Monday, May 27, 2024

Love Overboard by Shannon Sue Dunlap


About the Book

Book: Love Overboard: A Novel

Author: Shannon Sue Dunlap

Genre:Christian Romcom

Release date: May 21, 2024

When four quirky friends retire on a never-ending round of cruises, their attire consists of more than floral shirts and gaudy skirts. Armed with walkie-talkies and battle plans, these relationship experts—who’ve dubbed themselves the “Shippers”—target hostess Lacey Anderson and director Jonathan King in their romantic schemes. However, the young couple is determined not to play along, having previously sailed the tumultuous seas of love only to witness their relationship crash and burn.

Boss matchmaker Emily Windsor has orchestrated multiple romantic successes, and these two upstarts certainly won’t get the best of her. The chemistry between Lacey and Jonathan is obvious, but the couple rebuffs every outlandish plot and “coincidental” meeting, forcing the Shippers to chart a new course to true love—all while inadvertently thwarting drug smugglers threatening to ruin their floating home.

Can they untangle the mess of romance and intrigue before it’s too late, or will their journey end in heartbreak and disaster? Shannon Sue Dunlap’s enthralling new series unfolds a tale where love, laughter, and danger converge in an entertaining maritime adventure.


Click here to get your copy!


This is a fun book about four elderly ladies who are matchmakers and live on a cruise ship.There are a few scenes of humor. These ladies plan scenes were the male and female characters even up together so that have to talk. They think their plans work but then the female character finds out a secret that the male character has kept from her. This book is a clean romance and has a little on forgiveness. There is a mystery involving drugs that are smuggled but it is a fun read.  The smuggler is a "surprise".
I received a complimentary copy from the author and Celebrate Lit and these options are my own. 

About the Author

Shannon Sue Dunlaplives in hot and humid Houston, Texas where she writes love stories with a laugh-out-loud center. She enjoys traveling around the world, singing tunes from classic musicals, and drinking Dr. Pepper. Shannon is a die-hard fan of happy endings and believes God has designed one for each of us.




More from Shannon

My attention zeroed in on the tv screen where a darling elderly woman happily danced with a man in a captain’s uniform. The feature report told how she’d forsaken the nursing home and chosen to live her retirement on a cruise ship instead. Afterward, the wheels in my brain started to churn. What if there wasn’t just one woman, but a whole group? And what if they amused themselves by matchmaking the young people around them? Thus, the idea for Love Overboard started to form.

I related to my wandering heroines. Traveling is “in my blood.” I was three months old when my parents hit the road. (Or so they tell me. I really don’t remember.) It was the 70s and Dad was a traveling preacher called an evangelist. He and mom started out with their newborn baby in a Toronado Oldsmobile. And even after we made a permanent home in Virginia, they kept traveling.

No wonder my feet itch.

In those many journeys, of course there were books. Daydreams of detectives and western heroes and ladies in fancy dresses kept me company in the backseat. I’d finish the stack of novels I brought with me, and my parents would stop at whatever town we were near and look up a Christian bookstore to restock my supply.

Now, it tickles my fancy to think my stories might be keeping someone else company in their plane seat or deck chair. As I write, of course, I keep traveling. I’ve taught school in Botswana, driven on the left side of a rain-slicked Scottish road, twirled in front of Mr. Darcy’s Pemberly (the Colin Firth version), visited Prince Edward Island for the 100th anniversary of Anne of Green Gables, and been serenaded by an opera singer on a European river cruise. (I don’t mean in the audience. He took me from my seat, wrapped his arms around me, and let the crescendos fly.) Learning about the history of places and trying crazy new dishes makes life more interesting. The most unique thing I remember eating is Mopani worm in Zambia. (It tasted like crunchy dirt.)

As Love Overboard releases, I’d like to give a big shoutout to that daring little old lady that lent me inspiration. Perhaps I’ll follow her example when I reach my 80s. No matter how long is ordained for my time on this planet, I hope books and traveling will always play a part in my story.

Blogs Stops

Pause for Tales, May 24

Wishful Endings, May 24

Babbling Becky L’s Book Impressions, May 25

Texas Book-aholic, May 26

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, May 27

Stories By Gina, May 28 (Author Interview)

Life on Chickadee Lane, May 28

The Sacred Line, May 29

Locks, Hooks and Books, May 30

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, May 31

Happily Managing a Household of Boys, June 1

For Him and My Family, June 2

The Lofty Pages, June 3

Labor Not in Vain, June 4

Holly’s Book Corner, June 5

She Lives To Read, June 6


To celebrate her tour, Shannon Sue is giving away the grand prize package of a $50 Amazon gift card and a copy of the book!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.

