I can’t wait to share my latest novella, More Than Friendship, with you. It releases February 23rd. The idea actually came from my editor. I had mentioned the sewing circle in my Wells Landing stories, and he thought it would be fun to have a spinoff series featuring those ladies. So, my quilting circle was born.
Why a quilting circle rather than a sewing circle you may ask? Every September in Clarita, OK there’s a school auction to raise money. Quilting circles all around the area donate quilts to be auctioned off. Wells Landing is a fictional town situated where the Amish in northeast Oklahoma live but Clarita is 100% real. Click here if you want to read more about the Clarita auction http://www.claritaoklahoma.com/auction.htm.
I hope you enjoy reading More Than Friendship.
More Than Friendship- The Quilting Circle #1
Love is worth every challenge.
Woven deeply into the Amish community of Wells Landing, Oklahoma, a women’s quilting circle is a place to share everything from recipes to hopes and dreams, especially when love is in the air...
The youngest member of the quilting circle, Clara Rose Yutzy has her whole life ahead of her. And it’s just beginning, with plans for a wedding to her longtime beau, Thomas Lapp. Everything is falling into place, which is why Clara Rose resolutely ignores her newly warm feelings for her best friend, Obidiah Brennaman. There’s never been a hint of romance between them, and no reason to pay attention to such nonsense now...
Steady, sturdy Obie feels differently. He’s never thought too hard about his future, but the news that Clara Rose is about to be married is strangely unsettling. Convincing Clara Rose to take another look at their friendship may not be easy, but Obie is certain God intends for them to be together. He’ll do whatever he must to make Clara Rose see how much he loves her, and with the Lord’s help, before it’s too late...
Woven deeply into the Amish community of Wells Landing, Oklahoma, a women’s quilting circle is a place to share everything from recipes to hopes and dreams, especially when love is in the air...
The youngest member of the quilting circle, Clara Rose Yutzy has her whole life ahead of her. And it’s just beginning, with plans for a wedding to her longtime beau, Thomas Lapp. Everything is falling into place, which is why Clara Rose resolutely ignores her newly warm feelings for her best friend, Obidiah Brennaman. There’s never been a hint of romance between them, and no reason to pay attention to such nonsense now...
Steady, sturdy Obie feels differently. He’s never thought too hard about his future, but the news that Clara Rose is about to be married is strangely unsettling. Convincing Clara Rose to take another look at their friendship may not be easy, but Obie is certain God intends for them to be together. He’ll do whatever he must to make Clara Rose see how much he loves her, and with the Lord’s help, before it’s too late...

I live in Tulsa, though I was born in Mississippi. I moved to the Sooner State when I was seventeen and met my soul mate and best friend not long after. I've retained a little of my Mississippi accent though most people think I'm from Texas. (?) Rob and I have been married for over twenty years and have a son-a mom proclaimed prodigy, of course!
I love homemade tacos, nail polish, and romance novels-not necessarily in that order. I'm a big fan of country music, a staunch proponent of saving the Oxford comma, and I'm shamefully obsessed with all things Harry Potter.
I believe that God is love. I guess that's why I love to write inspirational romances. The two go hand-in-hand for me.
I have always been intrigued with the Amish culture, their gentle ways and slower-paced lifestyle. (And I love, love, love the fact that they stay married for their lifetime.) But until recently I never thought to blend this interest with my penchant for romance. Okay, okay, I'm a bit old-fashioned and even enjoy the gender roles that are present in this culture. I love to cook and take care of my family. Yes, that's me June Cleaver with a laptop.
I dislike people trying to convince me to read the Twlight series (I'll get to it or I won't, either way I'm good with it), gratuitous violence, and strawberry ice cream. (I know I'm alone on this last one, and again, I'm good with it.)
Favorite movies-(besides HP) French Kiss, Maid of Honor, A Lot Like Love, Just Married, and Sweet Home Alabama. Oh, and Miss Congeniality, Sabrina (both versions) and a 1940′s movie called Dear Ruth. If you haven't seen it, you should! A-dorable. Anything with Doris Day and most all of Marilyn's and Audrey's.
My Review: I really enjoy reading Amy Lillard's Amish novels and novellas. As she has mentioned in the above paragraph, "More Than Friendship- The Quilting Circle #1 is a spin off of the ladies in the sewing circle mentioned in the "Wells Landing Series".
Here is a quote from the book and since it sums up the entire novella, I am going to include it in this review as it isn't a spoiler alert, "This was supposed to be the happiest time of her life, and yet every night she prayed for peace and understanding and understanding and peace."
