Sunday, June 30, 2024

Tangled Secrets by S.F. Baumgartner


About the Book

Book: Tangled Secrets: A Suspense Thriller (Mirror Esate Series: Book 3)

Author: S.F. Baumgartner

Genre: Christian Suspense Thriller

Release date: April 29, 2024

Two women. One targeted by an unknown enemy. One being accused of murder. Will they overcome their obstacles?

The twenty-five-year-old schoolteacher Grace Benson is living a quiet life until she receives a threatening note. Her life turns upside down when the FBI becomes involved.

The middle-aged wedding planner Sheila Mitchell comes home to find her husband dead before she’s knocked out. When she comes to, the murder weapon’s in her hand.

Will Grace survive? And will Sheila’s ex-husband, an FBI agent, clear her name? Who is targeting these women?


Click here to get your copy!

''Tangled Secrets' by S.F. Baumgartner is the third in the series. I really recommend reading them in order to keep track of the story line. Most of the characters have previous or current code names and/or false names. A reader does have to really pay close attention to not become lost in the pages. I do like that each chapter focus on each of characters separately as it helps keep the story clearer in my mind. I didn't enjoy this book as much as I did the second one in the series.  From the ending of this book, I believe another one is coming.

I received a complimentary copy from the author and Celebrate Lit and these opinions are my own.  



About the Author

S.F. Baumgartner is a Christian suspense thriller author. She graduated from the University of Hawaii and the University of Cincinnati. When not writing, she enjoys spending time with her cats, staying active, and binge-watching crime TV shows. She lives in Ohio with her family.





More from S.F.

Crafting “Tangled Secrets” was an exhilarating experience, as it brought clarity to several unresolved mysteries within the series. The enigmatic question of a leak or mole introduced in “Living Secrets” – specifically, the mystery surrounding how Lily’s secret was discovered – finds its resolution in this latest installment. Moreover, “Forgotten Secret” cast a shadow of suspicion over characters like Rook and Uncle Bill, whose motives and truths are finally unearthed in “Tangled Secrets.”

Inspiration for this narrative complexity came from diverse sources: a television episode sparked the concept of a daughter relinquished for adoption, while a film suggested the thrilling double life of a secret agent. These ideas were not only incorporated but also transformed to enrich the tapestry of the story, intertwining with elements of chaos and confusion to enhance the intrigue and excitement.

This series, starting from the prequel, has been a journey of dropping subtle hints and planting seeds that would flourish into the full narrative of “Tangled Secrets.” The series is a vast landscape of potential stories, each more compelling than the last. I hope “Tangled Secrets” not only captivates and satisfies but also invites readers deeper into its intricately woven world. Enjoy the latest dive into our unfolding saga.

Blog Stops

Book Reviews From an Avid Reader, June 26

Life on Chickadee Lane, June 27

Betti Mace, June 28

Stories By Gina, June 29 (Author Interview)

Boondock Ramblings, June 29

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, June 30

Locks, Hooks and Books, July 1

A Reader’s Brain, July 2 (Author Interview)

Texas Book-aholic, July 3

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, July 4

A Modern Day Fairy Tale, July 5 (Author Interview)

For Him and My Family, July 6

Happily Managing a Household of Boys, July 7

Fiction Book Lover, July 8 (Author Interview)

The Lofty Pages, July 8

Lily’s Corner, July 9


To celebrate her tour, S.F. is giving away the grand prize package of a $50 Amazon gift card and an eBook copy of the book!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.

Friday, June 28, 2024

Mary’s Calico Hope by Anne Blackburne


About the Book

Book: Mary’s Calico Hope (The Heart of the Amish: Book 5)

Author: Anne Blackburne

Genre: Amish/Christian Fiction

Release date: June, 2024

Mary Yoder Is Content Despite Challenges Thrown Her Way

Full of faith, hope, and romance, this new series takes you into the Heart of Amish country.

