Wednesday, July 31, 2024

But In Mount Zion by April W Gardner and Therese Williams

About the Book

Book: But In Mount Zion (Companion Study for Knowing Obadiah)

Author:April W. Gardner

Genre: Bible Study for Women

Release date: October, 2023

But in Mount Zion is a companion study for the commentary Knowing Obadiah.

​This workbook offers an interactive and reflective experience for readers to engage with the commentary and dive deeper into the book of Obadiah.

Through thought-provoking questions, exercises, and group discussion prompts, the workbook provides readers and teachers the tools to apply the lessons from Obadiah to their own lives. It also includes suggestions for further study, making it an excellent resource for Bible study groups or individual study.

Whether you’re a seasoned Bible scholar or a new believer, this set will help you deepen your understanding of Obadiah and its message.


Click here to get your copy!


About the Author

APRIL W GARDNERis an indie author whose great passion is historical romance with themes of Native American and Southeastern U.S. culture. Copyeditor, mother of two grown children, and non-trad college student, April lives in South Texas with her husband and two German Shepherds. In no particular order, April dreams of owning a horse, learning a third language, and visiting all the national parks.




More from April

How close are you to your Bible? I don’t mean the distance from you to the nightstand where it’s resting. Or the amount of warm-and-fuzzy you feel toward it. Or the number of heartfelt notes you’ve scribbled sideways into the margins. I mean, how close is your connection to the Bible’s people and places?

Are you here in the twenty-first century while it’s there in some unknown BC year? Are you here in your comfy chair re-reading old Bible stories while prophets and priests are therebattling against idolatry, while apostles and saints are there suffering for Jesus?

Or are you here and there, backside in a plush chair but feet planted in the hot sands of the Negev, body existing in the twenty-first century, but heart and mind connected to every message and mission given in Scripture?

The story of the Bible isn’t a three-act play: Old Testament characters and plot, New Testament characters and plot, present-day characters and plot. From Genesis 1 to today, it’s all the same act. We are all players in God’s Great Story. If we’re Christians saved by Christ’s sacrificial death, we’re all joined by the same Scarlet Thread. From Adam through Joshua, Obadiah, Esther, Lydia, Stephen, and all the rest to you and me.

It’s my hope that as you go deeper into the study of Obadiah, its origins, prophecy, and fulfillment, that you’ll place yourself at the center of its Before-Christ settings, that you’ll feel Esau’s grief, Jerusalem’s terror, and Judah’s righteous anger, and that you’ll look to God’s stage where His Story is playing out and say to yourself, “These are my people. This is my story. I am a player.”

So. Let’s get playing.

Blog Stops

Inspired by Fiction, July 29

Book Reviews From an Avid Reader, July 30

Lots of Helpers, July 31

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, August 1

Texas Book-aholic, August 2

Artistic Nobody, August 3 (Author Interview)

Mary Hake, August 3

Locks, Hooks and Books, August 4

Guild Master, August 5 (Author Interview)

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, August 6

Happily Managing a Household of Boys, August 7

Library Lady’s Kid Lit, August 8 (Author Interview)

Divine Perspective, August 8

Batya’s Bits, August 9

Lights in a Dark World, August 10

Fiction Book Lover, August 11 (Author Interview)


To celebrate her tour, April is giving away the grand prize package of a $30 Amazon gift card and a paperback set of the A Fire and a Flame series!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.

"But In Mount Zion" by April Gardner and Therese Williams" is  a companion Bible Study for the book "Knowing Obadiah", This Bible study is divided into five parts, corresponding to the  book, Knowing Obadiah. This study has easy fill in the blank questions and self reflection and group discussion questions. Since I am doing this study on my own , I skipped the group discussion part. This  study covers many more topics than just the Obadiah text. Gardner has used many resources to provide good background material. The author reminds us that every child of God has a mission. I haven't finished the entire study but what I have done clearly shows that it is my responsibility to really study and know God's word for myself and to do the mission that God has for me. The authors gives us plenty of Scriptures to read and study and ponder. She also gives plenty of extra tools that we can use to help us dig more fully into the Bible. I think after writing this review I am going to restart the study and do the discussion questions and just answer them for my self. On page 11 which is the first group discussion section the authors writes " Timothy instruct us all to "study to shew (ourselves) approved unto God, (workwoman) that neededeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth" 2 Tim.2:15. As a child  of thes King who is a fully engaged player in His Great Story,  it's responsibility to to gain a deep understanding of His Word to us. More that, it's our privilege.

