I am so glad to have Whoopie Pie Pam Jarrell as my special guest Wednesday the 5th - Sunday the 9th. One person will get an ebook or a print book (their choice) of one of her books.
Winner will be picked by random.org at 8 pm sun.
Please leave a email so we can get in touch with you if you are the winner!
I haven't met her personally but I consider her one of my friends as I am a member of her facebook group, Whoopie Pie Book Club. I am honor to be a member of that group.
Here are her three books the winner can choose from
http://www.amazon.com/Home-Holidays-Whoopie-Kitchen Collection/dp/1482052628/ref=la_B00AFF0AA0_1_3_title_0_main?ie=UTF8&qid=1370451606&sr=1-3
A great little book full of recipes and holiday memories from friends and authors. Great ideas for your holiday planning.
Rhonda -
What delicious recipes Whoopie Pie Pam has compiled and even sweeter are the stories of past Christmases shared. It also means a great deal that the contributors are my online friends. I felt like we were sitting together enjoying those yummy foods and laughter. I had goosebumps as I read the special remembrances of my friends. I am also feeling rather hungry after reading this volume--lolWhoopie Pie Pam grew up surrounded by not only the love of her parents but also the love of her grandparents. Inside this book, you will find that same love in each of the recipes, compiled from the private recipe box of her Mamaw Gladys. These recipes have been in storage since her death. Easter was an important holiday that Pam shared with her Mamaw. In honor of her Mamaw, Pam has lovingly brought these recipes out of storage to share with her friends and fans on this Easter season. This book demonstrates the love and warmth of her relationship with all of her grandparents. Additionally, she has invited a few special people (friends, family, and fellow authors) to share their own memories of Easter and their family.

Format:Kindle Edition
My review: I brought this book because even through I don't know any of the members of the Whoopie Pie Book Club personally, I consider them my friends and I am a member of the club. I will treasure this book both on kindle and as a print book.I loved the stories of their Christmas memories. Even through I don't usually bake Christmas treats I may start by letting my granddaughters look through these recipes and choosing one to make. It will be great to tell them , (while making the cookies) you know grandma is friends with the lady that this recipe comes from. Thanks for being a great leader and friend Pam and to the rest of you thanks for being great club members and friends.
By Zuzichka
This is a great little book to send your spirits soaring as you read tear-jerking stories as well as ones that will make you laugh out loud. Additionally, there is a plethora of cookie recipes to try out for years to come. And, after reading this, I'm inspired to actually try a cookie exchange next Christmas! This book stays on the shelf with my cookbooks year round!
By Kathy
I bought the Kindle edition of this book the day it was released..I recipes are amazing..AND the special stories thats included in the bokk, are all experiences, and from the hearts of each and everyone that wrote them..I'm going to order the paperback as well..that will be treasured..Whoopie Pie Pam Jarrell..is so amazing how she put this book together so fast and out on the market..
I am glad to say I am the owner of all three of these great books: I have them all on kindle and I have the print copy of "Home For The Holiday's" and am going to get the other two in print copy soon. These will have a permanent place on my bookshelf when I get them!
I am glad to say I am the owner of all three of these great books: I have them all on kindle and I have the print copy of "Home For The Holiday's" and am going to get the other two in print copy soon. These will have a permanent place on my bookshelf when I get them!
I will start the questions! Will you tell how you got the name Whoopie Pie Pam and how the Whoopie Pie BookClub got started? oh forgot to say thanks for being my guest this week.
Great question Debbie! Here is my question.
Pam, what's up next for you? Have you thought of writing Amish fiction?
Judy B
Do you think you would consider writing a Memoir (Biography) of yourself?
Kathy Milburn
I will ashamedly admit Debbie that I was given the name Whoopie Pie Pam by a dear Amish man in Ohio. :-) He told me that if I ate one more Whoopie Pie that I was going to turn into one. From that day on, he called me Whoopie Pie Pam. Then after I started the WPBC, others such as Loretta Shumpert and Sarah Price started calling me that as well.
Hi Judy!! For me, I have 2 more cookbooks in the works. (Hopefully I will have one of those complete soon!) I have an Ohio Amish trip planned soon for some research on an idea that I have for another book but that one is still in the "hopeful" stages. I also have a guest spot on a new Podcast that is coming out as well as our WPBC Book discussion that is coming up on Blogtalk Radio this coming Tuesday @8pm. And of course, I am working on the upcoming Whoopie Pie Book Club weekend in September in Berlin, OH. One never knows what I may come up with for those victims..I mean members (LOL) that are going to join me for this eventful weekend! I am excited about all the ventures that God has blessed me with!!
As for Amish fiction Judy... I have thought about it. But mostly I have prayed about it. If God opens that door for me, I will enter it happily. I find myself wanting to use my time to read all the great books out there instead of writing though. :-)
Thanks for the question!!