If God wills it, Mary Yoder will do it, even if that means using crutches for the rest of her life. She was badly injured in a buggy accident as a child. Still, she is content living in the Dawdi Haus connected to her parents’ farmhouse and with her work weaving baskets and raising specialty roosters whose feathers she uses to make excellent trout lures. She is truly happy at twenty-nine, but. . .she wouldn’t mind finding a husband—if the Lord wills it. Along comes Reuben King, a Mennonite doctor. They are attracted to one another, but how could they ever be together? She’s a baptized Amish woman, so it seems impossible. Also, he wants her to have surgery to improve her mobility and lessen her day-to-day pain. She’s sick and tired of surgeries! But if God wills it, she’ll do it. And just maybe there will be a way for these two unlikely souls to connect.


Click here to get your copy!


“Mary’s Calico Hope” by Anne Blackburne is a clean Amish read.It is also an inspirational read. It clearly shows that God does want us to trust Him and that He does have our best interests in His plans. This story does have a happy ending  and it is because of a surprising solution by a surprise character.If a reader likes the Amish genre than I recommend the entire series.

I received a complimentary copy from the author and Celebrate Lit and these opinions are my own.

About the Author

Anne Blackburne lives and works in Southeast Ohio as a newspaper editor and writer. She is the mother of five grown children, has one wonderful grandchild, and a spoiled poodle named Millie. For fun, when she isn’t working on Amish romance or sweet mysteries, Anne directs and acts in community theater productions and writes and directs original plays. She also enjoys reading, kayaking, swimming, searching for beach glass, and just sitting with a cup of coffee looking at large bodies of water. Her idea of the perfect vacation is cruising and seeing amazing new places with people she loves.



More from Anne

Hello from Southeastern Ohio, where the sun is shining and it’s good to be alive!

Less than a year ago I wrote a kick-off post for the launch of my debut novel, Ruth’s Ginger Snap Surprise, which was also featured in a Celebrate Lit Book Tour in December 2023.

As a green newbie, I didn’t really understand what this meant, but I was (and am!) very happy for any help with my writing career. Well, the amazing bloggers who work with Celebrate Lit did a bang-up job promoting my book, and it is doing very well. So thanks to all of them, and to all who have read Ruth’s story!

Now, here I am again! I can hardly believe that my second book, Mary’s Calico Hope, is published and available to readers, and that once again I’m blessed to have the help of the Celebrate Lit folks in launching my book.

Mary Yoder will be familiar to anyone who read my first book. She appears several times in that story; you may remember her as the quiet young woman with a great attitude despite the fact that she has been using crutches to get around since a childhood accident injured her spine and legs.

Mary is the heroine of my second book, Mary’s Calico Hope. In fact, Mary is something of a heroine to me. I love her joy in living and her faith that God will get her through any challenge, even if she can’t begin to see how He’s going to do it.

We all face challenges, and would all benefit from a little more faith, and not just when times get tough, am I right?

I am so happy to bring you Mary’s story and can’t wait for you to experience her happy-ever-after. (Which of course is guaranteed, since we’re talking about a romance novel!) But how will she get there? Ah, that’s the question!

Thank you for taking the time to learn about Mary’s story! This book is my second in Barbour Publishing’s new series, “The Heart of the Amish”. It’s actually the fifth book in that series, which also contains great reads from authors Mindy Steele and Lisa Baker Jones.

I’m currently writing my third book in the series, which will feature a young woman you met in both Ruth and Mary’s stories, Elizabeth Miller. Look for Lizzie’s Little Mouse next winter.

Oh! I forgot to mention, each of my heroine’s received a tiny kitten from an elderly friend, Lydia Coblentz. Ruth had Ginger Snap. Mary has her calico kitten, Hope. And Lizzie’s kitten is a little gray one that reminds her of—you guessed it! A mouse!

I hope you’re having as much fun reading about these remarkable young women—and their kitties! —as I’m having writing about them. Thanks for being part of our journey! Without you, it wouldn’t be possible.

As for me and mine, we are all well and enjoying spring in southeast Ohio. In other words, enjoying the sunshine, but carrying a sweater and an umbrella, just in case!

God bless you and yours!


