Author Bio:

She has two loves—her skating and Jerry, her husband. But when he returns home looking like a skeleton trying to return to life, she’s scared. What happened in Germany to change a man so much? Has another woman captured his heart?
Jerry has vowed to let Josie live her own glamorous life...especially after what happened in Germany. But when his wife's life is threatened, Jerry realizes he can’t stand by and do nothing. Jerry has to risk all for the very soul and life of himself—Josie.
These two damaged, rebellious people learn the hard way that leaning on God instead of their own selves and abilities is the only true way to love and happiness.
A Flute in the Willows, First Chapter:
Chapter One
Jerry Patterson stared out the yawning black hole in the side of the plane. Seconds to go before he dropped. Night time parachuting was always a risky thing, but the pilot was one of the best who’d keep this baby right on target, lessening the chances he’d have to hit water. Trees were another matter, but with any kind of luck, the landing would go smooth.
Then to meet his contact and move into the German military high life. His pulse revved up. It was a dangerous game he was about to play.
Josie’s face flashed in his mind, and Jerry felt his heart soften. How he loved his tomboy wife. She was a beautiful butterfly dancing on ice, but put her in a social setting, and she was like a wild creature let lose in a maiden aunt’s prim parlor.
Three weeks of marital bliss. It’d been heaven on earth for him. One rapturous day—and night—after another. She’d cried the night before he’d left, but had been strength personified when he’d boarded the train the next morning.
If—no, when—he got home, he’d wrap his arms around her and not let her out of his sight.
Jerry stepped into the hole and dropped rapidly, counting. One thousand...One thousand one...One thousand two... With a jerk he pulled, the parachute opened above him, and he drifted earthward toward his assignment.
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Please tell us from where the idea for this book came.
When I first thought of the idea of three red-headed sisters, it was with the knowledge I wanted to write the first book as a dedication to my mother and her love for her family and me. I also wanted to portray each sister as their own persons, with individual traits, but all of them beautiful and talented in her own way. This second book, A Flute in the Willows, deals with the second daughter, Josie Rayner Patterson, who eloped with Jerry Patterson in the first book.
My mother lived through WWII and from her tales and pictures she shared, I was hooked on the era. Such romantic and swift marriages, clothing, hats, language (slang!), and music! I'm a romantic at heart, so it is easy to see how the WWII Spies series was born. :)
I also was raised on the story of a civilian spy—we knew the man who wrote the book—and it was always suspected that he was that spy. It captured my attention that a person could serve as a spy and never be able to share their service or be recognized as such.
What about your two main protagonists? Please share about them.
Josie's (Josephine Rayner) difference from her two sisters sets her apart. She's more outspoken and strong-willed, more wild in her dreams and actions, more spontaneous and not afraid to tackle the difficult. (A lot like her father). But she's very loyal, very determined in whatever she attempts, and very tender-hearted. She loves fiercely.
Although Jerry hides beneath the exterior wall he's built around himself of cockiness and a devil-may-care attitude, he suffers from the neglect and feeling of being unloved and encouraged from an overbearing father determined to force him to enter into the business Jerry has no desire to enter. He found his soul mate in Josie, and though he doesn't realize it, her family is what he needs to show him the right path to trod.
Why did you choose Germany as a setting?
Germany is at the heart of WWII, so I wanted to show Jerry's ability as a spy, and the cause of his injury and troubled spirit. Setting him within that country, succeeding in preventing the work of another spy, and then returning to the United States, injured both physically and in spirit, sets the story up for the drama in both fighting for his country and Josie.
I heard that one of the main secondary characters is Josie's father, lovingly referred to as Captain Ossie or Papa Ossie. How did you make him relevant to the story?
Love this character (as does most everyone in these books. :) )
Papa Ossie is a strong man who served in WWI, so he has experience with the emotions and symptoms of suffering through war. He's a strong man, wise, the owner of ships and entirely devoted to and protective of his daughters.
Seeing the suffering both Josie and Jerry go through forces him to “be there” for them. Not intrusively, but willingly and lovingly offering encouragement, sharing his advise when asked, providing personal details of his own war experiences, and instructing them spiritually when needed. Papa's advice to Josie in her terror at Jerry's low point is: “You're going to have to be stronger than you've ever been in your life.”
He'd seen, from experience, the effects of PTSD (Post Traumatic Syndrome Disorder) and knew the rough road ahead for his daughter and her husband. A weaker woman than Josie might not have made it through, but given her strong personality, her supportive and caring family...and, of course...the decision she makes to include God in her life, helped Josie ride out the storm.
Without her father in her life, the discipline, the training and the support and understanding he provides to Josie and Jerry, offers to readers the illustration of the importance of being there to those who are in need.
Of the three sisters, do you have a favorite?
