Lynn Watson many years’ experience in women’s ministry, love of essential oils, and her passion for God’s word to bring her readers freshly inspired encouragement for their walk with Jesus. Her devotional, The Essence of Courage, was recognized as a ‘must read’ by regional publishing industry leaders. Married since 1973, Lynn and Steve have filled their Bartlett, Tennessee home with handmade treasures and lots of love for family, especially their five beautiful (of course) grandchildren. Aromas of freshly baked bread often fill Lynn’s kitchen. Jasmine, her tuxedo kitty, enjoys sleeping in Lynn’s lap while she writes.
As women we encounter multiple challenges, while simultaneously wearing many hats. We need courage to face our challenges and commitments in ways that reflect the activity of the Holy Spirit in our lives. In Song of Solomon 4, Solomon ascribes the essences of his locked garden to the courageous woman he has taken as his bride.
In this inspirational collection you'll discover
1 How the fruits, spices, and essential oils of Solomon's locked garden connect to the fruit of the Spirit, and how that fruit is displayed in the lives of real women of the Bible
2 Cinnamah-Brosia (owner of the local Coffee Cottage) and the women with whom she does life — learn how they encourage one another as they share their struggles and triumphs
3 Encouragement to allow the Holy Spirit to cultivate the essence of courage in your heart
4 Icing on the Cake: fun facts about the spice & oils, along with ways to enjoy incorporating reminders of the Holy Spirit fruit they represent into you life.
Suitable for individuals and small groups. Grab a cup of coffee, along with some friends, and come find courage to face life with gusto.
Where did you get your inspiration for your characters? Grandparents, relatives, etc...
The books currently published are devotionals. Their format is extremely unique — I promise I could not have come up with it on my own. God orchestrated that completely. While it is a devotional, there is a segment of each chapter that is fiction. The fictional characters grew out of specific stories of God’s hand in the lives of women like you and I. While I provided the subject, they provided the bones for the stories. The scenarios grew from there and the characters came to life. Often times bits and pieces of my own life and that of my family members and friends find their way into the characters, too.
Where is your favorite place to write?

How can readers encourage you as an author?
Obviously, following me on Facebook - commenting on and sharing posts is a great encouragement.
For a reader to invest in the book, read it, and then post a review is huge and loved by all of us. Authors give much of themselves, their time, and resources to bring their books your way. They love for you to believe it is of enough value for you, to reach into your resources to give them a home in your library or virtual library.
I also love and invite reader participation in a variety of ways through my books. Right now I am looking for lessons in humility for the fictional characters in the next volume, “The Essence of Humility.” I have information on what I’m looking for, and I would love to have readers express an interest in sharing their stories. That blesses me so much. I promise the stories are so well fictionalized no one will no your deep secrets. Those who provide the “bones” for these stories will be mentioned in the acknowledgements (by first name only) and will receive a Complimentary/Thank You copy of “The Essence of Humility.” For those interested, you will find all the details right here:
And Prayer! Who can ever get enough of that?
What inspires you?
I’m thinking you’re looking for an answer like my family, or nature, or ministry moments, or another such answer. Truth is, ideas pop in my head and heart at the craziest movements. I could never tell you where the inspiration comes from, except to say that I believe with my whole heart they are nudges from the Holy Spirit. It’s up to me to listen and respond. I pray I do that well, but some of the time, I am certain I miss those promptings. I pray the message be repeated enough times for me to “get it.”
How important is research to you?
Oh my goodness, I could never write a single word of these books without tons of research. More time goes into research than writing for certain. I’ve prayed to accurately portray cultural practices and settings of the day as I work to bring Biblical stories and women of the Bible to life. It is my desire you are sitting right there having a cup of coffee with them. To do that, research into lifestyle in the Old and New Testament eras is essential. Also, I would never intentionally choose to misrepresent God’s Word. That makes it even more important to research carefully.
Most of my research is done through books and the internet. I’ve recently acquire the Logos software, and I’m excited to have it for future projects. A totally fun opportunity to do research was a visit to The Ark Encounter and The Creation Museum. The creators of these venues have put so much energy into depicting life and culture and God’s Word accurately. This thought perhaps belongs in the answer to the question about inspiration rather than research. Either way, it would be a challenge to visit these places without taking away so much new knowledge and understanding of Biblical times.
What books have influenced your life the most? This list could go on and on. Here are two highlights.
My mom introduced me to The Secret Garden when I was in the 5th or 6th grade. It was one of her childhood favorites. I must admit that its significance was lost on me at that time. My daughter and I read it together when she was young, and I still don’t think I “got it” completely. When I began to write The Essence of Courage: Cultivating the Fruit of the Spirit in Solomon’s Locked Garden and in Your Heart I was reminded of this book. I found a copy and read it again. The courage of the characters to overcome challenges and make positive changes in their lives became evident to me at that time. God used it then as a definite encouragement letting me know, in yet another way, I was on the right path with my writing.
Is there anything you are currently working on that may intrigue the interest of your readers?
For about a year God has been stirring my heart to write a novel. I have inspiration from the life of a woman very dear to my heart, but I know so incredibly little of her story. I’m piecing together the bits I do know (only in my mind right now) with a whole lot of what “could have happened.” I believe her cameo broach may provide a significant piece of the story trail. I’m praying for God’s timing and inspiration on this one.
Right now, I’m intent on writing The Essence of Humility: Live and Love Like Jesus. I knew while in the process of writing The Essence of Joy: Filling Your Heart with the Aroma of Jesus’ Nativity one more book was waiting in the wings. I even said in The Essence of Joy it’s title would be The Essence of Love. I believed it would be focused on 1 Corinthians 13 — the great love chapter of the New Testament. As I contemplated and meditated on that, God reminded me that every one of the things that “Love is....” require humility. So, the name changed.... coming later this year, expect the release of The Essence of Humility: Live and Love Like Jesus.
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1 comment:
A new to me author and her book sounds like a good one.
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