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About the Book
Restless and adventurous, Ruthie Stoltzfus is right on the cusp of leaving her Amish home. Secretly, she’s earned her GED, saved her money—but she can’t quite set her journey into motion. Just as everything falls into place, along comes Patrick Kelly. Patrick is a young man on a journey of his own. He’s come to Stoney Ridge to convert to the Amish and has given himself thirty days to learn the language, drive a buggy, and adapt to “everything Plain.” Time is of the essence and every moment is to be cherished—especially the hours he spends with Ruthie, his Penn Dutch tutor. Ruthie’s next-door neighbor and cunning ex-boyfriend, Luke Schrock, is drawn to trouble like a moth to a flame. Rebellious, headstrong, defiant, Luke will do anything to win Ruthie back—and Patrick Kelly is in his way. Bestselling author Suzanne Woods Fisher invites you back to Stoney Ridge for a story of dreams deferred—and the promise of hopes fulfilled.
My Review:
These words of Jesus spoke to David, the Bishop of Stoney Ridge on page 250 of the book "The Devoted" by Suzanne Woods Fisher and really describes the members of Stoney Ridge, "But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you."
"The Devoted"by Suzanne Woods Fisher is the third book in (The Bishop's Family) series and I liked it but I think I enjoyed the other two books in the series just a little more. "The Devoted" has good life lessons we could all use, like quotes on what courage is.
I think anyone could read "The Devoted" and understand the book but I am glad I have read the other two books first because "The Devoted" has the same characters as the other two.
I love this quote from the book "When we feel frighted and guilty, our tendency is to avoid God completely. Do the opposite. Seek God out. Pursue Him. Get to know Him. He's the lifeboat in any crisis."
The book has one character who has a drinking problem and one mention of Amish teens sharing a marijuana joint. I only mention this because I feel that some readers want to know this in the books they read. I really like the fact that Suzanne Woods Fisher doesn't try to portray the Amish as perfect people.
This series is really lessons in living and are love stories and Amish fiction at it's best.
I like the ending explanation of Exodus 23 verse 30 and how it tells the reader that it is for us Believers today and that it is for lifetime obedience to the Lord.
"The Devoted"by Suzanne Woods Fisher is definitely a five star novel.
I was given a complementary copy of "The Devoted" by the author and Celebrate Lit. The opinions expressed are my own.
About the Author
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To celebrate her tour, Suzanne is giving away a copy of The Devoted and an iPad Mini 2 16GB! Click here to enter:
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