing to overcome, I do have a problem with overeating and some of the issues he talked about I struggles with like ( wanting to be liked and feeling lonely).
The book also described how the came to be. This site is a helpful site you can join to help you to be a quitter also.
I do have to say this book isn't what I thought it was going to be when I requested it from Christian Women Affliate.  I thought it was going to be a step by step manuel but I was not disappointed through and I have joined the website but haven't checked it out thoroughly yet! I am giving this book five stars.

I received a free copy of this book/Ebook/Product to review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the FTC Regulations. I am part of The CWA Review Crew.

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