I couldn't say for fear of hurt feelings. Lol. Let me say though:
In the first book, With Music in Their Hearts, Emma Jaine was a very special person. Not only was she named for my mother, but her personality and her story were sweet and romantic (albeit, she was a little bossy. Lol) She was the ideal protagonist.
In this second book, A Flute in the Willows, Josie is a tad bit harder to love because of her strong will, rebellion and self-absorbion. But as her father describes her she's a strong person, intensely loyal to her friends and family, defensive for the underdog and smart. The lesson she faces is hard, but this woman is more than capable of learning it.
In these two books, readers have gotten a glimpse of Claire Rayner, the youngest daughter (upcoming third book: Sing Until You Die). She can be very sweet, but also lofty in her disdain of those she considers rowdy and uncouth. Conscious of her looks and actions, she comes across at times as dainty and ladylike: the princess of the three sisters. But, underneath that frontal vision of her lies a woman who knows her own mind and is not afraid to act once a decision is reached. Her courageous actions in the midst of danger, firmly place her in my heart. And her romance with the very man she's known all her life and says she despises but is forced to work with in locating the disloyal Americans, is heartwarming and touching.
So, actually, I love all three!
So music plays a big part in this series?
Definitely! Music is soothing, healthy, vibrant, and mood enducing, but it can uplift and encourage individuals. I LOVE good music—many kinds—but my favorites are my go-to resources when I need my spirit lifted. In this series, Emma Jaine plays the piano (and her romantic interest—Tyrell Walker—plays even better than her). Josie Rayner Patterson plays the flute and her music is one thing that aroused her awareness of God. In Claire Rayner's story, her talented voice and singing is a major part of the story.
Finally, can you give us some tidbits about yourself? What do you like, enjoy, etc.?
In these two books, readers have gotten a glimpse of Claire Rayner, the youngest daughter (upcoming third book: Sing Until You Die). She can be very sweet, but also lofty in her disdain of those she considers rowdy and uncouth. Conscious of her looks and actions, she comes across at times as dainty and ladylike: the princess of the three sisters. But, underneath that frontal vision of her lies a woman who knows her own mind and is not afraid to act once a decision is reached. Her courageous actions in the midst of danger, firmly place her in my heart. And her romance with the very man she's known all her life and says she despises but is forced to work with in locating the disloyal Americans, is heartwarming and touching.
So, actually, I love all three!
So music plays a big part in this series?
Definitely! Music is soothing, healthy, vibrant, and mood enducing, but it can uplift and encourage individuals. I LOVE good music—many kinds—but my favorites are my go-to resources when I need my spirit lifted. In this series, Emma Jaine plays the piano (and her romantic interest—Tyrell Walker—plays even better than her). Josie Rayner Patterson plays the flute and her music is one thing that aroused her awareness of God. In Claire Rayner's story, her talented voice and singing is a major part of the story.
Finally, can you give us some tidbits about yourself? What do you like, enjoy, etc.?
I love my family and being with them, Autumn and Spring are my favorite seasons, and good home cooked meals are tops with me. Real cheesecake, homemade brownies, buttered popcorn and ice cream are favorite snacks.
I like a man who can cook and plays a mean instrument, who is strong in personality but gentle to women, children and animals.
I enjoy listening to oldies and hymns that touch my heart.
I collect, with limits, elephants, music boxes, and rocks.
I get bored easily with certain things,
Love writing—my heart passion—and can't thank God enough for giving me this talent. I'm a hybrid author, both traditionally and Indie published, and I like both!
My hubby is my hero, I wouldn't trade my two sons for the world, and my three grandboys are God's wonderful gift to me.
Thank you so much for having me, Debbie!
Connect with Carole here:
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Stitches in Time:
Word Sharpeners:
I like a man who can cook and plays a mean instrument, who is strong in personality but gentle to women, children and animals.
I enjoy listening to oldies and hymns that touch my heart.
I collect, with limits, elephants, music boxes, and rocks.
I get bored easily with certain things,
Love writing—my heart passion—and can't thank God enough for giving me this talent. I'm a hybrid author, both traditionally and Indie published, and I like both!
My hubby is my hero, I wouldn't trade my two sons for the world, and my three grandboys are God's wonderful gift to me.
Thank you so much for having me, Debbie!
Connect with Carole here:
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Amazon Author Page:
Stitches in Time:
Word Sharpeners:
Carole is giving away a kindle of A Flute in the Willows. To be entered to win LEAVE YOUR CONTACT INFO SO WE CAN CONTACT YOU IF YOU WIN.
Thanks again, Debbie, for inviting me to visit! Enjoyed the interview.
I like how you wrote about something so graceful as an ice dancer in the middle of such a tragic time in history. Usually all we hear about is how difficult times were then (not this couple doesn't have their challenges).
Meredith meredithfl at gmail dot com
Thank you for commenting, Meredith!
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