I forgot to add that this is a Bible study for woman but I think men could learn from it as well. 

I received a complementary copy from the author and Celebrate Lit  and these opinions are my own.

Saturday, July 27, 2024

Resilient and Redeemed: Lessons about Suicidality and Depression from the Psych Ward by Chris Morris


About the Book

Book: Resilient and Redeemed: Lessons about Suicidality and Depression from the Psych Ward

Author: Chris Morris

Genre: Christian Living / Mental Health

Release date: June 11, 2024

God cares deeply about you and your mental health. Author and mental health advocate Chris Morris has battled depression and suicidality his entire adult life. Even coming to Christ didn’t change this, which is something many fellow Christians don’t seem to understand. He still had to face the grief of unrelenting illness, the shame of struggling, and the pain of poor guidance.

In this compassionate and engaging book, Chris shares how he overcame these challenges and invites you to do the same–no matter your diagnosis. Weaving biblical truth and personal stories with thoughtful strategies and hard-earned wisdom, he helps you move past fear and shame to combat the specters of depression and suicidality.

God is still there, even in the darkest of places. May this book be a step in the process of healing and help you find hope in your battle.

Includes reflection questions, Scripture meditations, and a bonus video course.


Click here to get your copy!


The author was really honest in this book. I found I had to put this book down a couple of times because I could honestly relate to his feelings and his thoughts. I know I am probable telling something I shouldn't when I say that when I  read ( "I can't even die by suicide right, I thought, adding to the list of things I had angry thoughts about.") on page 116 this  guy know what I struggled with.  Yes, I recommend this book to all that has or who is struggling with suicidal thoughts and depression. 
This author let you know that you are not alone and that God has not abandoned you or unloves you because you are struggling with this.  I think this book is one that every Christian should read. And yes, I agree with the author that the church needs to be more aware of the subject, and to be more sensitive to Christians and church members that are struggling with mental illness. I know this is a different kind of review but I am going to end it with saying that we all know someone that is struggling with us this, if not ourselves so I say pick up this book and keep it in your home library for a reference tool.  As you can probably tell I have struggled with depression and have attempted sucide many times. I am no longer suicidal but have days and times I feel depressed. So this book is one that I am keeping on my own bookshelf and will probably reread many times. 

I received a  complementary copy from the author and Celebrate Lit these opinions are my own. 

About the Author

Chris Morris is a certified mental health coach dedicated to promoting understanding of mental health issues within the church. Because of a lifelong struggle with depression and suicidality, Chris became committed to breaking down the stigma surrounding mental health and encouraging others to seek after holistic health.

As a writer and speaker, Chris has shared his personal story and insights with audiences across the country, inspiring many individuals to take control of their own health, break free from poor theological teaching placed upon them, and seek the support they need. He has published several books on mental health, the most recent being Resilient and Redeemed. His work has been featured in a number of media outlets, including CrossWalk, The Mighty, and Fathom Magazine.

Chris is deeply committed to creating a more compassionate and supportive world and church for individuals living with mental health issues. Through his writing and speaking, he is a powerful voice for change and a beacon of hope for those in need.

More from Chris

Resilient and Redeemed is a book that the Christian community needs. For too long, those with mental health conditions have been forced to be shamed or to hide their struggles. Especially in a post-COVID world, mental health has to come to the forefront of the conversation. This book details in an unapologetic way my struggles with depression and suicidal ideations. The core message of this book is that God doesn’t write people off because of their struggles with their mental health. No, God is with us and for us no matter what.

