Better yet, each devotional gives insight on how to handle daily problems right here and now in the twenty-first century. So go ahead! Open this book and prepare to tag along with some of the most fascinating new girlfriends you’ll ever be blessed to meet.
This is a book of 90 short devotions. Each day starts with A Bible scripture. Then it has the name of the Woman that the day's devotion is about, ( example Hagar: There Will Always Be Girl Bullies). Then it talks about that women and explains how that topic and how it relates to maybe something that the reader is going through. And then each day ends with "Thinking It Through", which is questions or a positive thought and /or a positive action to take.
Yes, this book is for preteen girls but I think even us older girls could possibly learn a few things as well. The devotions on Eve deals with learning to accept ourselves as God created us and another example is Miriam and when squabbles happen, ( and if we are honest, who doesn't have squabbles, young or old or in the middle, as age doesn't discriminate when it comes to disagreements. I guess, it does in a way because when you are older and more mature, you should be able to handle disagreements in a better way but I still say this book is a good reminder of good ways.
I encourage you if you have a preteen, get a copy of this book for them.
I received a complimentary copy from the author and these opinions are my own.

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