This novella is full of surprises and turns that makes this reader think "I am glad that just happened"
I haven't read the last two books in the Wells Landing stories but after reading "More Than Friendship" (though it isn't part of the series, it mentions characters from the book) I want to move them up to the top of my to be read list. I have to be honest and say I am most anxious to read "Just Plain Sadie" the 4th book because Sadie was my grandma's name. I know the spotlight is on the novella "More Than Friendship" but I encourage you to read all 5 books.
Can a girl and a boy remain best friends after the girl marries? That is the question that Clara and Obie face in this new novella! I know the answer at least for Clara and Obie! If you read " More Than Friendship" you will know the answer also and I know you want to know the answer! But, you will have to wait till tomorrow to get the book but here is the link so you can preorder if you want to: http://www.amazon.com/More-Than-Friendship-Amy-Lillard-ebook/dp/B010JYVX1G/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&q
I was given an copy by Netgallery for my honest review and the opinions are my own!
I have given "More Than Friendship" five stars.
To be entered into the drawing for an ebook copy of "More Than Friendship" answer this question!
"Do you prefer reading novellas or full-length novels? Why?"
Here is a quote from the book and since it sums up the entire novella, I am going to include it in this review as it isn't a spoiler alert, "This was supposed to be the happiest time of her life, and yet every night she prayed for peace and understanding and understanding and peace."
This novella is full of surprises and turns that makes this reader think "I am glad that just happened"
I haven't read the last two books in the Wells Landing stories but after reading "More Than Friendship" (though it isn't part of the series, it mentions characters from the book) I want to move them up to the top of my to be read list. I have to be honest and say I am most anxious to read "Just Plain Sadie" the 4th book because Sadie was my grandma's name. I know the spotlight is on the novella "More Than Friendship" but I encourage you to read all 5 books.
Can a girl and a boy remain best friends after the girl marries? That is the question that Clara and Obie face in this new novella! I know the answer at least for Clara and Obie! If you read " More Than Friendship" you will know the answer also and I know you want to know the answer! But, you will have to wait till tomorrow to get the book but here is the link so you can preorder if you want to: http://www.amazon.com/More-Than-Friendship-Amy-Lillard-ebook/dp/B010JYVX1G/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&q
I was given an copy by Netgallery for my honest review and the opinions are my own!
I have given "More Than Friendship" five stars.
To be entered into the drawing for an ebook copy of "More Than Friendship" answer this question!
"Do you prefer reading novellas or full-length novels? Why?"
I actually don't have a preference -- I love to read both. I don't base my choice on whether a story is a novel or novella. Thank you for the opportunity - I enjoy Amy Lillard's books!
I like to read both also Christine!
I like both novellas and full-length novels. Novellas are great for quick reading, like when I am waiting for a doctor's appt. :-) Full novels are wonderful because I can truly get immersed in the story and I enjoy that. :-)
Great points Melissa!
Both for me.. But if I'm able to get a autographed book from an author I'd prefer book in hand form.
I agreed Kathy
I love novellas when I have a short time to read. I love books but seems like I can read a lot more if short.
Both for me also. I like the novella for short quick reads. I like novels for long nights to relax and enjoy. rackylemaire(at) gmail(dot) com
Both for me also. I like the novella for short quick reads. I like novels for long nights to relax and enjoy. rackylemaire(at) gmail(dot) com
Both, but I prefer novels, especially a series. I like learning LOTS about the characters. The more I read and learn about them, the more I can identify with them, and "really know" them.
Would love to read this!
Novellas or full-length novels? Each are delicious in their own way. Personally, if I am not feeling very well, I may prefer a novella at that time, hopeful i can finish and enjoy it in one sitting. (Might even make me feel better.) A full-length novel I take my time with, enjoying the descriptive writing, plot, and characters. Both are winners! Jean (relssekj@gmail.com)
If I want something quick and short to read I like novellas. I usually read full length books or ebooks. As long as they are Amish fiction I love them all.
either one.
I like both but yes if they are shorter I read more
I don't have a preference. If it a great story it goes by fast no matter what!
I prefer full length. That has an ending..I do like novellas for car trips :)
I love novels, but novellas give me a quick fix.
Both. I find that when I'm waiting on a book to become available at the library or if I've ordered it on amazon, I like the novellas, something that I can finish quickly and be through with it by the time that my ordered book comes in. They are great for in-between-books. And all by themselves.
Both I love to read and keep the library staff busy Thank you very much for a chance to win
I love to read both. I really couldn't choose which I prefer more. I love all types of books.
