"Predestined Love" is a story of surrendering to God's perfect will for your life." ********
“This short Inspirational Christian Novella is an endearing story about love and faith; the assurance that God answers prayers, that despite trials and tribulations and suffering, one’s faith in the love and power of God will ultimately bear fruit and bring triumph over adversity.”
Travelling to Italy was Maria's way of escaping her past and beginning a new life. After being used and treated as cheap by men because of poor judgement, Maria prayed and left her fate in God's Hands to find her the perfect match.
When God answered Maria’s prayer and sent her His choice, someone from her past came to claim what he thought was his.
Will he succeed in ruining the future Maria had trusted God to secure for her?
My Review:
"Predestined Love" by Marshalee Patterson is a cute story of love and waiting on God to bring the right mate to you. There is a scene that might be offensive to some, attempted rape. I don't like reading about this subject but it does happen.
I think my favorite character is Peter. I am really glad that he had a happy ever after in this story.
I liked the story for the most part but there was a few things that bothered me, Maria living with Gary, they weren't in a physical relationship but Gary telling Marco if he didn't believe God had chosen Him for Maria he wouldn't have let her go out with him. Maria is a grown woman. And I don't think Christians should say someone has the hots for another person. There were a few other issues but I think it might be that this is the first book that this author has written.
The things I do like is that most of the characters relied on God and prayed and that God wasn't just someone they prayed to when things went wrong. I like that the story showed that faith does produce good results in life.
I still recommend reading this story because as I have already stated it is a cute story.
I won this book in a chat on Facebook. These opinions are my own.
Author Info

It was five years later, that the Lord led her to another author- Claudette Brady Beckford, who guided her to the world of self-publishing. Since then the Lord has been teaching her a lot about spiritual warfare and understanding dreams and their importance. This led to her second book, a Christian Romance Thriller- 'The Path of the Chosen Warrior,' filled with lots of action about the demonic and the supernatural realm.
Her main focus of writing is Contemporary Christian Romance/family books which will uplift, encourage and teach readers how to walk right and also how to pray, through the lives of everyday characters. Marshalee loves dancing salsa and the tranquillity of nature.
She is a proud Jamaican.
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God bless and happy reading
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