Thursday, May 31, 2018

"Love Found In Sherwood Forest" by Linda Shenton Matchett

 Book Synopsis Award-winning Broadway actress Leighanne Webster has it all until an on-stage panic attack brings her career crashing to the ground. Returning to England to help produce the annual Robin Hood Festival play could be the diversion Leighanne needs. But with ex-fiancé, Jamison Blake, as the play’s director focusing on her new job won’t be easy. Breaking his engagement with Leighanne so she could pursue her dream of being a Broadway star was the hardest thing Jamison Blake ever did. When she returns to Nottingham, his heart insists he made a mistake. Can he convince her to give their relationships another try, or will he have to let her go again? This time, forever. 

Purchase Link

My Review: 

"Love Found In Sherwood Forest" by Linda Shenton Matchett is a cute little story about a play of Robin Hood by citizens of England.

"Love Found In Sherwood Forest" by Linda Shenton Matchett is a story of giving your fears to God and trusting Him and not trying to figure out everything on your own.

There is even a little fun mystery mixed in this book, Who is sending Leighanne the big bouquets? I was sure I knew who was sending them, I thought it was win her heart back, but as it turns out, I was wrong!

There is also a little bit of a mystery that isn't so much fun, who broke all the arrows and who wrote the mysterious note about who had to play Maid Marian.

This story was an easy and short read.

This story shows that love truly never dies and does forgive and help others even when the one that is showing love is afraid of what they must do.

I would like to read a little more about these characters.

The book didn’t end on a cliff hanger and was a perfect ending but I like a longer story so I am giving "Love Found In Sherwood Forest" by Linda Shenton Matchett four stars.

I was given a complimentary copy of "Love Found In Sherwood Forest" by Celebrate Lit and The author. These opinions are my own.

Author  Information:
 Linda  Shenton  Matchett  is  an  author,  journalist,  blogger,  and  history  geek.  A  native  of  Baltimore,  Maryland,  she  was  born  a  stone's  throw  from  Fort  McHenry  and  has  lived  in  historic  places  most  of  her  life.  Linda  is  a  member  of  ACFW,  RWA,  and  SinC.  She  volunteers  as  a  docent  at  the  Wright  Museum  of  WWII  and  is  a  trustee  for  her  local  public  library.  She  currently  lives  in  New  Hampshire's  Lakes  Region.

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"Red Sky over America" by Tamera Lynn Kraft Tour and GiveAway

About the Book

Title: Red Sky over America  
Author: Tamera Lynn Kraft  
Genre: Christian Historical Romance  
Release Date: February 11, 2018

In 1857, America, the daughter of a slave owner, is an abolitionist and a student at Oberlin College, a school known for its radical ideas. America goes home to Kentucky during school break to confront her father about freeing his slaves. America’s classmate, William, goes to Kentucky to preach abolition to churches that condone slavery. America and William find themselves in the center of the approaching storm sweeping the nation and may not make it home to Ohio or live through the struggle.
Click here to purchase your copy!

My Review:
"Red Sky over America" by Tamera Lynn Kraft is a wonderful novel about slave and slaves owners. It is also a clean love story. It has a few scenes about the Underground Railroad but mostly centers on America ( yes a character's name) struggle to do what is right and honor her father.

I wish I could say that it had a happy ending for all the characters but it doesn't and I think that is what makes this such a fantastic read, because while readers sometimes  enjoy happy endings for all we sometimes want real life portrayed.

Yes, this book had surprises and made me cry sad and happy tears!

I had this thought about a couple of characters, while reading about how one character died to save another life and then another character gave up his only son to do the right thing, this is just like Jesus and God did to save his people. I am amazed that I thought this because I didn't remember ever really comparing characters's actions what was done for us at Calvary before in any of the thousands of books I have read! I have almost always been able to found something to use in my Christian walk but this time, it was like an explosion in my soul. It is hard to explain what was different this time, maybe the wording in the book as it was written " ---- gave his life to save----" and then another was written Mr---- gave his only son to save others"

I am eagerly awaiting book two and book three in this series "Ladies of Oberlin".

I was given a complementary copy by the author and Celebrate Lit. These opinions are my own.  

