Book: The Master’s Calling
Author: Amber Schamel
Genre: Christian Historical
Book Information:
After generations of waiting, the Messiah has come at last. And not a day too soon. All his life, Malon Ben-Tyrus has been stifled beneath Roman laws and religious traditions, and he longs to be free. The oppression of the Romans worsens every day, and the religious system led by the Scribes and Pharisees has grown corrupt.
Malon believes his life calling is to become a disciple of the Messiah and help free Israel from bondage. When Jesus heads to Jerusalem for the Passover feast, Malon knows this will be a historic event. Jesus will enter the city as the Son of David and take His place as the Messiah of Israel. He longs to follow Jesus to Jerusalem, but his family won’t allow him to go.
When at last his family consents, Malon arrives in Jerusalem only to discover that he is too late. The man he thought to be the Messiah has been crucified, and Barabbas—his greatest enemy—has been set free.
Appalled by the cowardice of Jesus’ disciples, Malon returns home seething with frustration and despair. Everything he believed he was destined to become died with Jesus. Was he wrong about his destiny? Blog:
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My Review: "The Master's Calling" by Amber Schamel is the third and final book in the (Days of Messiah series) and though it ended perfectly, it is still a bittersweet ending for this reader. I want to read more of Malon Ben-Tyrus and his family. I have read all three books and was not disappointed.
"The Master's Calling" takes place after Jesus has been crucified and Malon feels betrayed by the disciples as well as Jesus, (how could he let Himself be killed if He was the Messiah). The disciples, and especially Peter are hiding because they are afraid and Malon is angry at them all.
Will Malon ever feel He was right when he felt that he was called to follow the Master and was Jesus's death just a way to a greater glory for us all?
Everyone remembers Barabbas, the prisoner that was released on Passover, but no one knows his story. Amber Schamel has set out to give us a fictional account of of this man, letting us see what may have led to his imprisonment and what could have happened afterward.
I encourage you to read this series, you won't be disappointed!
Malcon's story is a story of betrayal and loss and joy! But this is more than just Malcon's story, it is also The Master's story of how he touched one family's life.
I am giving "The Master's Calling" (Days of Messiah Book 3) by Amber Schamel five stars.
I was given a pdf file by the author and Celebrate Lit for an honest review and these opinions are mine.
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Thanks so much for sharing your review on the blog today, Debbie! So glad you enjoyed Malon's story. :D
I don't read much Biblical fiction but this story sounds interesting! Thanks for sharing your review.
This sounds like an interesting story! I've not read too many Biblical fiction books either, but it sounds like something I'd enjoy :-) Thank you for your review!
you should read all three books
I think this is a wonderful book to read during this Lent season. The Master's Calling is on my TBR list.
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