Sunday, May 26, 2024

Knowing Obadiah by April W Gardner


About the Book

Book: Knowing Obadiah

Author: April W Gardner

Genre: Bible Commentary for Women

Release Date: November, 2023

A Christian Women’s Bible Commentary

Experience the excitement of Biblical prophecy with this down-to-earth and captivating exploration of Obadiah.

Walk with author April W Gardner as she steps into the past and brings to life the often-overlooked prophecy of Obadiah. With her typical attention to historical detail, April journeys through Scripture in a down-to-earth and engaging manner. From Jacob and Esau to the terrifying Babylonian siege of Jerusalem and the blazing destruction of Edom, she learns alongside her readers how these 21 verses affirm God’s sovereignty while pointing to a steadfast hope in Zion.


Click here to get your copy!


This book is a study of the Biblical book of Obadiah. It has lots of Scripture references. it also has some humor from the author. There are questions and pop quizzes though out the book. The author shares the story of Jacob and Esau which is the start of the judgement on Edom and includes the Book of Jeremiah and lots of resources that can be downloaded. There were times while reading the book i felt like she was actually talking to me especially when she was sharing about buying and hiding the candy in the cart. She includes all 21 verses of Obadiah after the introduction. 
I received a complimentary copy from the author and Celebrate Lit and these opionions are my own. 

About the Author

APRIL W GARDNER is an indie author whose great passion is historical romance with themes of Native American and Southeastern U.S. culture. Copyeditor, mother of two grown children, and non-trad college student, April lives in South Texas with her husband and two German Shepherds. In no particular order, April dreams of owning a horse, learning a third language, and visiting all the national parks.





More from April

–Hello, friend! So, I’ve written this Bible commentary for women on the book of Obadiah. You know the one, right? The little one? Like, really little. So little if you blink while flipping pages, you’ll miss it. But don’t let its size fool you. It packs a serious punch. Interested? It covers—

–Wait. April, did you say commentary?

–Sure did.

–For women?


–Oh, uh… Thanks. Sounds great, but I’m not in ministry.

-Hey, me neither! I grew up in church and on the mission field. There was Bible college in there before I got my Mrs. degree, but as you see, I’m just the next girl on the church pew. One who has a curious mind, a love of learning, and a long-standing devotion to Christ.

Because of that, I approached writing Knowing Obadiah from the seat beside yours at home, as if we had our Bibles open on our laps, coffee mugs in hand, and were chatting about the things we’re discovering while we read.

Before we’re done reading, you’ll understand how and why Edom is the object of God’s wrath. You’ll see how Obadiah, like every other biblical prophecy, contains a message of warning, judgment, and hope, and how (unlike the rest of the prophets) the first two (warning and judgment) are for a pagan nation while the last (hope) is for Judah.

The most minor of minor prophets is absolutely packed with treasure waiting to be unburied. Toss in its background and its implications for the future, and you’ve got yourself a fascinating study.

Speaking of study, Knowing Obadiah doesn’t have any set topic related to theology or spiritual growth. Instead, I take an approach that digs for original meaning, versus applying modern interpretation. This commentary will force you out of your comfy chair and into Obadiah’s history and culture. As best we can, we’ll be taking on the author’s perspective of the world, looking at the text’s setting and purpose (and so much more!) through his lens.

What say you? Are you in? Let’s do this, girl.

Blog Stops

Book Reviews From an Avid Reader, May 22

Inspired by Fiction, May 23

Godly Book Reviews, May 24

Mary Hake, May 24

Vicky Sluiter, May 25

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, May 26

Texas Book-aholic, May 27

Locks, Hooks and Books, May 28

Girls in White Dresses, May 29

Lots of Helpers, May 29

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, May 30

Cover Lover Book Review, May 31

Becca Hope: Book Obsessed, June 1

Happily Managing a Household of Boys, June 2

Lights in a Dark World, June 3

Lily’s Corner, June 4


To celebrate her tour, April is giving away the grand prize package of a $30 Amazon gift card and a paperback set of the A Fire and a Flame series!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.