 About the Author

Tamera Lynn Kraft has always loved adventures. She loves to write historical fiction set in the United States because there are so many stories in American history. There are strong elements of faith, romance, suspense and adventure in her stories. She has received 2nd place in the NOCW contest, 3rd place TARA writer’s contest, and is a finalist in the Frasier Writing Contest and has other novellas in print. She’s been married for 39 years to the love of her life, Rick, and has two married adult children and two grandchildren. Tamera has been a children’s pastor for over 20 years. She is the leader of a ministry called Revival Fire For Kids where she mentors other children’s leaders, teaches workshops, and is a children’s ministry consultant and children’s evangelist and has written children’s church curriculum. She is a recipient of the 2007 National Children’s Leaders Association Shepherd’s Cup for lifetime achievement in children’s ministry.

Guest posts from Tamera Lynn Kraft

100 Steps to Freedom by Tamera Lynn Kraft Before the Civil War, Ohio had the largest Underground Railroad of any state in the Union. It is believed that every county in Ohio had a route. Many slaves would escape over the Ohio River and through Ohio on their way to Canada. This was a dangerous undertaking because, even though Ohio was a free state, the Fugitive Slave Law made it so anyone helping escaped slaves could be fined and jailed. One small town, Ripley, Ohio, is believed to have helped more slaves escape than any town in Ohio. Ripley is located on the banks of the Ohio River across from Mason County, Kentucky. One man who helped slaves escape was a freed black man named John Parker. Parker was educated by his master in Virginia and eventually bought his freedom. He traveled to Ohio and opened a foundry on Front Street facing the Ohio River. He was the first black man to earn a patent for one of the inventions he used in his foundry. At night, he would search the Ohio River looking for escaped slaves and helping them find their way to an Underground Railroad Station. Rev. John Rankin, a Presbyterian minister, owned a house on top of a hill in Ripley. He built one hundred steps to the house that could be seen on the other side of the river. At night, he would light a lantern and hang it from the porch to signal slaves that it was safe to cross. It is estimated that over 2,000 slaves escaped through the Rankin House. None of them were ever recaptured. Harriet Beecher Stowe wrote her famous novel, Uncle Tom’s Cabin, about the escape of the slave, Eliza, after hearing the story from Rev. Rankin. Rev. John Rankin’s house is in my novel, Red Sky Over America. John Parker also is introduced as a minor character. The story takes place on the Ohio River in Kentucky across from Ripley where all these exciting events happened. Oberlin College: A School Ahead of Its Time My current novel series, Ladies of Oberlin, is about 3 women roommates who graduated from one of the most amazing colleges in American history, Oberlin College. Book 1, Red Sky Over America focuses on America, a woman attending Oberlin who is an abolitionist studying to become a missionary. The problem is her father is a slave owner. Here’s a little bit about this amazing college. Oberlin College, founded in 1833 in Northern Ohio, was a college ahead of its time in many ways. In 1835, it became the first college in the United States to regularly admit African Americans. It’s also the oldest co-educational college in the US. In 1837, it admitted four women, three of whom graduated and earned a college degree. Mary Jane Patterson, another Obeberlin graduate, became the first African American woman in 1862 to earn a Bachelor of Arts college degree. One of Oberlin’s founders once bragged that “Oberlin is peculiar in that which is good”. Oberlin was peculiar in many ways in advancing the causes of the time. Charles Finney, the second president of the college, helped it earn its controversial reputation. He was the fiery evangelist of the Second Great Awakening, a Christian revivalist movement in the early and mid 1800s. Oberlin College was the hotbed of abolitionist activity and a stop for the Underground Railroad before the Civil War. It was once called “the town that started the Civil War” because of its participation in the Oberlin Wellington Rescue in 1858. Slave catchers came to Oberlin to capture an escaped slave and return him to Kentucky. Most of the town came to the slave’s aid and rescued him. For their trouble, over twenty were arrested and put on trial for violating the Fugitive Slave Act. During the raid on Harper’s Ferry by John Brown, three men from Oberlin participated. Oberlin College was also well known for the women who graduated from the college and participated in the suffrage and prohibition movements. Lucy Stone, considered a pioneer for the women’s movement, graduated from Oberlin College in 1847. Oberlin was also very well known in the missionary movement of the late 1800s. Between 1860 and 1900, 90% of missionaries sent overseas by the American Missionary Society were graduates of Oberlin College. Between 1899 and 1901, thirteen missionaries from Oberlin were martyred during the Boxer Rebellion of China. An arch in Tappan Square at the center of Oberlin pays honor to their sacrifices.

Blog Stops


To celebrate her tour, Tamera is giving away a themed basket with autographed books of Resurrection of Hope, Alice’s Notions, Red Sky Over America, a copy of Uncle Tom’s Cabin (the book is mentioned in the novel) and a copy of Then Sings My Soul (stories about the hymns), plus a $10 Amazon Card!!
Click below to enter. Be sure to comment on this post before you enter to claim 9 extra entries!

