Hi Debbie,

1. Where did you get your inspiration for your characters?
My inspiration comes from the people I have known and interacted with throughout my life. Sometimes I develop characters based on specific individuals, others are a culmination of different personalities I've interacted with over time.
2. Who is your favorite author?
It's hard to pick a favorite, but Christy Barritt, Lynn Austin, and Terri Blackstock are some of my favorites.
3. Where is your favorite place to write? My favorite place to write is in any cozy spot at home, without distractions.
4. How can readers encourage me as an author? Readers who tell me they appreciate my work, whether they speak to me personally or through a review...that's always encouraging!
5. If you had to write a book with James 4:17 as the theme, what would it be about? That's an interesting question. After reading the verse, I immediately pictured a governing authority/political leader grappling with their position and having to choose to do what is right despite deep personal cost. A legal/political thriller.
6. What is your favorite book you have read and why? When I was young, I had to read Corrie ten Boom's The Hiding Place, an autobiography of her life as a Holocaust survivor. I still remember the lessons I learned from that book. For example, while imprisoned, they were thankful for fleas! Fleas, because the fleas kept the guards away. Puts gratitude toward God in a new perspective.
7. Do you have a favorite author that inspires you? I think my inspiration has come from many authors that I've read, rather than just one. I take the themes and writing styles I enjoy reading the most, and try to put that into my own writing.
8. What inspires you? My travels and the places I've lived. People watching. Getting to know different cultures. Sometimes inspiration comes from my own experiences and the lessons I've learned. Take time to study everything in life. Be curious, and learn from the world around you.
9. What makes this particular genre you are involved in so special? I write Christian women's fiction, which is a fairly broad category. I particularly like to show women struggling with some aspect of their lives, and how they grow through that challenge. Sometimes the characters are Christians, others don't start that way, but work toward faith. I want to show that God can work with anyone, even those who have suffered or made bad choices, and can grow them from that situation. I also inject a little adventure into my characters' lives.
10. How important is research to you when writing a book? Research is very important--and the best research is seeing/experiencing first hand. Of course, that's not always possible, so going directly to original sources and first-hand accounts is best for accuracy. Authors do have a creative license, but should always understand that discerning readers will notice if something's not quite right.
11. What, according to you, is the hardest part about writing? The most difficult part for me is writing the opening scenes of my first draft. Once I get into a novel, the writing flows a little more freely, but those first words are so important to draw a reader in.
12. What would you say is the easiest aspect of writing? I can write anywhere. I do a lot of story plotting in my mind while on the road or taking a walk. I consider that part of the writing process, because it's how most of my stories start. I might jot down notes for a story on my phone to work on later. I enjoy being free to write on my own schedule.
13. What is your take on the importance of a good cover and title? I think a good cover and title will catch a potential reader's attention, but I believe that an engaging book description and opening chapter are the hooks that draw them in. That's how it is for me as a reader--the story, the writing have to engage me.
14. Do you read and reply to reviews and comments of your readers? While I read and appreciate reviews, I don't reply to them. If a reader contacts me directly via email with questions, I might reply depending on the situation. I have a blog, Facebook and Twitter, and I appreciate authentic reader interaction. I welcome constructive feedback and encouragement from readers, though! It helps me grow as a writer.
15. Do your novels carry a message? Yes! I love to integrate faith and spiritual lessons into my imperfect characters' lives. I want my readers to relate to my writing, and to understand that God can heal all wounds if we seek Him. The real world is messy, full of strife; the world is also an amazing, beautiful place. My characters live in reality with a little adventure mixed in, and I hope that reflects through my writing.
16. What books have influenced your life the most? The Bible, the Word of God, has been my guide for life. I try to read scripture daily and seek God's guidance in everything I do. I'm always learning.
17. Are there any books that you are currently reading, and why? I am reading The House on Foster Hill by Jaime Jo Wright. I love books about houses and the mysteries that surround them. The book is a dual timeline, and it is fascinating so far!
18. Is there anything you are currently working on that may intrigue the interest of your readers? I have a few books that I am working on--all in the earliest stages. Stay tuned to my website or author pages for future details!
About the Journeys Series by Rebekah Burton:
Three wounded women. Three life-changing journeys. One incredible victory.
Heidi, Clara and Pia are college roommates who each hides their pain from the others. Heidi, a German-American, makes a series of bad decisions in a desperate effort to return to a non-committal boyfriend in Germany. Clara struggles not only with her own self-image but from a lifelong rejection by her father. Despite being a successful writer, Pia can not shake the ghost of her childhood cancer. Each woman receives the opportunity to travel to another country, but it is the emotional and spiritual journey that has the potential to change their lives.
The Journeys Series is dedicated to all women who struggle, whether from your own mistakes, the rejection from others, or physical hardship. I pray that you put your faith, hope, and trust in God who is the only one that can lead you through a journey to healing and complete victory.
Books in the Journeys Series:
A Pinch of Salt - Book I
Juxtaposed - Book II
Revised Edition - Book III
Social Media Links
My website, Rooted in Faith:
My Amazon Author Page:http://rootedfaith.weebly.com
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