Beauty for Ashes
Jazz is being forced to move and her mom has given her a major task to accomplish. She has to pack up the attic. What Jazz finds in the attic changes her life in ways she never imagined, and opens her up to life altering possibilities.
Monstrous Beauty
Ethan’s father was a piece of work, to put it mildly. His father managed to become quite wealthy before he died, yet he left Ethan deeply damaged in more ways than one. Can the love and care of a strange young woman with a past of her own free him, or is he doomed to never change?
About the Author
Carol E. Keen currently resides in Alabama with her husband and family. She spends her time writing, reading, working on photography, and working with her much loved critters. She started creating stories to share with others at the age of two years old. She was published for several years in FAMA magazine (Freshwater And Marine Aquarium) as a contributing editor. She published her first book on CD, called Simply Seahorses. She is overjoyed to be publishing her fiction to share with you now. Carol currently has more books in the “works”. Please feel free to follow her for updates.On a personal note: Carol really enjoys coffee and a good book.
My Review: The first two books in (The Beauty Series) by Carol E.Keen are really exciting reads and hard to put down until you read the last word. These are based on the fairy tales, Cinderella and Beauty and The Beast only with a Christian message. That message is that beauty and love can come from trials and tribulations and that no-one is out of God's reach.
In "Beauty For Ashes" we read of betrayal and this reader found herself saying how can people do this to another person. I guess you might even say that time travel is what this book is about since Jazz becomes another person while reading an old diary she finds while cleaning out the attic.
There is a surprising twist in "Beauty For Ashes". Cinder as she is called in this story instead of Cinderella helps the prince solve a mystery. Guess I should stop writing this review and just say read and discover how the title fits this story perfectly.
In "Monstrous Beauty" both the female and male characters have secrets to hide. And just like in the first story, family members are pretty rotten people. I really liked this story better than the first just because it had more twists within it's pages. Things aren't as they seem in this story.
Warning, there are acts of violence in this story but nothing to graphic.
I say you should read both of these stories and have a new spin on old favorite fairy tales.
I cannot wait to see what the next story in this series is.
I am giving both books five stars.
I was given a copy of both books by Celebrate Lit and the author for my honest opinion for the book tour!
Guest Post from Carol E. Keen
Can you believe it? I’m on my second tour with Celebrate Lit! Wow! I’m floored and happy and close to tears too. I have to say a HUGE thank you to Sandy and Denise for their encouragement and patience and help.
Today we are talking about my first series, The Beauty Series. The first book, Beauty For Ashes is the very first published fiction book that I have released. It started out as a contest entry. When it didn’t make the winning selection, I expanded it and had several trusted people read it. It was well received over all, and so I braved the scary world of navigation Amazon and published it.
Beauty For Ashes is based on Cinderella, and it was a challenge to write. I had always had some questions about why certain things weren’t covered in that story, so in my version, I added them. I answered my unanswered questions. I also have always felt that Cinderella had to be Christian to survive what she did and still be who she was.
My third published book is the second book in this series, and one of my favorite fairytales of all time. Monstrous Beauty is based on Beauty and the Beast. As with Beauty For Ashes, I always felt a “back story” to what drove the Beast was missing. In this version I have added all that, as well as having other answers to why “Beauty” was in this situation to start with. How would either of them relied on God to get through their situations?
I had a lot of fun writing Monstrous Beauty, and I’m looking forward to the next book I plan to write in this series.
Thank you so much for joining me on this adventure, and please feel free to ask questions!
Blessings, Carol :)
Blog Stops
August 11: A Baker’s Perspective
August 12: Eat, Read, Teach, Blog
August 13: Chas Ray’s Book Nerd Corner
August 14: Back Porch Reads
August 15: Pause for Tales
August 16: It’s Storytime with Van Daniker
August 17: A Greater Yes
August 17: inklings and notions
August 18: Karen’s Krayons
August 19: Blossoms and Blessings
August 20: simpleharvestreads
August 21: Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations
August 22: The Power of Words
August 23: Cassandra M’s Place
August 24: ArtisticNobody
To celebrate her tour, Carol is giving away three ebook copies of the Beauty Series with bookmark. Enter the giveaway here:
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