I like to read both. The novellas are quick reads but usually have a poweful story packed in a short story. Full lengths are more involved and gives readers a glimpse into the characters better. Either way I read them both.
both for me as well
love that with longer novels you do get to know the characters more!
I agree and love series as well.
I like them both also but I also like other genres as well
Some novellas has an ending
I like the quick fix thought
I like your idea of reading novellas in between book orders
I also keep the library staff busy!
me too Andrea
i agreed just as long as there is a full story in the novella
Thanks, Christine!
I feel the same! I get busy and sometimes it takes me a loooooong time to finish a book whereas I can read a novella in one sitting. :) Thanks for reading!!
Thanks, Diana!!! :)
That's interesting info, Susan. There's always a debate with authors as to whether series are helpful or not. Romances almost have to be standalone even if in a series since that relationship ends at the close of the book. :) But it's good to know that readers are still enjoying those repeat characters. :) Thanks for reading!!
Thanks. Calleigh!! :)
Thanks, MaryEtta! :)
Delicious...I love it! Thanks for reading Jean!
Well you're in luck, this one is Amish. :) Thanks for reading!!
Good point! Thanks!!
Even though this is a novella, the story wraps up. Just at a quicker pace. Serial novels...? I wouldn't do that to you! :)
Yup, that's it, Deana. When faced with writing a novella, every word counts. :) Thanks for reading!!!
Yes, you're talking about a serial novel where there are installments. They almost caught on, but it seems that the reader needs that end to the story quicker than most writers can write. :) So they were causing a lot of grumbling amid the readers.
Great idea, Loretta! :)
Thanks for reading, Carlin!! :)
Ditto for me! :)
When I have a lot of time I prefer the full length novels. When I don't have a lot of time then a novella is perfect. I read to relax and to travel or experience new things in my mind.
Jan i read to escape "real Life"
I like reading both. After reading a full length book a novella is a nice break.
Full length, because they last longer!
I enjoy reading both. It usually depends on how much time I have. I am a fan of Amy's work and would love to read this story. Thank you.
I enjoy reading both. I love Amy's Wells Landing series and looking forward to the novellas she is writing that connects us to the characters we have fallen in love with in the books. God Bless.
I enjoy reading both but would have to say my favorite is full length. A lot of novellas are way too short. Sometimes I'm just really getting into the story and it ends. I would love to win this book.
Great Novella when it leads you to want a bigger story... I enjoy your stories and can't wait for Just Plain Sadie!
I read both. I find Amish Fiction very relaxing and it is my favorite.
I love all of Amy's books, though I really most appreciate her Amish books! Most recently, I read one of Amy's romance books, a little more intense than the usual, but really very good!!! Amy is an excellent writer, I can't get enough of them, and can't wait to read this one! Thanks so much Amy, for all you do, and God Bless You! Have a wonderful, Blessed Day!
I like reading both kinds of books. Sometimes if it is really good I want it to be a full length Novel.
Isn't that the truth - it's a thrill to get a signed book from a favorite author!
Thanks, Stace!
That's a good way to put it, Jan! Thanks for reading!!
Definitely! :)
Thanks for reading, Deb! :)
I hear that a lot! I like both, but novellas are fun to write. Well, so are full-lengths. LOL
Thanks, Mary Ellen!!
Thanks, Marilyn! :)
That's where novella's get tricky. You shouldn't feel like you were cheated on the story. They can be a challenge to write because of this. I try to make them complete stories, just shorter. Hopefully, I succeed! :)
I'm excited to share Sadie with you too. Clara Rose and Obie (More than Friendship) are there to hold you over until Sadie comes out. Thanks for reading!
That's one of the things I enjoy about it too! Thanks for reading!
Thanks, Frances! I really appreciate you trying my other books too! That means a lot to me! Good luck!
I can see where that would happen! Thanks for reading!!
I don't know if I am too late but I like Full Length because with Novellas I just start enjoying it and then it's over and You get more for your money with longer stories Thanks for the giveaway
Thanks so much for the chance to win this wonderful book!!! You are a great writer...and I keep reading your books...and they never disappoint me!!! Have a Blessed Day!!!
I enjoy a novella...when I am in a rush...when I need that instant gratification...but I really enjoy a series...so that I am working my way towards a goal...but I don't enjoy when they are far apart...because I like to keep the flow going...without interruption!!!
The only problem I encounter with a series...is that you have to pay for more than one book...and that can cost a bit much! I really love all of Amy's books...the Amish Fiction/Romance and the Contemporary Romance as well...she is a wonderful writer...and I will read anything she writes...and recommend all of her books to anyone else!!! Good Luck to Everyone!!!
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