As a writer of faith stories, I love looking back on my journey because little did I know that interning in a dually diagnosed psychiatric unit at Woodview-Calabasas Hospital, at the age of forty would lead me to give my life to Messiah (Jesus Christ). I had no idea that attending a church would lead me to offer to help some women and end up meeting with Pastor Hurt to explain what the Lord had begun and have Pastor pronounce me The Women's Lay Councilor for Freemont Community Church, in Freemont, CA and place me under his authority. This was the beginning of LAMB (Life Affirming Messages from the Bible) Ministries which helps women recover from trauma and abuse through the effective use of Scripture, and prayer.
When my husband, Ron became a Messianic missionary with Chosen People Ministries, I joined the staff and coordinated missionary calendars. During that time, I found myself crying out to God because I wanted to do something for the Kingdom. His answer blessed me, but I was concerned that this dyslectic writer's work might be subpar. Yet knowing that God was involved, I set my eyes on Jesus. It has been my great pleasure to research the history of the Sephardic Jews baptized into the Catholic faith during the Inquisition. From that research and my desire to use Scripture to heal wounds as I have done with my LAMB ladies, the Casa Saga Books were birthed. Though the heritage of my heroine is unique, the issues she faces are those that bring each of us to the cross.
Since beginning my writing journey with Messiah, I discovered that for me writing is akin to breathing, and I am already researching two more series. When not writing, speaking, teaching, or involved in ministry with my husband, Ron, having a gabfest with family members who live far away, I can be found meeting with friends, or worshiping at my Messianic Congregation Ben David in Santa Ana, California or at The Lutheran Church of the Cross in Laguna Woods where we partner to reach the lost.
Visit http://www.PaulaRoseMichelson.com/ to find out more about me, LAMB Ministries, read the first chapter of Author – Casa Saga Books and the upcoming Naomi Chronicles
God said, “…all people on earth will be blessed through you.”
Coming Soon: The Naomi Chronicles, Book One, Beginning Anew the book reviews, and discover a little about Book One of The Naomi Chronicles, Beginning Anew, which continues Naomi and Chaz's story.
And if you enjoy faith stories, devotionals, or enjoy reading about writing please visit
Author – Casa Saga Books and the upcoming Naomi Chronicles
God said, “…all people on earth will be blessed through you.”
Reviews of Reviews of Casa de Naomi: The House of Blessing, Book 2:
mine:I give "Casa de Naomi: The House of Blessing Book 2"by Paula Rose Michelson 5 stars. Naomi's friend Alex takes her to a camp where she finds The Blessing Rock and Ruth. Ruth gives her a Bible and asks her to read it. When Naomi reads the Bible she is surprised to find that Jesus is Messiah. Chaz learns a surprise as well in this book but I won't tell you what the surprise is. I thought Casa De Naomi Book 1 was great but I think Book 2 was even better. I think by the time all six books get written it might just be a classic like "Gone with the Wind" by Margaret Mitchell, at least I hope so. Paula Michelson gives such vavid details that I could actual see the scenes in my mind as I was reading. She actually made me feel what the characters were feeling. I think this saga would make a great movie or a mini series on the screen.Paula Michelson made the Bible passages she wrote in the story so inviting that while reading this book I wanted to get my Bible out and found the passages that she wrote about.I am eagerly awaiting the other books in this series. I was given a PDF by the author.
Paula has agreed to an answer and question blog and the winner picked by random.dot org will win a print book. You will definitely want to read this whole series.
Let the questions begin! You have today and tomorrow. I will pick a winner tomorrow at 10 pm est
Author of “The 13th Enumeration,” William Struse in his five star review said, “Casa de Naomi: The House of Blessing, Book 1 is a soulful story in the tradition of some of the Bible's great heroines. Duty, sacrifice, and faith are carried in the arms of love by a courageous young woman, who rises above her own flaws to help others. After reading this touching story, you will be asking yourself, is my life truly A House of Blessing?”