Resilient and Redeemed is full of hard-won, battle-tested tools that will help people fight the battle for their mental health. There are no easy answers given, because no two mental illnesses present the same. Ensconced in story, this book gives a full toolbox of practices to support better mental health, ranging from how to find a counselor that will work for you to daily rituals that will ground your days and affirm your agency in your life.

I also put together a video series talking about resilience to accompany this book. As a member of the blog tour, you’ll gain access to over 40 minutes of me talking about resilience. We cover things like where does resilience come from, what does resilience have to do with faith, and so much more. I’m especially proud of the work I did for this video series, and I think you’ll find it incredibly valuable.

Blog Stops

Vicky Sluiter, July 27 (Author Interview)

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, July 27

Library Lady’s Kid Lit, July 28 (Author Interview)

Simple Harvest Reads, July 29 (Author Interview)

For the Love of Literature, July 30 (Author Interview)

Texas Book-aholic, July 31

Tell Tale Book Reviews, August 1 (Author Interview)

Through the Fire Blogs, August 2 (Author Interview)

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, August 3

Blossoms and Blessings, August 4 (Author Interview)

Locks, Hooks and Books, August 5

Stories By Gina, August 6 (Author Interview)

Jodie Wolfe – Stories Where Hope and Quirky Meet, August 7 (Author Interview)

A Reader’s Brain, August 8 (Author Interview)

A Modern Day Fairy Tale, August 9 (Author Interview)

Artistic Nobody, August 9


To celebrate his tour, Chris is giving away the grand prize package of a $75 Amazon gift card and a copy of the book, and an Audible copy of Whispers in the Pews: Voices on Mental Illness in the Church!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.

Saturday, July 20, 2024

The Missing Songbird by Kathleen Robinson


About the Book

Book: The Missing Songbird

Author: Kathleen J. Robison

Genre: Christian Historical Mystery

Release date: May 7, 2024

Lina, after growing up in austere post-WWII Wales, only has one dream—to one day find love and sing on the stage in London. But when her father, her only champion, suddenly dies, that dream seems as far away as London itself.

When charming Captain Everette and his side-show come to town and offer a path to fame, it’s like all her dreams are suddenly coming true. It seems she’s willing to leave behind not only her hometown, but even the one man she’d always imagined marrying for this one shot.

But the path Lina has chosen turns rocky and treacherous, as everyone she meets seems to have their own plans for the beautiful, diminutive singer. Things turn awry when she finds herself suddenly imprisoned for a murder she didn’t commit. With no one to turn to and everything hanging in the balance, how will Lina trust God and His will for her life?

With an equally beautiful writing voice, Kathleen J. Robison draws in her readers with suspense, mystery, and romance.


Click here to get your copy!

" The Missing Songbird " by Kathleen J.Robinson is part of a series but can be enjoyed as a stand-alone. It has a mystery and a small love triangle. It also has a character being saved. It does have a  happy ever after but it also is sad when the mystery is solved. This is a story about accepting others as God created them. 

I received a complementary copy from the author and Celebrate Lit  and these opinions are my own. 

About the Author

Kathleen is an Okinawan-American. Born in Okinawa, raised in California, Florida, Mississippi, and Singapore. Her travels lend themselves to the settings in her books, and her large family provides fun fodder for her characters. She and her Pastor husband have eight adult children. Seven are married, blessing them with sixteen grandchildren, and more on the way! Her ethnically diverse family of 33 plus personalities presents many opportunities to write about God’s amazing love amid trials, tragedies, and blessings. He is the one true inspiration and hope for us all.

More from Kathleen

More from Kathleen:

The Missing Songbird is so dear to my heart. But do you want to know a secret? I never really wanted to write this book! Yet, God has a way of turning our “never” into always. I made the decision to write it because I felt God’s leading, and “always” is how I feel about The Missing Songbird now. I’ll always love that I was invited to join Celebrate Lit’s Ever After Mystery Collection, Fairy Tale retellings set in the 1940s. Of all the books I’ve written so far, it’s my favorite, and my husband’s too. I hope it will become yours.

