Sunday, February 10, 2013

Autumn's Promise by Shelley Shepard Gray

"Autumn's Promise"by Shelley Shepard Gray gets 5 stars from me. I think this novel was my favorite in the whole series. I was surprised by the ending but am glad it ended the way it did. I am just sorry that the Seasons Of Sugarcreek novels just have the three books. I would like to read more about Lilly. Lilly and Robert fell in love, even through Robert is Amish and decided to get marry,but then Lilly decided she cannot give up her independence to become Amish. Robert , who lost his first wife due to illness isn't going to lose Lilly so to keep her  he makes a change that I didn't see coming. The characters in all three novels of the Seasons Of Sugarcreek trilogy are easy to like and it was easy to imagine that I was watching the story unfold in front of me. Autumn's Promise was also about Caleb Graber realizing that all he had to be was the person God wanted him to be, not the perfect son. I even came close to having tears in my eyes a couple of times reading this book as I was really beginning to think about these characters as real people. These novels are about real life and problems and struggles that families share. I have read 2 series of books by Shelley Shepard Gray and was not disappointed. I will be reading her other series.

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