Rhonda Gayle-Nash said in her 5 star review said, “Paula Rose Michelson is a gifted writer and prophet. She is certainly telling the good news through her fictional work in this series of books. The back of her novel says: "Fulfilling Messiah's Great Commission through Literature" and she does exactly that in her writing. I also love how she draws so many parallels between Ruth and Naomi in Casa de Naomi with Ruth and Naomi of the Bible. I adore the way she has a little child lead Naomi to some important truths during a simple activity such as fishing together and sharing a picnic lunch. I also love how she has an older woman teach the younger women and lead them to their own understandings of God and the Bible. It causes me great pain to realize how Naomi feels that she must hide her faith, her culture, her Judaism. It made me reflect on the pain that so many Jews have experienced and the horrors of the Holocaust. I imagine this book will make many readers reflect in a similar way, but Paula leaves us with hope as she writes and weaves the tale of Naomi's life......read to discover how Naomi and Chaz will resolve their problem: can he forgive her lies? can she forgive his anger towards her? Will Naomi find Messiah and welcome him into her heart as the new family she meets has already done? Superb writing! incredible storytelling! beautiful news!”
Joan E. Hawkes said in her 5 star review, “Not many books today are able to intertwine spirituality, romance, suspense and biblical theology and ideology with a hint of history bound in a fictional novel such as the saga Paula Rose Michelson has written. As we turn the beginning pages of Book I, we are passively yet unexpectedly caught in the pre-destined web of characters that continues to navigate us toward the final words of Book II. She has skillfully drawn not only seasoned women, the young at heart, but the youth as well into her prescribed pages of God moments coupled with free will choice. There are biblical life lessons to be found between the covers of this tale, so ready yourself for the journey and be prepared to enter through the gates of "Casa de Naomi; The House of Blessing" and be blessed!”
“This book is amazing!” C. Hills said in her 5 star review. “I wanted to read a couple of chapters and then found I could not put it down and ended up reading it in two sittings.”
Let the questions begin! You have today and tomorrow. I will pick a winner tomorrow at 10 pm est
Paula, Thanks for agreeing to do this. As you already know I love the series and am waiting for the rest!
Wow I have not heard of this book or author (it's going on my to-read list)! I am definitely excited about the novel and want to read it! Since I have not heard of you, what is your writing/publishing story?
Was it very stressful working with the mentally ill? Have you used some of their stories as fiction in your books? Thanks for entering me to win the novel.
Hi Tea!
Great question!
While working with addicts, those who have been abused, I discovered that most who abuse drugs were abused in their childhood. Perhaps it’s because while working with them, I gave my life to Messiah (Christ), or it might be that God gave me an incredibly tender heart, for where others saw issues, I saw those needing to recover as my teachers. They showed me their wounds, and I showed them Gods love. In the process I was brought to the foot of the cross!
Because I always believed that there ‘Are No Normal People’ and my work validated that, God built upon that belief by allowing me to found LAMB Ministers where I teach women how to you Scripture and prayer to recover, and YES within the pages of my books you’ll meet people who are challenged, and see how God enters and changes their life once they invite him in
Yours in Messiah,
Paula Rose Michelson
Author – Casa Saga Books and the upcoming Naomi Chronicles
God said, “…all people on earth will be blessed through you.”
Coming Soon: The Naomi Chronicles, Book One, Beginning Anew
Faith – The Final Step http://WritingPaulaRose.Blogspot.com
Hi Laura!
Love your question!
I planned to write about three women who meet while hiking the Appellation Trail, and how through sharing about their personal journey, life’s ups and down’s, those who do not know Messiah (Christ) believe in him. I understood two of the characters but didn’t know about this Sephardic (Spanish) Jew, so I started researching those Jews. I began writing a character sketch of Naomi. A few days later she started talking to me, and now I have the two volume Casa Saga Books!
In speaking with authors and writers, I discovered that they all hope a character! Count myself as blessed because of Naomi and more importantly because I wanted to do something for God and he gifted me this work!
Yours in Messiah,
Paula Rose Michelson
Author – Casa Saga Books and the upcoming Naomi Chronicles
God said, “…all people on earth will be blessed through you.”
Coming Soon: The Naomi Chronicles, Book One, Beginning Anew
Faith – The Final Step http://WritingPaulaRose.Blogspot.com
I deleted comments so I could post them under the lady who asked the question. Thank you for dropping by!
