Light Bird gave little thought to danger: she was the only daughter in a family of men renowned for courage. She spent her days in the pleasant company of her mother, grandmother, aunts and cousins, and evenings listening to stories about The Creator. Only one thing marred her happiness: a tall warrior who was determined to have her. Each summer he visited her village and each summer her father turned him away, but in the Spring of 1839 he brought an altogether different threat ...
Seeking vengeance for the murders of his wife and son, her father’s fiercest enemy trailed the prints left carelessly by their attacker – and followed them straight to Light Bird!
Author Info:

While single, Ms. Betts (B.S. Bible/Missiology, M.Ed) was involved in a variety of cross-cultural adventures in North and Central America. After marrying, she and her husband lived in Europe and the Middle East where he served in various mission-support capacities. Her teaching experiences span preschool to guest lecturing at the graduate level and serving as the Sunday School Superintendent, Children’s Church Director, or Women’s Ministries facilitator in several evangelical denominations.
Before penning her first novel, A River too Deep, she ghost-wrote several stories for an adult literacy program. Currently, she is a published free-lance writer, and an editor and writing coach for Stonebridge Publications.
Before penning her first novel, A River too Deep, she ghost-wrote several stories for an adult literacy program. Currently, she is a published free-lance writer, and an editor and writing coach for Stonebridge Publications.
My Review:
"Light Bird's Song" by Sydney Betts is a standalone novel but I am glad that I read " A River Too Deep" first. The stories are two completely different stories but Light Bird is the daughter of the main characters in "A River Too Deep" so it makes the story more interesting to me. So I have to be honest and say even though I enjoyed reading " Light Bird's Song " and that it kept me turning the pages , it was not my favorite of the two. I still encourage you to read it. It has lessons to learn about fear, love and longing. It is also A Biblical Fiction novel with lots of Biblical Scriptures but it is not preachy, ( I only added that line in so if you don't like Biblical Fiction, you will still enjoy this book if you like stories about Indians and even if you don't). These two books are not your average Indians stories either, yes there are the hunts and the arrows but it is more a love story and how faith can help you overcome all obstructions.
"Light Bird's Song" by Sydney Betts is a standalone novel but I am glad that I read " A River Too Deep" first. The stories are two completely different stories but Light Bird is the daughter of the main characters in "A River Too Deep" so it makes the story more interesting to me. So I have to be honest and say even though I enjoyed reading " Light Bird's Song " and that it kept me turning the pages , it was not my favorite of the two. I still encourage you to read it. It has lessons to learn about fear, love and longing. It is also A Biblical Fiction novel with lots of Biblical Scriptures but it is not preachy, ( I only added that line in so if you don't like Biblical Fiction, you will still enjoy this book if you like stories about Indians and even if you don't). These two books are not your average Indians stories either, yes there are the hunts and the arrows but it is more a love story and how faith can help you overcome all obstructions.
I really encourage every reader to read these books and see what good can come out of a bad situation. I am giving "Light Bird's Song "5 star.
I was given an ebook copy for my honest review and these thoughts are my own. I liked the books so well that I have purchased a set for my mom, who does not use social media.
I was given an ebook copy for my honest review and these thoughts are my own. I liked the books so well that I have purchased a set for my mom, who does not use social media.
The author has agreed to a Question and Answer time on this blog. Ask her a question and she will answer. And she has agreed to give either an ebook or a print copy of either "A River To Deep" or "Light's Bird Song" to one commenter. I will pick a winner by Random.Org on November 3. So please leave your email so we can contact you if your name is drawn.
If you want to see my review for "A River Too Deep" here is the link
A River Too Deep is currently on sale at on Amazon and Barnes and Noble. Softbacks are $13.17 and e-books are just 99 cents--great for stocking stuffers!
To purchase A river Too Deep :
To purchase Light Bird's Song
A River Too Deep is currently on sale at on Amazon and Barnes and Noble. Softbacks are $13.17 and e-books are just 99 cents--great for stocking stuffers!
To purchase A river Too Deep :
To purchase Light Bird's Song
I will ask the first question! Did you do a lot of research to get the background of these stories and what made you decide to write them?
Yes, I do a lot of research and found a great resource that has recorded (in writing) first hand accounts of life within various Native American tribes during the time period in which the books take place: Edward C. Curtis' North American Indians.
The answer to your second question is a bit more complicated because several factors coalesced at once, but I will try to answer it briefly. A book by a Native American that I was reading mentioned divisions that arose among his people after the white man brought them Christianity. The author continued by describing detrimental effects of colonization that had nothing to do with genuinely following Jesus. For example, most "Christians" in America at the time earned their livelihood through farming and many well-meaning missionaries expected their Native American converts to do the same. The Bible never commands or even implies this form of provision for one's family is morally superior to another--like hunting buffalo and foraging for edible plants. Shortly before this, I'd been watching a documentary about missionaries that took a much different approach with an Island tribe (Malaysia or Indonesia) and found myself wishing the aforementioned missionaries had done the same. This formed the basis for Alcy's approach. Lastly, I wanted a vehicle by which I could proclaim God's faithfulness to more people than I could see in person in and average day (especially as I was homeschooling my children at the time and saw few) and felt the Lord impressed this means onto my heart.
Thanks for answering
You are quite welcome, Debbie!
How many hours a day do you spend researching and writing? What is your favorite aspect of writing? Thank you Debbie and Sydney for your time :)
Sandra, that's a hard one because my research is usually ongoing throughout the writing of each book, and I'm a slow meticulous writer. One book stretches over several years. In Light Bird's Song in particular, one Sparrow Hawk custom formed a major turning point in the plot (but I can't mention what it is lest it give a surprise away). My favorite aspect is probably expressing nuances of emotions. Then again, it might be writing something Jesus has revealed to me (in a sermon, for instance) into what a main character learns. Or maybe just getting to "visit" with the characters. They do become quite real as I write them. I also enjoy embedding secrets that only certain friends and I would get, such as names of characters, descriptions...Great question!
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