Monday, May 28, 2018

"John David’s Calling" by Caryl McAdoo Book Tour and Give Away

About the Book

Title: John David’s Calling  
Author: Caryl McAdoo  
Genre: Historical Romance  
Release Date: May, 2018

When much is given, much is required. Everything comes easy to David Nightingale. The favored son of Cypress Springs comes of age in the Texas Hill Country with one foot in PawPaw’s Church of Christ and the other in Gramp’s Holiness Church. He loves tilling the soil, traipsing the back woods varmint hunting, and most of all Hannah Claire. But the Lord calls him to leave everything. Will he choose to follow or succumb to his love for Hannah? If he stays, can he have it all?

Click here to purchase your copy!

My Review: 
"As all are written to stand alone, it’s never necessary for readers to know all the ancestors to enjoy JOHN DAVID’S CALLING or any of the series really—though I’m pretty certain reading the Family Saga in order would be the best!"  I copied this sentence from the author's guest blog on my blog, but I say read the whole series starting with "Vow Unbroken". I have each one and I really think I wouldn't have enjoyed "JOHN DAVID’S CALLING" as much if I didn't know the background to these characters and it was great to read to see how the characters grew in the knowledge and the service for the Lord.

The romance between Hannah and John David is just like a typical romance between two people except they met when Hannah was ten years old and another twist is John David puts his obedience to God above Hannah. Since John David puts God first, Hannah does her pouting. Isn't that just like a teenage girl and a woman?" 

It was intersting to read the visions that John David has and then to read what they meant. Hannah has some dreams that are propably going to be expanded on in book two.

This book as well as the other books by Caryl McAdoo shows that God is  faithful and does provide for his children and does give then their desires of their hearts. 

If you haven't read any of this series, I only have one question for you "What are you waiting for? " I guarantee you if you like clean love stories and stories that show God's mercy and grace, once you start reading about this family you will want to keep reading! 

I was given a complimentary copy by the author and Celebrate Lit. These opinions are my own.

About the Author

Caryl McAdoo prays her story brings God glory, and a quick scroll through her novels’ rankings by Christian readers attests to the Father’s faithfulness. She loves writing almost as much as singing the new songs He gives her—look her up on YouTube to hear a few. Her high school sweetheart husband won her heart fifty-two years ago, and now they share four children and seventeen grandsugars. Ron and Caryl live in the woods south of Clarksville, seat of Red River County in far Northeast Texas, waiting expectantly for God to open the next door.

Guest Post from Caryl McAdoo

At just one-year-old, David John Prescott sat on the hip of his mother, Sandra Louise Harris Prescott in the end of CHIEF OF SINNERS, book ten (and last) of my Texas Romance Family Saga series. His biological father, Buddy Nightingale walked away from them both, choosing obedience to God over the love of his life and his son. Staunch Church of Christ believers, his mother’s parents took in the baby while her guilt took her to Dallas and eventually France to oversee the care of her mentally deranged husband Harry Prescott. So David grew up in the Texas Hill Country, well loved and cared for, with his mother visiting as often as she can. David’s paternal grandfather, Nathaniel Nightingale (from Texas Romance’s book eight and nine COVERING LOVE and MIGHTY TO SAVE)—once a famous tent preacher with a healing ministry—has been close, quitting the road to pastor a nearby Holiness Church. As David grows, he sees him occasionally when his father Buddy visits from Alabama and Gramps always came to watch him play sports. From a long line of people who love the Lord, I thought to write a trilogy titled THE REVIVALIST. JOHN DAVID’S CALLING is book one. At fourteen years of age, David stepped in to rescue a little third grader being bullied and instantly became her hero. As Hannah Claire grew, doting on him, making him gifts and cards, swooning, she won him over, and PawPaw allowed him to visit her church one Sunday a month. The second book in the Trilogy will be HANNAH’S WILDERNESS, and then I’ll wrap up their stories with book three, KING DAVID’S TABERNACLE. I’ve so enjoyed these characters—the Buckmeyers, Baylors, and Nightingales—I find it hard put them on the shelf. They’re like family. I’ve even got one story started that’s a contemporary called THE KING OF TEXAS, with Patrick Henry the III as hero. As all are written to stand alone, it’s never necessary for readers to know all the ancestors to enjoy JOHN DAVID’S CALLING or any of the series really—though I’m pretty certain reading the Family Saga in order would be the best! So if you love David’s book, you might want to go back to VOW UNBROKEN, book one and read all ten. I think you’re sure to love them all! One thing I love about this JOHN DAVID’S CALLING is that it takes place in my days. I graduated high school in 1968, same as David, so he lives through the same times as me! That’s really been fun. But I must say I do resent it being called a historical a little J LOL As always, I pray my story gives God glory and that its readers will be drawn closer to Him through it. He blesses me and highly favors me daily. I cannot thank or praise Him enough! Thank you for reading my stories!