Yours in our Kinsman Remembered,
I'm thrilled that you asked me to guest! When not answering visitors question on your blog, I'm busy editing my next book and look forward to having it release soon!
Yours in The Faithful One,
Hello Paula Rose (love your name), What is your testimony? Specifically, how did you come to know Jesus? (okay, that's two questions)
Pamela Rose Williams
Hi Pamela!
I so LOVE that you LOVE my name! I never had a middle name so when my Grandma (who I spent my days with died) I took Rose for my middle name. And since my mother-in-law, who i dearly loved was also a 'Rose' my husband calls us his "Three Roses!" Years later I gifted him a small painting of three roses and, to my knowledge, he is the only man to have roses proudly displayed in his bathroom!
My Testimony is rather long. I've posted the short version.
this is a At the age of forty, while interning in a dually diagnosed psychiatric unit at Woodview-Calabasas Hospital, I became a believer in Messiah Yeshua (Jesus Christ). The skills I developed to work with addicts and those exhibiting abhorrent behavior lead me to offer to help some at my church. The news spread and within days women were calling for help. A meeting with Pastor Hurt led him to pronounce me The Women's Lay Councilor for Freemont Community Church, in Freemont, CA and place me under his authority. That was the beginning of LAMB (Life Affirming Messages from the Bible) Ministries which helps women recover from trauma and abuse through the effective use of Scripture, and prayer.
When my husband, Ron became a Messianic missionary with Chosen People Ministries, I joined the staff and spent years coordinating missionary calendars. During that time, I found myself crying out to God asking him to give me something to do for the Kingdom that no one had done. His answer blessed me. It has been my great pleasure to research the history of the Sephardic Jews who were baptized into the Catholic faith during the Inquisition. From that research and my desire to use Scripture to heal wounds as I have done with my LAMB ladies, the Casa Saga was birthed.
Below are links where we can connect as well as my website where you can read my complete testimony .
Faith – The Final Step http://WritingPaulaRose.Blogspot.com
Paula, I think I'm late for contest, but would love to hear your answer regardless. I sometimes read comments about child abuse survivors being 'hopeless cases' due to the abuse, and basically never recovering. As a survivor myself, I find this to be untrue.
From your work with abuse survivors, what are you feelings about recovery being possible from longterm and severe child abuse? I think prayer & therapy work miracles. What has been your experience in seeing much needed recovery & relief?
Dear Clara,
I’m so glad you asked this question!
As one who was abused and spent years working with others who were, I know that going through the steps I’ve posted at http://www.PaulaRoseMichelson.com under Lamb Ministries will be helpful.
I hope you will be kind to yourself by choosing to own what happened to you, continuing to affirm that it WAS NOT YOUR FAULT, and reminding yourself that though you’ve moved on, what you experienced cannot be undone, nor should it be forgotten even if you have forgiven those who hurt you.
I have taken comfort in God’s Word for in, 1 Corinthians 13:12, it says, “For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.” I believe God put it in His Word so that people like us would know that he understands what we went thought and will be assured that when we see him face to face we will understand fully what we only partially understand now. I’m telling you this because many will tell you that the past is past...And if you believe in Messiah (Jesus) the old has gone and the new is come, and that is true. Life has a way of changing everyone, however, we wounded ones have more to deal with than those who haven’t walked the road we are on.
Looking over my life and thinking of all those I have been blessed to know and work with, I will tell you that God did not chose for us to be hurt, but he was there with us, and he has given each of us a unique ministry, for when we take our pain to the cross, he uses it for his eternal gain.
If you would like to stay in touch, please do. You’ll find my email address on my website.
Yours in Messiah,
Paula Rose Michelson
Author – Casa Saga Books and the upcoming Naomi Chronicles
God said, “…all people on earth will be blessed through you.”
Coming Soon: The Naomi Chronicles, Book One, Beginning Anew
Faith – The Final Step http://WritingPaulaRose.Blogspot.com
Thank you so much for replying. Your words have reinforced what I have experienced as a survivor and knowing others who survived abuse. Congratulations on your writing career, and may it & your ministry continue to be blessed.
Bless and thank you for sharing and continuing to be true to yourself. I'm only an email away.
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