Forced to flee war-torn Jerusalem in 70 A.D., Rebekah and her husband, Ethan, each take something of value: Rebekah, the cup of the Last Supper; Ethan, a copper scroll detailing the whereabouts of a vast Temple treasure. Ahead, separation and danger face them. Yet, amid the chaos of war there is love and faith and hope as Rebekah and her family struggle to survive, and in the process discover where their true treasure lies.
"Rebekah's Treasure" by Sylvia Bambola is definitely a five star novel!
This book is about the fall of Jerusalem and so much more! It is of family struggles and hopes as they tried to do what they think is right as Jerusalem is being destroyed! It is historical fiction at it's best! Sylvia Bambola sent a copy of this book to my mother as well and she loved it, because she has no computer my mother is going to write her a personal letter. Just threw that little bit of data in this review so you will all know that I'm not alone in my opionion of this great story.
This story is written as if Rebekah and Ethan are writing the story, each chapter is written in their point of view.
It was interesting to read Rebekah's view of the last supper and the cup that Jesus drank from. This same cup is the treasure that she takes with her when she is forced to leave Jerusalem, but is it her greatest treasure? This cup is believed to have healing power, but does it, or is the belief in the Master Jesus what being healing! This belief brings a lot of trouble for Rebekah. It was also just as exciting to read about Ethan's hunting for the treasures that was removed from the Temple.
So is this cup and the treasures from the temple, the real treasure or is something else? I know what the answer is and if you read this book, you will too.
This book has a lot of heartache in between the pages but you will appreciate more of what the "Believers" went through as they tried to follow Jesus after he was crucified. ( not that the story is about that ). I kept reading because I wanted to see how the story ended and I'm thrilled with the ending, except I want to read more about Aaron and Esther, (two of Rebekah and Ethan children).
This book is historical Christian Fiction at it's best. I will be reading more of Sylvia's work.
I was given a copy of "Rebekah's Treasure" by the author for an honest review.
Born in Romania in 1945, Sylvia Bambola lived her early years in Germany. At seven she relocated with her adopted family and saw the Statue of Liberty and America for the first time. But the memory of those years in Germany inspired her to write Refiner's Fire, which won a Silver Angel Award, and was a Christy Finalist. Her frequent moves as an "army brat" gave her an opportunity to see America and fall in love with her new country. Bambola has authored six novels, has two grown children, teaches women's Bible studies, loves gardening and is learning the guitar.
Great review Debbie! I will have to put this one on my list!
Judy B
yes it is a great book!
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