Blog Stops


To celebrate her tour, Caryl is giving away
GRAND PRIZE : $50 Amazon Gift Card 1st Prize: THREE Choice-of-Caryl’s Titles (print–US only or ebook) 2nd-4th: ebook of JOHN DAVID’S CALLING 5th-7th: print copy VOW UNBROKEN 8th-10th: $5 Amazon gift cards!!
Click below to enter. Be sure to comment on this post before you enter to claim 9 extra entries!

Friday, May 25, 2018

"Together Forever," Orphan Train Book 2 by Jody Hedlund Book Tour ang GiveAway

About the Book


Title: Together Forever, Orphan Train Book 2  
Author: Jody Hedlund  
Genre: Inspirational historical romance  
Release Date: May, 2018

Determined to find her lost younger sister, Marianne Neumann takes a job as a placing agent with the Children’s Aid Society in 1858 New York. She not only hopes to offer children a better life, but prays she’ll be able to discover whether Sophie ended up leaving the city on an orphan train so they can finally be reunited. Andrew Brady, her fellow agent on her first placing-out trip, is a former schoolteacher who has an easy way with the children, firm but tender and friendly. Underneath his charm and handsome looks, though, seems to linger a grief that won’t go away–and a secret from his past that he keeps hidden. As the two team up, placing orphans in the small railroad towns of Illinois, they find themselves growing ever closer . . . until a shocking tragedy threatens to upend all their work and change one of their lives forever.

Click here to purchase your copy!

My Review
"Together Forever, Orphan Train Book 2" by Jody Hedlund is actually book 3 in the series. The first book is a novella "An Awakened Heart". A reader can enjoy "Together Forever" without reading the first two but I am glad that I read them first because it makes the story more alive because it is a separate story but continues where the others leave off.

"Together Forever" is a story that explains what agents for the Children’s Aid Society in 1858 New York have to endure placing orphan children with families in Illinois.  It is also a love story. The book is a clean read but here I must post a warning for some but at the same time I say it didn't really bothered me but some of the kissing scenes were really passionate, in fact one of the orphaned children, aged seven asked the main male character why he was eating the main female character.  Again, this is a clean love story.

This book has twists and turns that kept me reading, I didn't really know how the book was going to end till the very end.  "Together Forever" is my favorite of the series.  This story is a great read and though not every thing in it is happy I believe if you like clean love stories and children you will be glad you decided to read this series.  Reading this book, I was sad at  the way parents and older adults treated children and there was one little red haired boy that made me want to jump into the book and to be able to hug him and tell him He could be my little boy. 

Now when a book makes a reader want to jump into the pages and adopt a character, you know the book is a great read. 

I really hope there is a third book and the characters are all reunited with characters from the first book and the novella.

I was given a complimentary copy by the author and Celebrate Lit.  These opinions are my own. 

About the Author

Jody Hedlund is the author of over a dozen novels, including Love Unexpected, Captured by Love, Unending Devotion, The Preacher’s Bride, and A Noble Groom, winner of the 2014 Carol Award for historical romance. She received a bachelor’s degree from Taylor University and a master’s from the University of Wisconsin, both in social work. She lives in Michigan with her husband and five children. She loves hearing from readers on Facebook and on her blog at

Guest Post from Jody Hedlund

30,000 Abandoned Children By Jody Hedlund Imagine a city where 30,000 abandoned and homeless children live on the streets. Sounds like something from a futuristic dystopian novel, doesn’t it? Or something that might happen after a war or apocalypse or major disaster, right? This exact thing actually happened in the 1850’s. And the city was New York City. It’s hard to believe, but an estimated 30,000 homeless children roamed the dirty city streets and alleys of New York City. 30,000. Children. Let that sink in for a minute. That’s the size of a town. Historians look back on that time and try to make sense what led to such horrific conditions for children. Of course, the influx of immigrants was at an all time high. Jobs and housing were scarce. Diseases were rampant. Hunger and poverty became a norm. (Orphan Train Depot)  

As more and more people became aware of the enormous problem within the crowded slums, courageous heroes rose up and attempted to do their part to make a difference. While we may not always agree with the methods that were used to save the thousands of homeless children, we can admire the men and women who could no longer sit idly by. The Children’s Aid Society was started by Charles Loring Brace as one such attempt to help the hordes of homeless children. His “Emigration Plan” is better known today by the term “Orphan Trains.”  