Saturday, May 25, 2024

Trust Fall by Chautona Havig


About the Book

Book: Trust Fall

Author: Chautona Havig

Genre: Romantic Suspense

Release date: April 30, 2024

Protecting her without her knowledge might get them both killed.

Grief has held Eve “Kensi” Kensington captive long enough. Determined to move on after the death of her fiancé six years ago, Kensi moves to St. Alyn to help Ezra with the new boat book business. That there’s a great therapist on the island is just a bonus.

When the West Coast Agency learns that the former fiancée of a deceased informant is under the radar, Simon Garver is tasked to protect her—without her knowledge, if possible. Great. Listening in on her therapy sessions might be the worst thing he’s ever had to do as an agent.

Nope… scrap that. Falling for his client takes the cake.

When Kensi learns Simon has been keeping secrets from her, she’s done. Too bad the arrival of a guy sent to “take care of her” means she needs him. She’ll cooperate until she’s safe, toss the trust exercises her therapist has insisted on in the trash, and get back to her job on Ezra’s boat.

If only her heart would listen to the plan…

Take a trip to the Suamalie Islands where palm trees sway, the sand and sea pulse with life, and the people will steal your heart.


Click here to get your copy!

 This is a story about keeping a woman safe without her knowing it. The ending is about a new romance starting. And one of the characters is going too quit his job and start a new one. This is a story about doubt turning into trust.  

I received a complimentary copy from the author and Celebrate Lit and these opinions are my own. 

About the Author

Chautona Havig lives in an oxymoron, escapes into imaginary worlds that look startlingly similar to ours and writes the stories that emerge. An irrepressible optimist, Chautona sees everything through a kaleidoscope of It’s a Wonderful Life sprinkled with fairy tales. Find her on the web and say howdy—if you can remember how to spell her name.




More from Chautona

Sometimes life doesn’t go as you’d planned.  Like at all. You think you’re going to have a great wedding, an idyllic honeymoon, followed by the perfect, picket-fence existence with the love of your life.

Then some crazy author comes along and rips it all away. Fiancé? Dead. Honeymoon?  Not hardly.  And by the time she’s done, that fence feels like someone rammed those pickets into her heart.  All in a day’s work, and all before the first word of the story.

It’s a wonder that characters don’t revolt or something.

Look, here’s the deal. I just thought it would be cool to bring my Agency Files to Suamalie.  And for that, we needed a tough background, because The Agency doesn’t get involved in disputes over spa appointments or boat rental rescues (most of the time).

So, after many hours of plotting and planning, I finally figured out how to torture my Kensi—I mean, give her an interesting backstory—while not tormenting readers.  Too much.  It’s been a couple of years (okay, it’s been six!), she’s having trouble coping, and…. Then what?  How does The Agency fit in?

That started off as a conundrum that got really cool the more I thought about it.  I mean, here’s the thing. The Agency is a protective entity. They swoop in and protect people from imminent danger while law enforcement does their job to remove that threat.  Sometimes, as in Justified Means, this involves “involuntary” protection where they extract someone from his or her life until it’s safe to return—whether that person wants to be extracted or not.

I didn’t want that this time, but I also didn’t want Kensi to know she was in danger.  So, off she goes to visit her friend Ezra in the Suamalie Islands and there she meets Ezra’s therapist fiancé.  This much was easy to figure out.

And then it hit me.  What if the agent was secretly protecting her?  She doesn’t know it… but it’s happening.

Now I feel like Kronk from The Emperor’s New Groove.  “Oh, yeah. It’s all coming together.”

Sometimes, I feel like Trust Fall is more romcom suspense than straight-up romantic suspense, but that’s okay, right?

Blog Stops

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, May 25

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, May 26

Locks, Hooks and Books, May 27

She Lives To Read, May 28

Texas Book-aholic, May 29

The Lit Lady, May 30

Library Lady’s Kid Lit, May 31

Simple Harvest Reads, June 1 (Guest Review from Donna Cline)

For Him and My Family, June 2

Holly’s Book Corner, June 3

The Lofty Pages, June 4

Stories By Gina, June 5 (Author Interview)

Lots of Helpers, June 5

Karen Baney Reviews, June 6

Sylvan Musings, June 7 (Author Interview)

Mornings at Character Cafe, June 7


To celebrate her tour, Chautona is giving away the grand prize package of a $25 Amazon gift card and a copy of the book!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Mayhem and Moonlight by Jennifer Sienes

About the Book

Book: Mayhem and Moonlight

Author: Jennifer Sienes

Genre: Christian Contemporary Romance, Women’s Fiction, and Southern Fiction

Release date: April 16, 2024

Left at the altar holding the bill, a boatload of college debt, and piddly librarian salary has her praying for a miracle.