Anne Blackburne

Blog Stops

Vicky Sluiter, June 27

Jeanette’s Thoughts, June 27

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, June 28

Lighthouse Academy Blog, June 29 (Guest Review from Marilyn Ridgway)

Texas Book-aholic, June 30

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, July 1

Lakesidelivingsite, July 2

Splashes of Joy, July 2

Happily Managing a Household of Boys, July 3

For Him and My Family, July 4

Locks, Hooks and Books, July 5

The Lofty Pages, July 5

Abba’s Prayer Warrior Princess, July 6

Stories By Gina, July 7 (Author Interview)

Devoted To Hope, July 7

Bigreadersite, July 8

Little Homeschool on the Prairie, July 8

The Avid Reader, July 9

Life on Chickadee Lane, July 10

Holly’s Book Corner, July 10


To celebrate her tour, Anne is giving away the grand prize package of a print copy of the book and a $25 Amazon eGift card!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Tangled Promises by Lynn U.Watson


About the Book

Book: Tangled Promises

Author: Lynn U. Watson

Genre: Historical Romance

Release date: May 21, 2024

Thunderous applause extinguishes her dream and ignites her worst nightmare.

Clara Reinhold’s father publicly pledges her hand to Georg Wolff. His character and arrogance match the stench of his odious cigars, but his lineage offers a suitable alliance for the station of a baron’s daughter.

A charades clue years earlier turned friendship into a promise of forbidden marriage between Clara and family carriage driver, Daniel Becker.

If she refuses Georg and follows her heart, her father disowns her and she loses everything—her loving family, dear friends, and the only home she’s known.

As a tangled web of scandal and deceit unwinds, hidden motives and illicit activities emerge among an unsuspecting ring of players changing everything but nobility’s rules.

How will justice be served?

How will Clara and Daniel overcome obstacles to claim a future beyond that of a charade?


Click here to get your copy!


“Tangled Promises”was a good book.It took me a while to get into it but once I did, I had to keep turning those pages. This story ended up being an an inspirational read and had lots of Bible verses some had the scripture references, and some was just the passages without the verse and Book mentioned.This book has love and sorrow and betrayal.I think this is the first book in the series. At least I hope it is because the ending left me wanting more. This is a story of  privilege  and worth 
verses commoners. 

I received a complementary copy from the author and  Celebrate Lit and these opininon are my own.

About the Author

 Lynn Watson is a devotional writer, occasional quilter, reflexologist, and great-great-grand-daughter of a baron from Southwest Germany. Lynn combines her passions and her heritage Stepping Through Time Stitching Stories of Faith Snippets of her family story inspire her fiction writing. She and husband, Steve, make their home in Bartlett, TN, where Jasmine the resident feline considers herself Princess of the Palace.




More from Lynn

My daughter gifted me a tee shirt for Christmas with an image of a typewriter and the slogan: I make things up. That’s a novelist job! ðŸ™‚

Where we and our family came from and how we arrived where we are today, there’s a story in each of us. I find myself often pondering people’s back stories. I regret knowing only the tiniest bits of my own family’s backstory. When I had the opportunity to ask the questions, I was too naive to know what to ask. Decades later I made it up. Tangled Promises was born.

A recurring theme as I wrote Tangled Promises focuses on this verse: The rich and poor meet together: the Lord is the maker of them all. ~Proverbs 22:2

Clara and Daniel lived in the same world. She the daughter of the Baron and he the family’s humble carriage driver. Very much in love with one another, but their social status dictated rules created to forbid their union. 

In a world so shattered by differences, God calls us to see we’re all the same in His eyes. From the unborn baby to kings in the land, we’re all cherished by Him. He calls us to forgiveness and love.

While I’ve published a few devotional books, Tangled Promises is my debut novel and the first book in the Promised Destiny series. Thank you for reading. I pray you love it and are blessed.

