J.E.B. Spredemann really knows how to keep her readers turning those pages. She really writes so the readers can feel the character's emotions.
ALERT : This review has a SPOILER
Chloe and Saul are the perfect Amish couple except they cannot stop kissing when they are together. They agreed to marry. Then Sarah, the bishop's daughter, tells her father that she is pregnant and Saul is the father. Both Chloe and Saul marry someone else and are happy but they don't forget their first love.Both Sarah and Chloe believe in the Englischer's way that you must be saved by Jesus and that you can know you are going to Heaven when you die. This gets Sarah shunned.
Saul and Chloe get a second chance, but will Saul accept the Englischer's Bible, or will he lose Chloe a second time?
I was given a pdf file by the author for an honest review!
This is the third book in "The Amish Girls Series". I haven't read the other books but definitely intend to after reading this one. This is the second book that I have read that was written by J.E.B Spredemann and both were Wunderbaar.

J.E.B. Spredemann resides in central California and currently writes Christian fiction.
Author Interview below from brittreadsfiction.wordpress.com:
B: Thanks for being here with us. Will you tell us a little about yourself and how long you have been writing books?
J: Thank you for having me here, Brittany. I am the J. in J.E.B. Spredemann. The acronymous name J.E.B. Spredemann was created about a year and a half ago and stands for Jennifer (myself), Emily (my daughter), and Brandi (my daughter). Since three names are a little much to fit on the cover of a book, we thought J.E.B. was suitable and somewhat incognito. ;)
We began penning works of literature a little over a year and a half ago. Joanna's Struggle (Book 1 of the Amish Girls Series) was the first book we co-authored.
NOTE: We began writing the Amish Girls Series together, but since then the girls have branched out and are currently working on fiction in other Christian genres. The adult novellas are solely penned by J. Spredemann. I chose to not change the name because I felt readers were already familiar with J.E.B., so I kept it. The only place this is indicated is at the front of each book where the 'Other Books by the Author' are listed; you will see an asterisk * next to the books.
B: How did you decide to focus on writing Amish fiction? Is this a genre you enjoy reading?
J: Yes, I enjoy reading Amish fiction immensely. Our writing journey began when Brandi asked me why they didn't have more (Amish) books for girls her age. I replied, "Why don't we write some?" Since then, we've put our hands to the plow and haven't looked back. Also, my husband and I both have German ancestry. My husband currently speaks fluent German and has a Mennonite background.
B: I appreciated the fact that the gospel message was clearly presented several times in the story. Do all of your books present the gospel to readers?
J: I think the Gospel is essential and it is the reason I write. I aim to have the Gospel in all my books. In one form or another, it is presented in each book. If a person only reads one of my books, I want them to know that, no matter who they are or what they've done, God loves them and He made a way for them to get to Heaven. John 3:16-18, Romans 10:9-13
B: You have a series aimed at the Young Adult market. Do you have any upcoming Young Adult books you are working on or have been currently released?
J: The Amish Girls Series for teens is an eight book series. The first four books have already been released and number five should be coming out in August 2013. October, December, and February are the scheduled release dates for books six, seven, and eight. Books six and seven are currently in the editing process, and book eight is being penned at present.
B: Will you tell us a little about the next book in the Amish Secrets series and when we can expect it to be available?
J: The next book in the Amish Secrets series is about Joseph Bender, a young man who has been shunned in his ultra-strict Amish community and now lives on the streets. He believes leaving the Amish life behind is best...until he meets kindhearted Anna Smucker. Will his past secrets destroy his future too? A Secret Encounter (Amish Secrets - Book 2) is due to be released December 2013 at participating online retailers.
Joanna's Struggle, in the Amish Girls Series, is the first of several books written by the author. The Amish Girls Series was primarily penned for teen girls, but has been enjoyed by readers of all ages. Lovers of the ever-popular Amish fiction genre are sure to enjoy these books as well, even though they are shorter and geared toward a younger audience. The characters in the stories will soon become endeared to your heart, especially the mischievous Jonathan Fisher. We hope and pray that our books will touch your life and be a blessing to you, as they have been to us! The Amish Girls Series (8 books in all) is the foundation on which all of the other books are built.
Amish by Accident, written specifically for adults, was the first book to be released via Amazon Kindle and is the eighth book penned by the author. It is now available in eBook, audio book, and paperback. A book trailer for Amish by Accident may be viewed on YouTube.
Amish by Accident, written specifically for adults, was the first book to be released via Amazon Kindle and is the eighth book penned by the author. It is now available in eBook, audio book, and paperback. A book trailer for Amish by Accident may be viewed on YouTube.
Author can be contacted via email at jebspredemann@gmail.com or at http://amishbooks.wix.com/jebspredemann. Follow us on Pinterest, Facebook, and Twitter for the most current updates and/or giveaways.
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thanks Judy
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