Thursday, July 25, 2019

"Pulse"by Linore Burkard Booktour and Give Away

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About the Book

Book: Pulse
Author: Linore Burkard
Genre: Christian YA/Apocalyptic Suspense
Release date: August 24, 2015
PulseWhat do you do when the whole world stops?
Andrea, Lexie and Sarah are just ordinary teens until a mysterious event shuts down all technology. In the dead of winter, there’s no heat, no internet, no cell phones–not even a working car.
In this chilling Christian YA tale, most of the population doesn’t survive. Pitting faith and grit against a world without power, the girls and their families must beat the odds. But can they find the strength to survive when society collapses and technology fails?

About the Author

Linore_SmallerLinore Rose Burkard wrote a trilogy of genuine regency romances for the Christian market before there were any regencies for the Christian market. Published with Harvest House, her books opened the genre for the CBA. She also writes YA Suspense/Apocalyptic fiction as L.R. Burkard.Married with five children, Linore home-schools her youngest daughter, teaches workshops for writers, and is the Vice President of the Dayton Christian Scribes.  Her latest  PULSE EFFEX SERIES, takes readers into a “chilling possible future for America, while affirming the power of faith in the darkest of times.”

Blog Stops

The Avid Reader, July 13
amandainpa, July 14
Genesis 5020, July 15
Artistic Nobody, July 17 (Spotlight)
Mary Hake, July 20
Pause for Tales, July 21
Emily Yager, July 23

"Pulse"by Linore Burkard is a book that is about three different teens and their own perspectives on life after all society collapses and technology fails?

This book has no sex and zombies nor drugs/alcohol, no horrible violence but guns are used, no profanity (though alluded to a couple of times), no macho guys and/or gals, no overt religion and/or preaching, but it does have faith and Biblical points in the girl's writing, no army of super-heroes.

This book really does make the reader think about what would we do if this happen in our life time.  
Okay, I have to be honest and tell that why reading this book I was very judgmental of Lexie's father because even through he is a Christian, he refused to help her friend family's because they have to help their own family seems wrong to me because aren't we called to help when we are able. As soon I typed this, this thought immediately popped in my head, Christians aren't to judge and aren't you judging even if the characters are fictional, no one is perfect in their Christian walk .  I can't tell you how that was eventually worked out.

I can't image having to do some of the things that the characters had to do to just survive, but again maybe with this statement I am judging again, but I don't think I would resort to even think about selling my teenage daughter to someone so that I can eat. Yes, I know that happens way to much in this world and I have to say that the ones thinking about this aren't Christians. And I have never experienced real hunger or thirst.

This story is written as journals by all three girls, and is written so well that I could image myself setting down at a table and listening to them telling me their stories.

This story will make readers more appreciative of what they have and make them love their families and show love more openly and more often because even if we never experience a EMP, these things and those we loved can be taken from us suddenly. 

This book has happy moments in it but it is not a happily ever fairytale story. I am eagerly awaiting the next book in the series.

I really recommend this book to all,  young mature readers, teens, adults and seniors adults, to read.

I received a complimentary copy by the author and Celebrate Lit. These are my own opinions.

1 comment:

Caryl Kane said...

Great review, Debbie.