They helped orchestrate the perfect day for countless couples. Now twelve new couples will find themselves in the wedding spotlight in the second Year of Weddings novella collection.
Love at Mistletoe Inn by Cindy Kirk
Sometimes the road to happiness is paved with youthful mistakes.
Ten years after what she thought was her almost-wedding, Hope Prentiss discovers that the ceremony counted—and, as fate would have it, the jilted John Burke has just ridden back into town. After spending some time with John and helping plan a Christmas wedding for a mystery couple, Hope begins to wonder if she really wants a divorce . . . or a real wedding of her own.
A Brush with Love by Rachel Hauck
Revealing the beauty in other women might be Ginger Winters’s specialty—but it will take an unexpected kind of love to help Ginger see the beauty in herself.
Ginger Winters will be the “beauty-maker” for the Alabama society wedding of the decade. But when high-school crush Tom Wells shows up looking for a haircut, Ginger’s thinly veiled insecurities threaten to keep her from love once again . . . despite Tom’s best efforts.
Serving Up a Sweetheart by Cheryl Wyatt
Meadow knows how to serve delicious food to match any wedding theme. But can she accept love when it’s served up on a silver platter?
Meadow Larson is having the mother of all Mondays when her roof caves in during a blizzard, right before the most important wedding contract of her career. Renovation contractor Colin McGrath offers to fix Meadow’s roof, even though he knows he is the last person she would accept help from.
But the more Meadow gets to know the new Colin, the more she realizes God may have something more permanent in store than a new catering kitchen.
About the Authors
Rachel Hauck Bio:
Rachel Hauck is a USA Today Bestselling author. Her book, The Wedding Dress, was named Inspirational Novel of the Year by Romantic Times and was a RITA finalist. Her book Once Upon A Prince was a Christy Award finalist.
Rachel lives in central Florida with her husband and two pets and writes from her ivory tower. Visit her online at rachelhauck.com, Facebook: rachelhauck, and Twitter: @RachelHauck.
Cindy Kirk Bio:
Cindy Kirk sold her first book in 1999 as a result of a contest win which garnered a critique of the entire manuscript. She’s been writing—and selling—ever since. Cindy has been a Booksellers’ Best Award Winner, a finalist for the National Readers’ Choice Awards and a Publishers Weekly best seller. Cindy has served on the Board of Directors of the Romance Writers of America (RWA) since 2007. In November 2014, she began serving as President of the 10,000+ member organization. She’s a frequent speaker at not only the national RWA conferences, but large regional writing conferences. She has also presented at smaller retreats and conferences across the country. She lives on an acreage in Nebraska with her high school sweetheart husband of too-many-years-to-count and their three “boys” (a shih tzu, a blue heeler and a dorkie). Their daughter lives close by with her wonderful husband and their two little girls. Cindy invites you to check out her websitewww.cindykirk.com. Twitter: @CindyKirkAuthor
Cheryl Wyatt Bio:
Cheryl Wyatt writes romance with virtue. She’s a USA Today bestselling author and has earned RT Top Picks, spots #1 and #4 on her debut publisher’s Top 10 Most-Blogged-About-Books list, Romantic Times Reviewers Choice Award, Gayle Wilson Award of Excellence final, and other awards. Cheryl loves readers! Join her newsletter at www.CherylWyatt.com. Facebook: CherylWyattAuthor Twitter: @cherylwyatt
My Review: As stated above "A Season To Wed" is a collection of three winter love stories and they are all wonderful. They will cause your heart to want to fall in love again.
"Love at Mistletoe Inn" by Cindy Kirk is the first story in the book and though I like the story, the book wasn't my idea of a Christian story, yes it was clean, I thought some parts might be considered a little much for a Christian romance. Yes, I would recommend this book and say it is a clean read but the other two stories are definitely Christian.
"A Brush with Love" by Rachel Hauck is one story that I really really loved. I have to tell you I cried by the time I was finished with this story. No I don't have physical scars but I have emotional scars and I too have a hard time (some days) believing that God loves me, but I am going to tell myself that I am beautiful and that I am loved just like Ginger in the story. I was really convinced that my problem is like Ginger that I expect others to treat me like they do because it is how I see myself. I have put quotes from this book as my Facebook status. Yes, this story is that good. This is my Facebook status after finishing this story, Have you ever read a book that when you finish it you think God you had the author write this story just for me and it begins a personal change in your thinking about yourself and about how God loves you! I know others won't see this story the same way I did nor will it has the same impact but ""A Brush With Love" by Rachel Hauck is definitely a life changing book for me even if it is fiction.
"Serving Up a Sweetheart " by Cheryl Wyatt is about a girl who was abused at home and bullied by her classmates. This story made me cry also.
All three stories are about past loves and second chances. I am giving this book 4 stars. I have added all three authors to my authors I want to read more of their books list.
I was given a copy of "A Season To Wed" by Celebrate Lit for my honest review and these opinions are my own.
Giveaway To celebrate the A Season To Wed Celebration Tour, Rachel Hauck is giving away a Kindle Fire! Click to enter https://promosimple.com/ps/953c
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