Lillian Murphy takes her life verse from a book title—A Series of Unfortunate Events. Could be it was on account of her jumping into things without first dipping a toe in to test the waters that landed her in such a position. A cozy, cardboard box would suit her just fine if she could find a way to heat it, but she’s hoping the good Lord will do some better. She’s done dreaming of happily-ever-after – She’d settle for just debt- and drama-free.

Luca Giordano knows the minute he lands in Shelbyville, Tennessee with his three young boys that he’s in over his head. Leaving the pain of his past behind, he’d also left his parents—and they’d done the heavy lifting. All his charts, graphs, and scheduling expertise isn’t enough. What kind of a productivity expert is he if he can’t be…productive? What he needs is a part-time Mary Poppins to swoop in and fill in for his gargantuan gaps—and Librarian Lillian seems the perfect solution.

But when Luca’s past converges with the present—and Lillian’s the catalyst—everything he loves most is at risk. How will a free spirit and fusspot find a way to happy ending?


Click here to get your copy!

This is a tale of a second chance at love for both the main  male and the female characters. My heart ached for the three little boys that moved to a new town with their father. This is a clean romance

I received a complimentary copy from the author and Celebrate Lit and these opinions are my own.,

About the Author

Award-winning author Jennifer Sienesholds a bachelor’s in psychology and a master’s in education but discovered life-experience is the best teacher. She loves Jesus, romance, and writing—and puts it altogether in inspirational women’s fiction. Two of the three novels in her Apple Hill Series (set in Northern California) were inspired by actual events. Her Southern fiction Bedford County Series is set in Tennessee where she now resides with her real-life hero (and husband).


More from Jennifer

I’m often asked where I draw inspiration for my stories. It was easy when I was writing the Apple Hill Series, because the Lord took me through a long season of loss ripe with emotional angst and faith building. So, two of the three novels in that series were inspired by actual events I lived through—my daughter’s traumatic brain injury and my brother’s suicide. Not exactly the stuff of happily-ever-afters. But being a romantic, I’m a sucker for a happy ending. It took quite a bit of spiritual growth and creative ingenuity (she says tongue-in-cheek) to be able to move past the pain and find the blessings for my characters. Proof that God uses every tear for our good and His glory.

The story behind Mayhem and Moonlight came from a friend of mine. Annie. Not long after I met her (at my release party for Night Songs) she told me about how she and her husband Peter came to be together. Annie was a school psychologist who had been left at the alter years before. Peter was a single father of three boys whose wife passed away from cancer. Annie loved children but was past her child-bearing years, so she was as enamored with Peter’s three boys as she was by the man himself. Inept in the kitchen, she shared many hysterical culinary malfunctions with me, including how she almost burned the house down on more than one occasion.

Main character Lillian was also inspired by an actual person—my daughter Nikki. Yes, this is the same daughter who suffered a near fatal car accident and went through months of rehab for traumatic brain injury. What a sweet thing to be inspired by her when she was dealing with a disability and again years later with master’s degree for library and information science—just like main character Lillian. That’s how our good God works, though, so I shouldn’t be surprised.

But of course, a romance needs a protagonist, and Lillian’s is Luca Giordano—single father to three young boys (just like Annie’s Peter) and a productivity expert in serious need of help. It wasn’t until after I started fleshing out ideas for this book that I’d even heard of a productivity expert. It was through one phone conversation with old friends who told me their son had written a book titled Winning the Week: How to Plan a Successful Week, Every Week. I could’ve never imagined purchasing this book to show support to my friends would lead to the inspiration I needed for Luca’s career.

And guess what? Using the techniques laid out by authors Demir and Carey Bentley helped me become a more productive writer, too! It was a win-win.

Once I got to know the characters, I let them loose in my imagination and had to race to keep up with them. That’s when I know my writing is in conjunction with the Lord. I literally cannot make this stuff up. I pray you will enjoy reading Mayhem and Moonlight as much as I did writing it.