Initially, my plan was to retell the children’s story, The Steadfast Tin Soldier. It was a tale that had always held a special place in my heart. I can still recall the bittersweet emotions it stirred within me as a child. I even have a faint memory of a black-and-white movie adaptation. So, I envisioned a unique twist, setting the story in Okinawa during World War II, with an Okinawan girl and a soldier. It was a concept that excited me, and I was eager to bring it to life.

My mother was a trained Okinawan folk dancer, so I thought it would be perfect. But another author had chosen that fairy tale, and after much deliberation and research, I chose Thumbelina. I came to find out that not many had even heard of the story. However, in Thumbelina, the numerous difficulties faced by a thumb-sized little creature provided me with lots of ideas, so my story was born.

The Missing Songbird revolves around Lina, a charming, talented little person who lives in the rural outskirts of a Welsh town. According to the Little People of America, adults under five feet ten inches tall may have a condition of dwarfism that includes both proportionate and disproportionate body types. My mother was only four feet, ten inches, and I’m four feet, eleven inches, so I can somewhat relate! It happens that Lina is proportionate, and her first love interest is not a little person, but of average height. Later on, you’ll meet Richard, the conflict in a love-triangle, who has disproportionate dwarfism.

I loved developing a beautiful love story between individuals who face many trials living as little people, especially so back in 1947. Although the story is not about Lina and Richard’s body types, it’s because of this that I found a way to share God’s redemptive themes of trust, love, and acceptance through difficulties in facing prejudice, bitterness, and pride.

I don’t remember why I chose to set the story in Wales, but perhaps a fairy tale’s lyrical prose tends to lend itself to ancient places. My husband’s grandmother was born and raised in Dowlais, Wales, and we visited her relatives back in the 70s. In my memories, I still envision the old coal mining town in black and white. It wasn’t till we toured the green, lush countryside that the beauty of the land transformed to living color. I felt like I stepped back in time.

Although I only met my husband’s grandmother here in the US after we married, her imposing figure made quite an impression both in person and through the many stories my husband shared with me. He was raised by a single-working mom, so his grandmother was prominent in his life. Food, customs, idioms, and her sing-song accent still fill my mind and make me smile.

As you delve into Lina and Richard’s love story, set in the enchanting world of Wales in 1949, I hope you’ll feel God’s presence weaving through their lives. I trust that, in some small way, The Missing Songbird will touch your heart, leading you to experience God’s love and His remarkable works in your own life. Thank you for embarking on this journey with me.

Blog Stops

Inspired by fiction, July 12

Locks, Hooks and Books, July 13

Stories By Gina, July 14 (Author Interview)

Texas Book-aholic, July 14

Happily Managing a Household of Boys, July 15

Connie’s History Classroom, July 16

Vicky Sluiter, July 17 (Author Interview)

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, July 18

Betti Mace, July 19

Library Lady’s Kid Lit, July 20 (Author Interview)

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, July 20

Simple Harvest Reads, July 21 (Guest Review from Donna Cline)

Holly’s Book Corner, July 22

Through the Fire Blogs, July 23 (Author Interview)

Inspired by fiction , July 24

Denise L. Barela, July 25 (Author Interview)


To celebrate her tour, Kathleen is giving away the grand prize package of a $25 Amazon gift card and copy of the book!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Love's True Home by Lori DeJong


About the Book

Book: Love’s True Home

Author: Lori DeJong

Genre: Christian Contemporary Romance

Release date: June 25, 2024

She craves roots. He seeks adventure. Will finding one mean leaving the other behind?

Allyson Kincaid needs roots. After being born and raised on the foreign mission field, all she wants is home and hearth on American soil. Finally past the break-up with the man she’d thought was the love of her life, she’s ready to put herself back out there. Too bad the first guy who’s made her pulse skip in nearly two years dreams of a life spent in foreign missions. She respects and supports his calling but knows it’s not one she shares.

When self-described vagabond Zane Carpenter relocates to Arlington, Texas, his only thought is to meet his obligation with Becker Ministries then move on to a foreign mission assignment, his dream and goal for the past several years. But working so closely with Ally in student ministry has his heart feeling things he’s never experienced. He’s ready for a future with her, until she makes it clear she doesn’t share his calling to the mission field.