A couple of years ago Debbie, I started a battle with Papillary Thyroid Cancer. One that whipped me most of the time. I went from a very active person to a slow moving couch potato. One morning, while reading my devotions, I decided that I wanted to work on my "Big Ole Book List". This is a list that I had made of all the Amish fiction books/authors that I could find. And to be honest.. I made the list because I would get confused as to which book to read in a particular series and a way to keep up with which books I had read. AND my mother, also an Amish fiction reader was driving me crazy asking me all the time which one to read next..lol Then it donned on me... wouldn't it be nice to have someone to talk to and share this list with? I have no doubt in my mind that God at that moment, laid it upon my heart to start a FB page. The page didn't work. It wasn't what I wanted. I wanted to be able to really interact with others, so I deleted it and started a group page. For years, I would travel, along with 5 other women, to Ohio Amish a couple of times a year for our "housewive's sabatical". During this time we would relax, read Amish fiction and yes.. eat whoopie pies. I started referring to us as the Whoopie Pie Book Club. So, it was only appropriate that I carry that name onto my virtual book club. From there WPBC has flourished beyond anything that I could have imagined. But, that's the way God works when we obey. He takes a caterpillar and turns it into a butterfly! I have been given an extended family who shares the same love for the Amish culture as I do. Most I have never met face-to-face such as yourself Debbie, but I cherish them all!
Thank you so much for having me as a guest!!
~ Pam ~
I so wish I could be one of your victims in Ohio. Maybe next time
Oh no, Kathy. I haven't. I'm afraid it would be quite boring. LOL Although, I have had some interesting moments. :-) I had trouble just writing a bio for my books. I had to have someone else help me with that! It's not easy for me to write about myself. Besides, I would rather know everyone else's stories!
I will share: My English professor in college was from India. Yes, that was an interesting semester for me. I can still hear her voice saying, "Pom, you write like you talk". She called me POM..lol So, seeing as I am a WV/KY hillbilly, anything I write myself would be in hillbilly lingo. :-)
Thanks for the question!!
So do I Debbie!! We will pray about it. September is still a long time away and with God.. ALL things are possible!!!
Sending "Hugs" to your mom Patsy!! Hope she feels better soon!!!
I glad you listen and started this group
Thank you Pam for answering my question. I'd love to be a victim of yours too! My Daughter, Granddaughter, and Grandson, will be arriving June 21st from Stockholm, Sweden and staying the summer! Can you blame me for passing on being a "victim" this year? I haven't seen them for 1 1/2 years and I am getting so excited!
Oh Judy!! That's wonderful!!! I got goosebumps just reading that! I bet $10 that you will cry as soon as you lay eyes on those precious people!! :-)
What helped you decide to write the genre you do??
Thank You for answering my question! Your an Awesome Lady...God Bless!
Thank you for the sweet words Kathy!! Warms my heart! Blessings to you & your family as well!
For as long as I can remember Carrie, I have loved reading. I used to get into trouble as a teen because I read so much. :-) After starting WPBC, I was approached to write a book, I didn't feel comfortable at that time to do so. As the holiday season was approaching, friends & family were calling and asking as to what day I was having my annual Christmas Cookie Exchange party. Several also asked how they could host one. So, as I was writing down some tips for one of them, that idea lightbulb came on. I called a friend of mine (Sarah Price) and told her my idea. She encouraged me to go forward with it, so I approached the publisher and they loved the idea. From there, and contacting some friends that were authors or members of the WPBC, book #1 became a reality. After that, I planned with my publisher a few more. The one that's closest to my heart is Book #3. I grew up as a country girl. Every time I walked into my grandmother's house, she would have me at the kitchen table shoving food in front of me. Food was love in our family. My grandmother had a recipe box that you were only allowed into if she was with you. It was a privilege for me. It disappeared when she passed away. That was 20 years ago. Within the last year, I found it. After some convincing, I was able to get my hands on it. It was as though I had a piece of my Granny back. For my family, I wanted to document some of the recipes. And I wanted to share it with others to show how much love that my Granny had for her family.
Thanks for the question!!
Pam I don't have my grandma recipes but my grandma collected poems and now I have them but they are all in a box in the closet, I am going to have to get them out and go through them!
Thanks for thinking of mom!
Yes you are Debbie! If not only for yourself, but to pass them onto your children/grandchildren.
Pam, you know me well! I cry when I see them and I cry when I have to say good-bye to them. For days after the house is empty after one of their visits I cry! Oh how I wish they lived closer!
everybody has ask alot of questions i dont have a question i want to say i am very very happy to get to know Pam and the group. Yall are family to me and yall open your hearts and let me come in i am very happy for that and i love every single one of yall.
Ida... you are always a breath of fresh air to me! I'm so happy we can communicate on a daily basis via Facebook!
I am glad you are in a couple of groups I am in and looking forwarding to getting to know you better!
Pam I have another question for you!
What is the next subjects of your next books if you can tell us?
Absolutely... Here's what is planned: The next cookbook will have recipes for Grilling & going on a picnic. The following one will be about Football tailgating.
Ida you are the winner
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