Author Social Media
Pamela Poole, Artist and Author, Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PamelaPooleArt
Pamela Poole, Artist and Author, Twitter:https://twitter.com/PamelaPooleArt
Pamela P. Poole, Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/pamelapooleart
Author blog on Southern Sky Publishing:https://www.southernskypublishing.com/blog
Author blog on Southern Sky Publishing:https://www.southernskypublishing.com/blog
"A young artist's life is upended by a shattering secret"
"An island, an artist, a secret"
"Caroline will never live an ordinary life"
"It's always been you"
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I really enjoyed "Painter Place". I am really looking forward to reading the other three books in this series. I love how Caroline's faith changes a rock band's focus and how forgiveness is also part of this story.
This was such a great story from the beginning to the end.
I recommend this book to everyone that loves clean romance with a twist. The scenes were written so well that I felt like I was seeing the places described.
I received a complementary copy by the Celebrate Lit and the author. These opinions are my own.
I enjoyed the story and especially loved reading about painting!
Debbie, it's an honor to see that you enjoyed Painter Place :-) I have tears in my eyes that you mentioned a scene that touched you in the story! So many people haven't understood the foundational doctrines laid out by God in Genesis, and I love opportunities to bring them up. Of course the most important is the reason Jesus had to come as our Savior.
As an artist and a conservative Christian, I had to learn early on how to handle the questions that arose when I wouldn't go out for drinks with groups after painting workshop sessions, avoided wine receptions at shows, and wouldn't enter shows with nude paintings. Some artists along the way have been genuinely curious rather than scornful, asking questions about why I'm so careful about my public influence, etc. Walking a narrow path is a challenge for any believer, but we can't hide our light under a basket because we fear ridicule. Jesus is so faithful! Thank you for shining for His glory with your blogs :-)
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