Friday, October 19, 2018

"JESUS IS BETTER THAN PORN: How I Confessed my Addiction to My Wife and Found a New Life" by Hugh Houston

Honest, hard-hitting, helpful and hopeful. Habitual sins, like pornography addiction, are only a problem for unbelievers, right? Wrong! Becoming a Christian is only the start of a lifelong battle against sin. This book is the story of one man's courageous battle against sin, in the power of God's spirit. Hugh’s story shows that any Christian can be trapped in the dark pit of sin, even a respected pastor, feeling isolated and too fearful to ask for help. But Hugh’s story of heartbreak and humility and trusting in Christ, shows that God makes a way back. 

This is a story of God bringing back life and grace, after terrible pain. It can be your story too. That's what the gospel is all about! 

Sin leads to death but in this book God (and Hugh’s practical advice), shows us a far better way: JESUS is so much BETTER than porn!

Link to purchase:

My Review 
"JESUS IS BETTER THAN PORN: How I Confessed my Addiction to My Wife and Found a New Life" by Hugh Houston is the author's own story of how he was trapped in the sin of porn for over thirty years.

This is the second book that I have read about being trapped in porn's addiction and I am beginning to understand that it is really an addiction and the people who are trapped in it's pull needed understanding and help, just as those who are addicted to drugs. But, he also states that when you submit to the temptation, you are being selfish and it is the same thing as adultery. The author says you can tell yourself you aren't doing anything wrong because you aren't actually touching another women but you are only lying to yourself and you are destroying your loved ones trust and you are actually causing them heartache and when your spouse becomes aware, there is actually a period of grief for them.

This is a hard subject for me to read and write reviews about, but I am beginning to realize that sexual sins need to be preached about more and we all need to be aware that this sin is practiced by Christian as well as unbelievers and when a Christian finds themselves entrapped in porn, the shame makes it harder to ask for help.

The author says that reports show that porn sites received more vists each than Netflix, Amazon and Twitter combined and that alot of these visitors are pastors and that the age of the visitors are getting younger all the time.

The book is written about the author's addiction to porn, but he states, and I have to agree, that practically everything that he has said can be applied to problems like worry, anger, eating too much or the desire to buy more stuff.

I really like this quote from the book "It's the gospel truth! Sin will take you further than you want to go, cost you more than you want to pay, and keep you longer than you want to stay."

I recommend all christians read this book and be reminded that Jesus is better than everything we could ever want and he has everything we need.
I was given a complimentary copy by the author and these opinions are my own.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Debbie, thank you for taking the time to help me and so many other independent authors. This is a message that needs to be heard. Too many are enslaved by this terrible plague.