Blog Stops

Stories By Gina, June 24 (Author Interview)

For Him and My Family, June 24

Texas Book-aholic, June 25

Artistic Nobody, June 26 (Author Interview)

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, June 27

Guild Master, June 28 (Author Interview)

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, June 29

A Reader’s Brain, June 30 (Author Interview)

Vicky Sluiter, July 1 (Author Interview)

Holly’s Book Corner, July 1

Babbling Becky L’s Book Impressions, July 2

Bizwings Book Blog, July 3

Tell Tale Book Reviews, July 4 (Author Interview)

Happily Managing a Household of Boys, July 5

Splashes of Joy, July 6 (Author Interview)

Locks, Hooks and Books, July 7


To celebrate her tour, Lynn is giving away the grand prize package of a $25 Amazon gift card and a copy of the book!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Her Part to Play by Jenny Erlingsson


About the Book

Book: Her Part to Play

Author: Jenny Erlingsson

Genre:Contemporary Romance

Release date: June 18, 2024

Desperate for extra income after her mother’s passing, Adanne accepts a last-minute job as a makeup artist for a movie filming in her small Alabama hometown. She’s working to save her parents’ legacy and help her brother, but the money hardly seems worth having to face the actor who got her fired from her last job in Hollywood.

John Pope has made his share of mistakes over the years. But after turning his life over to God and enduring a messy breakup, he’s ready to start rebuilding his career. Imagine his surprise when the woman called in to cover for his usual makeup artist is a quiet but feisty newcomer on the set–and definitely not a fan.

Sparks of tension–and could that be attraction?–fly between them, but Adanne hates the spotlight, and John’s scheming manager has bigger plans for him than to end up with the humble makeup girl from the small-town South. Can these star-crossed lovers find their way to happiness? Or will the bright lights of Hollywood blind their eyes to what’s right in front of them?


Click here to get your 
I really enjoyed "Her Part to Play"by Jenny  Erlingsson. this book is a story about an actor, trying to be a better person after turning to the Lord and a make up artist trying to save her family and the community center all on her own. they both learn to put their trust in the Lord and others. I think this is a book that nonbelievers would like to as it is a clean romance. This story could happen somewhere in the world of actors and I am sure it has.  this book is a perfect example of things aren't always what they appear to be.  If a reader wants to read a story that isn't like most other love stories then I recommend this when wholeheartedly. 

I received a complementary copy from the author and Celebrate Lit  and these opinions are my own. 

About the Author

Jenny Erlingsson is an author and speaker of Nigerian descent. After 12 years working in junior high and women’s ministry, she moved with her family from Alabama to Iceland. When she’s not running after her four kids or ministering alongside her husband, she can be found writing romantic fiction and creative nonfiction to inspire deep faith in diverse settings, as well as encouraging other writers. Her other writings have been featured on (in)courage, Live Original, Velvet Ashes, and more. And in the margins, you might find her reading five books at a time with a side of Icelandic chocolate.


More from Jenny

Sometimes it can be easy to underestimate the significance of our part to play in God’s story, especially when it’s something behind-the-scenes. I wanted to portray that in the story that unfolds between my characters Adanne and John. In Her Part to Play, readers are introduced to a make-up artist who had dreams of becoming successful in her career, but she sacrificed that to take care of her dying mother and ended up getting fired in the process.

This idea actually developed while I watched behind the scenes footage of The Chosen. Like any industry, profession or product, what we see is only a small part of the process. There are details that we don’t consider when we are being swept away in a story.

On the surface, working with the actor who got her fired was not the way Adanne wanted to earn much needed income. But there’s so much beautiful redemption that can be found in hidden places and that’s what John finds as well. Every day that Adanne works on his face to get him ready for his scenes, God starts working on both of their hearts. A beautiful transformation is carried out through someone who may not have seemed valuable in the grand scheme of things, but who was a very important part of the process.

Her Part to Play gives a glimpse of that through a charming romance between two people with different roles and from different cultures, but they both have a core need to be known and loved for not just what they do, but for who they are.

Blog Stops

Back Porch Reads, June 25 (Author Interview)

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, June 26

Where Crisis & Christ Collide, June 27 (Author Interview)

A Modern Day Fairy Tale, June 27

Inspired by Fiction, June 28

Blossoms and Blessings, June 29 (Author Interview)

Locks, Hooks and Books, June 30

Happily Managing a Household of Boys, July 1

Vicky Sluiter, July 2 (Author Interview)

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, July 3

By The Book, July 4 (Author Interview)

Texas Book-aholic, July 5

Blogging With Carol, July 6

For the Love of Literature, July 7 (Author Interview)