My latest series tackles various elements of the orphan train movement. Together Forever, releasing in May, highlights the placing agents, those devoted people who rode the trains with the orphans. The agents spent weeks and months on the road caring for the children, all the while trying to place them in loving homes. (If you’d like to try out the series, start with my FREE novella, An Awakened Heart.) Like the brave men and women who came before us, may we always strive to do our part to make a difference!

Blog Stops

By The Book, May 22
Genesis 5020, May 23
Radiant Light, May 26
Mary Hake, May 27
Carpe Diem, May 27
Simple Harvest Reads, May 28 (Guest Post from Mindy Houng)
Bigreadersite, May 30
Vicky Sluiter, June 2
                                       Reader’s cozy corner, June 4

[Insert Giveaway Picture Here]

To celebrate her tour, Jody is giving away a grand prize of a $25 Amazon gift card!!

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

"She Who Knows No Fear" by Barbara Bras Book Tour and Giveaway

About the Book

Title: She Who Knows No Fear  
Author: Barbara Bras  
Genre: Contemporary Women’s Fiction  
Release Date: December 8, 2017
Cassie’s dream is about to come true. She’s marrying her best friend, the love of her life. She will never be alone again. But when Zack fails to return from surfing, Cassie’s safe world comes crashing down around her and she begins her struggle anew. Haunted by her conviction that her late grandmother left her something that will help her, Cassie discovers hidden “treasures” in the house she inherited. With the help of her stepmother, Cassie unlocks the secrets of her grandmother’s journey and along the way finds the ultimate answer for her own life.

Click here to purchase your copy.

My Review:

"She Who Knows No Fear " by Barbara Bras is the second book of this series. I liked this book better then the first and I am going to say even if you didn't read the first book "She Who Knows" readers will like this novel. I don't think readers need to read the first one to understand the story but if you want Cassie's whole story then read "She Who Knows" first.

I really like the way Cassie grows up in this novel. To understand what I mean Read The Book!

This is a story about fears and dreams and how God shows Cassie and Zack that He loves therm.

There are a couple of scenes that really made me think "Oh no!  I don't think I am going to like the way this is going to end. " I can't tell you if I ended up liking how it turned out or not but I will say I encourage you to read this story for yourself.

I hope there is a third book to this series, as I want to read more of the characters because this family has more secrets to tell and a new beginning to be had for all the characters.  I will leave you with a cliff hanging, because I know you want to know what the new beginning is!

I was given a complimentary copy by the author and Celebrate Lit. These opinions are my own.

About the Author

In 2015, Barbara Bras left her career to pursue her dream of serving God. She believed that her first step was to share the amazing story of God’s blessings in her life. Wrapped in God’s Grace, A Life Rediscovered does so through a trio of narratives. It begins with the story of her son’s miraculous adoption and the challenging years that followed, her grandparents’ remarkable survival in Armenia, and her own quest for purpose and love. Once written, Barbara realized her life’s new purpose. Captured by St. Paul in 2 Corinthians 1:3-4, she views her writing as a tribute to the God who comforts and strengthens us in hardships and trials, and as her mission to encourage others. Her first novel, She Who Knows, A Tale of the Heart, seeks to inspire and encourage. The sequel, She Who Knows No Fear: Another Tale of the Heart, released in December 2017. Solo Deo Gloria, To God Alone Be the Glory

Blog Spots

A Greater Yes, April 29
Among the Reads, April 30
Reading is my Super Power, May 3 (Interview)
Carpe Diem, May 5
margaret kazmierczak, May 6 (Interview)
Mary Hake, May 7
Simple Harvest Reads, May 7 (Guest Post from Mindy Houng)
                                 Artistic Nobody, May 9 (Spotlight)Giveaway

To celebrate her tour, Barbara is giving away a grand prize of a $50 Amazon gift card plus a signed copy of She Who Knows and She Who Knows No Fear!!
Click below to enter. Be sure to comment on this post before you enter to claim 9 extra entries!