Blog Stops

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, May 21

Stories By Gina, May 22 (Author Interview)

Holly’s Book Corner, May 22

Sylvan Musings, May 23

Texas Book-aholic, May 24

Locks, Hooks and Books, May 25

Artistic Nobody, May 26 (Author Interview)

She Lives To Read, May 27

For Him and My Family, May 28

For the Love of Literature, May 29 (Author Interview)

Lakesidelivingsite, May 30

Beauty in the Binding, May 31 (Author Interview)

Karen Baney Reviews, May 31

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, June 1

Back Porch Reads, June 2 (Author Interview)

Happily Managing a Household of Boys, June 3


To celebrate her tour, Jennifer is giving away the grand prize package of a $25 Amazon gift card & a copy of the book!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.

Monday, May 20, 2024

No Tomorrows by Deb Gorman


About the Book

Book: No Tomorrows-A Novel for Today

Author: Deb Gorman

Genre: Women’s Contemporary Fiction

Release Date: September 23, 2023

Tour Dates: May 18 – May 31

By the time Thursday is over, Annie Lee is convinced God is telling her it’s her last day on earth.

Annie and her husband live in a small rural town in central Washington state—a place where almost nothing scary happens . . . until today. Hang on to her coattails as she navigates her tragic past, her frightening present, and her unknown future all in the space of twenty-four hours.

And ask yourself the same question posed to Annie: “What would I do today if I knew I’d die tomorrow?” Will your answer be the same one Annie discovers?


Click here to get your copy!


This book was written with the question "What would I do today if I knew I'd die tomorrow"? This book is 335 pages but the story takes places in just 24 hours. It covers topics such as death of a 4 year old child years ago, child hit by a truck and pasted rape, suicide and cancer and scare of a missing child and death.  Yes, this book is an emotional read and could be a target for some readers. I read the book with a few tears falling but so glad I finished it. The ending was Great!!!!!!.  The main character Annie Lee learns that she doesn't have to have everything in order and just learns to live for today. I truly recommend this book. 

I received a complimentary copy from the author and Celebrate Lit and these opinions are my own.   

About the Autho

Deb Gorman, owner of Debo Publishing, was born and raised in the beautiful Pacific Northwest. She still lives in her hometown of Yakima, Washington, with her husband, Alan, and their very smart German Shepherd, Hoka. Deb is a follower of the Lord Jesus Christ, cleverly disguised as a wife, mom, grandmom, and author. Her purpose is to connect with God’s most beautiful and clever creation, the human family, using the literary talent and imagination God gave her. Her prayer is that as she journeys with you, together you will discover encouragement and redemption in your most important relationships.



More from Deb

No Tomorrows-A Novel for Today came about because of a question I heard.

“What would you do today if you knew without a doubt you would die tomorrow?”

It’s an old question that’s been kicked around for decades, but when I seriously put my shoes into its footprints, I found I could not answer it with anything other than cliches. Those cliches, like “Eat chocolate all day”, or “Do that last thing on your bucket list” didn’t sit well with me. I wanted a real answer, one I could hang my hat on—as one character in the book says. I suspected that my readers want a real answer for themselves, too.

Annie Lee, a typical suburban mother of four, is confronted with that question, and spends a harrowing twenty-four hours navigating the answer for herself. In the uncertainty of our times, this question is particularly important for us to consider. Perhaps we’ll agree with Annie Lee’s answer.

Along with a book and a $50.00 Amazon card, the lucky winner will receive a custom-made No Tomorrows pen, created by my author friend, Steve Hooley, at, from Big Leaf Maple wood grown and harvested in the Pacific Northwest.

Blog Stops

Book Reviews From an Avid Reader, May 18

Gina Holder, Author and Blogger, May 19 (Author Interview)

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, May 20

Artistic Nobody, May 21 (Author Interview)

Lots of Helpers, May 21

Babbling Becky L’s Book Impressions, May 22

Texas Book-aholic, May 23

Locks, Hooks and Books, May 24

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, May 25

Where Crisis & Christ Collide, May 26 (Author Interview)

Happily Managing a Household of Boys, May 27

Divine Perspective, May 28

For the Love of Literature, May 29 (Author Interview)

Mary Hake, May 29

Pause for Tales, May 30

JESUS in the EVERYDAY, May 31


 To celebrate her tour, Deb is giving away the grand prize package of a copy of No Tomorrows, a $50 Amazon gift card, and a custom-made No Tomorrows pen!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.