A trip to her father’s Guatemalan mission changes everything when one stays and one leaves. Can she make a place on foreign soil, or will he find a home in Texas he didn’t even know he was looking for?


Click here to get your copy!

" Love's True Home" by Lori DeJong is a wonderful book about  characters being willing to give up what they want and what they believe God wants them to do. This is a clean romance as well as a spiritual read. I had to keep turning the pages to see if the two  main characters ended up together or if God wanted them to be separated in different mission fields. I really love the ending and hope there is another book coming with these characters. this book is also about forgiveness, I did have to put the book down for a little while at one point because of something 
That happen in the past to Zane's sister. It was too much real life to me. But, l am glad I picked the book back up this morning and finished it. 
I received a complimentary copy from the author and Celebrate Lit , and these opinions are my own. 

About the Author

Lori DeJong is a contemporary Christian romance author who enjoys penning stories full of grace and the redemptive power of God’s love that inspire others to hope regardless of circumstance, find joy in the moment, and grow in their faith. She resides in Georgetown, Texas, with her husband and two fur-babies and is the mother of one grown daughter. Lori’s debut novel, “Love’s True Calling”, is the 2022 winner of the ACFW Genesis Award for Romance, a double finalist in the 2024 Selah Awards, and was released in June 2023. “Love’s True Home” is the second book in the True Calling Series and releases on June 25, 2024.



More from Lori

Do you ever wish you had a second chance to make a first impression? I know I have.

And I can’t help but think that Allyson Kincaid, the female protagonist in my upcoming novel, Love’s True Home, would desire the same thing. Her first appearance in Love’s True Calling, Book One of the True Calling Series released last year, may not have painted her in the best light. But who could blame her for acting from a broken heart, trying to win back the man she thought was the love of her life? I knew from the moment she stepped off the page in chapter thirty-one she needed her own story. Her own true love. Her own path to finding her true calling. And I hope readers will give her that second chance to win their hearts.

As I set out to get to know her better, I found she had a lot to tell me. Much of her history was spent growing up on foreign mission fields across Central America, leaving her feeling rootless and without a place to call home. Until she came to Arlington ten years ago and found exactly what her heart longed for. Now her dream is to settle right there in Arlington, get a house someday—and a dog, of course—and grow her roots in rich, Texas soil.

Over a brainstorming session with a close writer friend, I mapped out an entire story concept for Ally, with a handsome missionary love interest. Then Zane Carpenter popped up in the last few chapters of Love’s True Callingand I knew he was the guy for Ally. Out with the old story and in with the new.

Getting to know Zane was a kick, even if he has enough of his own heartbreak in his history. His sense of humor, extrovert adventurer personality, and deep love for the Lord had me hooked from the beginning. Except for the myriad friends he’s made in the half-dozen places he’s lived over the past thirteen years, Zane’s alone in the world. And until meeting Ally, he was okay with that. Traveling here and there for new opportunities, new adventures, meeting new people. With a foreign mission assignment being his ultimate dream.

But what happens when the girl who’s been-there-done-that as a missionary kid and has no intention of leaving Texas meets a guy who sweeps her off her feet, only to find out his goal is to work in foreign missions?

Come along for the ride as Zane and Ally discover more about themselves, each other, the Lord they both wholeheartedly long to serve …

And the true meaning of home.

Blog Stops

Texas Book-aholic, July 10

Locks, Hooks and Books, July 11

lakesidelivingsite, July 12

Back Porch Reads, July 13 (Author Interview)

Devoted To Hope, July 13

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, July 14

Library Lady’s Kid Lit, July 15 (Author Interview)

Holly’s Book Corner, July 16

Simple Harvest Reads, July 17 (Author Interview)

For the Love of Literature, July 18 (Author Interview)

Mary Hake, July 18

Cover Lover Book Review, July 19

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, July 20

Tell Tale Book Reviews, July 21 (Author Interview)

Pause for Tales, July 22

Stories By Gina, July 23 (Author Interview)


To celebrate her tour, Lori is giving away the grand prize package of a $50 Amazon gift card and copy of the book!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.