The Lofty Pages, July 7

Pause for Tales, July 8


To celebrate her tour, Jenny is giving away the grand prize package of a $50 Amazon gift card, a custom journal and copy of the book!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Thanksgiving in Welcombe Bay by Kate Darroch


About the Book

Book: Thanksgiving in Welcombe Bay

Author: Kate Darroch

Genre: Women’s Fiction

Release date: October 29, 2023

The story of an alcoholic former journalist, Eric, who is trying to straighten out his life and give up drinking, and Lily, a woman haunted by memories of domestic abuse, who meet and miracle in gorgeous Welcombe Bay. Both are coping with serious life problems, and neither is looking for romance. But lasting love is looking for them. Can these broken souls overcome their emotional and financial challenges, and help each other to heal through the transformative power of their love and faith?


Click here to get your copy!

"Thanksgiving in Welcombe Bay" by Kate Darroch is a story that deals with a divorcee that is afraid of her abusive ex-husband and a recovering alcoholic. I didn't think I would like this book it when I first started reading it because it was about a drunk driver and a little girl getting hurt. I hope this isn't a spoiler but the drunk driver didn't hit her.  It took a while for me to start enjoying this tale. but once I started liking it I had to keep turning the pages. This book has messages of hope and faith and love. I really like how all the characters except for a grandmother  and one other character all supported the two main characters Lily and Eric. Eric tries to buy his forgiveness with gifts.

I received a complimentary copy from the author and Celebrate Lit and these opinions are my own. 


About the Author

Kate Darrochlives on the picturesque Devon coastline, where she combines her passion for cozy sleuths and her experiences of life as it’s lived in many countries to create compelling Travel Cozies.

Màiri Maguire, a Scots Irish teacher from 1970s Glasgow, heroine of debut novel, “Death in Paris”, has earned Kate many international book awards, including Readers Favorite Gold Medal for Humor, consolidating her reputation as a notable author. Kate hopes her readers will enjoy Màiri’s adventures as much as she enjoys Father Brown, Sherlock Holmes, and that old, old movie, the Perils of Pauline.

Next, Kate created Huntingdon Hart, a dry, witty, prescient, multi-millionaire, tongue-in-cheek cross between James Bond and Sherlock Holmes, who’s in love with a much older woman.

Kate’s most recent work is the Christian Second Chance for Lasting Love series, Sweets By the Sea, a saga of Recovery and Redemption; which her readers say is even sweeter than Màiri’s adventures.

More from Kate

If you want incident-crammed stories that seamlessly integrate Christian values, you’re in the right place. Why is that? Because my own Christian faith is a seamless part of my life. How can you separate everyday life and faith? Don’t ask me, because I can’t.

I wrote Màiri Maguire to make people laugh during a dark time; and I wrote Eric and Lily to give hope and understanding to the families of addicts in recovery, to shine a light on thought processes and emotions which are opaque to most of us; and which those of us with a friend or loved one in recovery would like to understand better. Because I’m a storyteller, not a counsellor, I also tried to tell you a story that would make you both laugh and cry, a story worth taking time to enjoy. I hope that you will decide to spend a little time with Eric and Lily, and that you will find the expenditure of your time to be worthwhile.

Blog Stops

Stories By Gina, June 22 (Author Interview)

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, June 23

Artistic Nobody, June 24 (Author Interview)

Holly’s Book Corner, June 24

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, June 25

Guild Master, June 26 (Author Interview)

Texas Book-aholic, June 27

For the Love of Literature, June 28 (Author Interview)

Locks, Hooks and Books, June 29

By The Book, June 30 (Author Interview)

An Author’s Take, July 1

Blossoms and Blessings, July 2 (Author Interview)

Happily Managing a Household of Boys, July 3

A Reader’s Brain, July 4 (Author Interview)

Jodie Wolfe – Stories Where Hope and Quirky Meet, July 5 (Author Interview)

Pause for Tales, July 5


To celebrate her tour, Kate is giving away the grand prize package of a $50 Amazon gift card and an eBook copy of the four books in the series: Cookies & Eggnog from Welcombe Bay, Thanksgiving in Welcombe Bay, Christmas in Welcombe Bay and New Beginnings in Welcombe Bay!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.